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Posts posted by renebati

  1. Hello,

    (sorry, but my english is not very well. i'm from holland.)

    i have a table 'children' like this :

    id | child_id | startdate | enddate
    1 | 1 | jan | jun
    2 | 1 | jul | dec
    3 | 2 | jan | mar
    4 | 2 | apr | nov

    Is it possible to group rows with the same child_id, but without loosing de startdate and enddate from other rows?

    I want this as output :

    id | child_id | startdate1 | enddate1 | startdate2 | enddate2
    1 | 1 | jan | jun | jul | dec
    2 | 2 | jan | mar | apr | nov

    Is this possible? Thanx to you all.
    Greetz Rene
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