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Everything posted by trochia

  1. He was simply conveying: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/date-and-time-functions.html
  2. Truthfully? Here is what i would do...if I were you a) goto >oscommerce.com b) SEARCH addons > Reports c) You will find one, that has ALL THE ROUTINES needed, that will create a "yearly" in which drills down into "Monthly." "monthly"... d) You can then copy the code...and modify to your DB and Tables...etc...but take the time to read it...also ;-0...then you'll have the concept. Jim
  3. Yes, you can yourself!! break it down into individual files and save them on your computer
  4. The first step is along the lines of: // Welcome the user (by name if they are logged in). echo '<h1>Welcome'; if (isset($_SESSION['first_name'])) { echo ", {$_SESSION['first_name']}!"; } As Pikachu2000 mentions... You might would like to research 'sessions & user tracking' Jim
  5. Yes, i am...lol...just way too many people install things (canned programs )...not even knowing what the background code does....etc...like sending out "hidden mail" about your install envioroment, looking for exploits...to use as mail servers....for spamming
  6. I'm confused...can you outline the goal? What "else if", would be involved? (would sure help)
  7. Take Longer than what? From the sound of your post...you are trying to do, what has already been done? So, that's what I would do? :-) Why reinvent the wheel...is what I am trying to convey...
  8. Well, what I would do? Is simply go to google and do a search for: a) "open source facebook clone" b) Install it? c) And see how it's done !! There are many available..and that would be your best approach I feel from my standpoint..
  9. Based on time? (when added)? How deep will you drill down? LOL...
  10. Truthfully? I word take this to the wordpress site forums.. as I am sure...web cowboys have done what you are needing to do.
  11. re: The developers are a legitimate company so I suspect this is a security oversight on their behalf, as opposed to anything malicious carried out by one of their team. Either way, they now have some serious questions to answer. First off, you are welcome... 2nd? Show me, they didn't write the code...and are outsourcing? To India? (wink) Let alone...smart enough to "read between the lines) as you have... Before "selling it and making a profit" in a PM, it's be great if you could send me a link to them?... Just curious, as I'd like to just see? (how legitimate) etc.
  12. re: Well of course all the kids have cell phones and most adults do to so it hit me that with all the texting everyone does maybe we can harness the technology. OK, I am starting to read the whole thing, but need to interject this...from the 'get go' :-) a) Yeah, amazing...and the parents pay for them...and kids love to text for sure.. ME Can't stand it b) Many, could have "family plans" etc...BUT? Depending on "the plan"...the NUMBER text messages, per plan or account any times have "caps" on nuers of messages. c) Hence, my reasoning of first? Having the opt-in/opt-out CONTROL, as face it...Once BILLABLE TIME is attacked to your Cell phone bill, You are HOSTAGE to that 'financial contract'...and MUST pay up... d) Think along the lines off 900 numbers etc....as for what i mean in C) e) re: I think I would do an op/out option on a third form which would just require first name, last name, and phone number or email address depending which one was used to sign up. How fluent in php are you? 1) As you'd have to build all this, using cookies and sessions to track who's-who during the "form experience" 2) You for sure, would want to run it "secure" https;// 3) Why? Heck, I'll log in and spam the heck out it...just kidding> All, food for thought...lol And, it can be done...but? Not on a simple/cheap shared hosting account...as you'd have to install modules for the SMS onto the core OS you other option...and I am sure you know you can...is subscribe to a service etc... Jim
  13. I got the 'jist' of what you are trying to do...and yes, a long time since I have been also...but had some time to kill...and looking for help on what i need...lol a: Youth Group", "Parents", "Deacons", etc. Well, first off? (and these are my personal thoughts of flow) a) I would think the 'church' has a website b) What you "plan on doing" is actually a 'spam list' BUT? So, with that said... and again...if it was me? Well, i'd want to be able to control the access etc...of what I get in my email etc. c) This would take? We'll a user registration form...with "opt in/opt out" etc...and tracking.. d) Then the "user type" would be defined there, and thats tossed into the Db e) HAve you built the database yet? Jim
  14. More than likely, you are correct in your assumption > $s='<a href="http://vopharmacy.com/">viagra online</a>'; WHO? Was the '3rd party" :-) Jim
  15. 1) Are you using a "canned script" (modules) for some of this? 2) Are you on a "shared" enviorment? 3) If you're uploading to #2, and you don't have the ability to "CHMOD", you'd run into this. 4) If you can't "change" r-w perm's w.it..this would possibly be it, again?
  16. The code you furnished us, to look at...really helped !! So?? http://us3.php.net/results.php?q=cannot+redeclare+function&l=en&p=all Here's your answer !! :-)
  17. This post is based on the following [solved] thread, and as requested...shall be opened in a new topic. // http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=145174 Object: I have quite a few files, in both .txt (delimited by \n ) and *.csv files I would like to append to both the front of the string, and also at the end of the string. Some, I would like to do both at the same time, but if I may get the example clarified... i think I will be able to create the functions properly. Present Code: $myFile = "testFile.txt"; //assign variable to the file to work on $fh = fopen($myFile, 'r') or die("Can't open file"); //$theData = fread($fh, filesize($myFile)); //1 char = 1 byte. or get all with file size $theData = fgets($fh); // reads to the first new line \n" fclose($fh); // Echo to screen the contents echo $theData; But where I am lost in then trying to apply (from other thread) As I need to "look to the newlin, and do my actions either appending to the front or the back... //Get for appending //$tmp = ''; //Create Variable to store pulled array //for ($i = 0; $i < $appendString; $i = $i + 1) // $ //fclose($appendString); // Close the file Thx all for looking, jim
  18. start> 101 . Stop LTC{function}
  19. gevans?? Did you read what he wrote? Basically what I want, is a form on my page. And that he is a beginner? How can he pull data from a database, that more than likely doesn't exist, and what he said...he doesn't even know how to make a form yet? :-) And then he says: I want the results to immediately appear on the same page after the submit button is pressed. In order to do this "immediatley", without refreshing...He'd also need to know JS and AJAX, let alone learning how to call another page yet.. Jim
  20. $formCreation = Search Forums create form with php $result = Search forums > create form with php and mysql //first step As if you're beginning in php, you sould learn this first...to write out one line to a file first. Please don't take this wrong, but you said "beggining, and that is how to begin.
  21. solved = DELETE FROM `csv_daily` WHERE record_date = '2007-06-22'
  22. Hello, and sorry for posting / bothering...but I did a search for "delete range of records" of this fourum subject and did not find what I was trying to do. I have a table w/ 208,642 total entries and I need to delete a range of records based on field of: record_date It's something I have not done before, I can use phpMyAdmin...but I have never done this before, and just don't want to screw this up. Thank-you all in advance, Jim
  23. Same as I... Here' you pull the pin on the hand grenade...while I watch
  24. Andy, ty for the reply... Already have the "new window" pulling the data onClick, and I feel stupid...as I should have realized to just incorporate into the HTML... but said to myself "I don't want it displayed"... yet didn't think thru. I guess my head just stumbled again, as how will it not be displayed?... Only mouse overs I have done have been canned-entries from an HTML editor, and I've never broke down the code...and in these cases...hadn't pulled anything from a database. Ever looked at so much...and go brain dead? The older I get...the more it seems to happen anymore. lol Thx...Jim
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