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Everything posted by pugs1501

  1. The school district that I work for has been using a slide show PHP script that I designed, which uses random images from a database. I have now been asked to build in an option where they can enter text into the database and the script takes the text and either creates an image that is 1000pixels wide and 700 pixels tall with the text filled in the image or it just have the text re-sized to fit a text box with the same dimensions as above, so the students can see the text displayed from down the hall on the monitors. I would also like the script to have the ability to explode the text so the words can stay large in case of the user entering a long winded entry. Thank you in advance for any help.
  2. I was wondering how one would go about running Linux commands through a php script. Like the move command with a certain chmod and chown settings. Kind of like a ftp connection started from the php script. The reason I am looking for this is because my website keeps getting hacked and destroyed because of the permissions I have to put on the folders so users can upload their files through the administration area. So I was thinking of setting up the upload script to upload the files to the server in a writable folder that is not web viewable and then in the same php script use another users credentials to move the files to the web accessible folder that has web read only access and another users write access. Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to give.
  3. I was wondering if there is some way to change the file owner on a file upload through a php form. I want to upload a file through a form and I want it to save the file using a different user name and password then apache but I want the rest of the server to still use apache. i am using a Linux webserver. Thank you in advance for all your help. Pugs1501
  4. I am wondering how you would go about checking a mysql table and if a certain criteria exists to update the information, and if it doesn't exist then insert the new information so next query run the information can just get updated and not duplicated. Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to give. Adam Thrasher
  5. yes that is exactly what I needed. thank you very much.
  6. I was wondering if you had a field that a user could put in different amounts of data, example first the users puts "I am home" and then the next time they put in "Today at work I was very busy". I want to explode this on spaces and then recombine it with underscores but I am not sure how to know how many array variables there are so i recombine the correct data. Thank you in advance for your help.
  7. I am wondering how I could get the computer name/hostname of the client into a variable so I can then put the variable into a database and do some reporting off of it. We are on DHCP and to run a report at the end of the day sometimes the DHCP addresses changes by then and we go and look at the wrong computer. Any help you can give me would be wonderful. We are on a private address range of IP's.
  8. I am building a form that inserts data into a database and then another user comes and pulls like a report from the database of all the information int he database. I was wondering when i create this report it is actually going to have multiple reports because every record is a a report and I was going to list them all on one screen but i need a way to be able to say where a page breaks for printing. I was wondering how I would do that. Thank you for your time. Adam
  9. Thank you very much it worked wonderfully for what I needed it for.
  10. I am creating a form in PHP and I can get most of it to work. I am just having problems with the check box feature. I want to be able to have a check box that the user will select multiple items and then put them all into one variable so when I do a Mysql call looking for one of the items it will show me that user chose it. Here is just a test form I am just trying to get the Functionality working. <?php if ($_GET['catupdate'] == 'Update'){ $pets1 = $_GET[pets]." ".$_GET[pets]." ".$_GET[pets]; echo $_GET['catname']; echo "<br>\n"; echo $_GET['catrank']; echo "<br>\n"; echo $_GET['catint']; echo "<br>\n"; echo $pets1; }else{ echo "<center><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=90%>"; echo "<form method=get action=index.php>"; echo "<tr><td><font color=000000>Name: </font><input type=Text size=40 name=catname></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><font color=000000>Rank: </font><input type=Text size=40 name=catrank></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><font color=000000>Initial: </font><input type=Text size=15 name=catint></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><font color=000000>pets: </font><input type=checkbox name=pets value=dog> dog</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><font color=000000>pets: </font><input type=checkbox name=pets value=cat> cat</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><font color=000000>pets: </font><input type=checkbox name=pets value=rat> rat</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><center><input type=Submit name=catupdate value=Update></center></td></tr>"; echo "</form></table></center>"; } ?> here is what the result looks like testdata // catname variable 2 // catrank variable example // catint Variable rat rat rat // pets variable with a space I would just make the name of the check boxes all different but when I am pulling from a database for the selections I am not sure how many I would have. Any help would be very much appreciated.
  11. I am trying to figure out a php script to sort mysql results using two columns to sort on like you can do in excel. it is kinda like a dual sort. when you can sort on data in column 1 and in column 2 so they can be easier to find instead of sorting by one column and then hoping you entered them in to the database alphabetically. I have a database with locker number and combos but the locker number is in two columns one for the flour it is on and one for the number on that floor. I am hoping to be able to sort so the floor number and the locker number are both in chronological order. Thank you in advance for all your help.
  12. thank you for the quick respone and i will set it up that way.
  13. thank you for your very quick response and all is working just fine but i was just wondering if you any one could help me write a if statement that will only show a title if their is results in the date statement.
  14. I was wondering if any one could help me figure out how to setup and seck to see if a start and end date which would be stored in the mysql database have been met or not. If the start date has been met and the end date has not i want it to display the data in the table if the start date has not been met or the end date has been met then the data should disapear off the screen then.
  15. I have used a couple of complete scripts where they have a config table that each row is a variable and then it hs a value to and i was wondering how to editthe table as a whole. Where i could make a admin page where a admin can change any or all of the varibles and click submit and they would be updated automatically. Thank you for your responses Hopfulyl some one can help.
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