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Chris Val Kef

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Posts posted by Chris Val Kef

  1. i have files stored in a folder and i want user can download them. Mime-type and file-size have to be stored in database when i upload the file or it doesn't matter? are there any simple code examples with files for download or something? I want to return an icon for different type of files (ie the icon of Acrobat for .pdf)

    it's the first time i'm handling files so any help would be very very useful!

  2. SOLVED! the problem was somewhere else in the code... I'm not telling you where because you will laugh with me till xmas...

    ok ok after the isset($_POST... bla bla bla) i supposed to use explode() somewhere but i forgot to write --explode-- so i got something like this

    $var = (".",$var);...

    OOPS! sorry guys!  :-[ :-[ :-[
  3. still can't fix it! think i got problem with the name of the radio buttons and the way i handle them.

    <input type=radio name=rb1 value=0>
    <input type=radio name=rb1 value=1>
    <input type=radio name=rbN value=0>
    <input type=radio name=rbN value=1>

    i handle them like this

    for ( $cnt=1; $cnt<N; $cnt++ )
        if ( isset ( $_POST['rb$cnt'] ) )

    should i do something like $_POST['rb$cnt']['$cnt'] like when having an array of checkboxes?

    p.s. Fallen Angel i got this habbit too. easy when coding but projectshifter is right...
  4. got something like this:

    <input type="radio" name="1" value="0">
    <input type="radio" name="1" value="1">
    <input type="radio" name="2" value="0">
    <input type="radio" name="2" value="1">
    <input type="radio" name="3" value="0">
    <input type="radio" name="3" value="1">
    and so on... I got one submit button.

    how should i manage them with the $_POST? Now i got an increasing pointer and do something like this

    if (isset ( $_POST["$cnt"]))
          if ($_POST["$cnt"] == 0)
          elseif ($_POST["$cnt"] == 1)

    what am i doing wrong? i'm getting a blank page when i submit...

    thanx in advance!
  5. something is wrong with my code. All i want to do is a form with checkboxes where a student can update his lessons.
    if the checkbox is checked then the student send request to be registered (active=0).
    if the checkbox is empty and the student is registered (active=1) to the corresponding lesson then i want him to be deleted from it.

    here is a part of the form code

    [code]<td width="25"><div id="input">

    <input type="hidden"   name="hiddenCheck[]" value="{CLASS_ID}">
    <input type="checkbox" name="check[]" value="{CLASS_ID}.{CNT}" {CHECKED}></div></td>[/code]

    and here is the action code...



    include '../config.php';

    $con = mysql_connect($dbServer,$dbUser,$dbPass) or exit("Error Connecting to Database");

    $sqlCLASSES = "SELECT id FROM classes";
    $resCLASSES = mysql_db_query("elearning",$sqlCLASSES);

    for ($cnt=0; $cnt<count($_POST["check"]); $cnt++)

    $checked = $_POST["check"]["$cnt"];
    $cntChecked = explode(".", $checked);
    $classID = $cntChecked[0];

    for ($cnt2=0; $cnt2<count($_POST["hiddenCheck"]); $cnt2++)

    if ( $cntChecked[1] == $cnt2)

    $sqlREGISTERED = "SELECT id FROM student_attends_class WHERE (student_id = '".$_SESSION["student_id"]."') AND (class_id = $classID) AND (active = 1) ";
    $resREGISTERED = mysql_db_query ("elearning", $sqlREGISTERED);
    $resultREGISTERED = mysql_fetch_array ($resREGISTERED);

    if ( $resREGISTERED && (mysql_num_rows ($resREGISTERED) == 0) )

    $sqlSEMESTER = "SELECT semester FROM classes WHERE id = $classID ";
    $resSEMESTER = mysql_db_query ("elearning",$sqlSEMESTER);
    $resultSEMESTER = mysql_fetch_array ($resSEMESTER);

    $sqlREQUEST = "INSERT INTO student_attends_class VALUES ('',

    $resREQUEST = mysql_db_query ("elearning", $sqlREQUEST);



    $sqlREGISTERED = "SELECT id FROM student_attends_class WHERE (student_id = '".$_SESSION["student_id"]."') AND (class_id = '".$_POST["hiddenCheck"]["$cnt2"]."')  AND (active='1')  ";
    $resREGISTERED = mysql_db_query ("elearning", $sqlREGISTERED);
    $resultREGISTERED = mysql_fetch_array ($resREGISTERED);

    if ( $resREGISTERED && mysql_num_rows ($resREGISTERED)

    $sqlUNREGISTER = "DELETE FROM student_attends_class WHERE class_id = '".$_POST["hiddenCheck"]["$cnt2"]."' ";
    $resUNREGISTER = mysql_db_query ("elearning", $sqlUNREGISTER);



    header ('Location: main.php?message=updated_lessons');


    the student can send his requests to register (active=0) without any problem but when his unchecks a lesson so to be deleted from it then he is deleted from the lesson and all the other lessons that he is registered to, coming to a state with 'active=0'.
    i can't fix it so far...

    Can someone please help me???? (before i'll finally change the whole 'concept' of the interface)

  6. can i POST all checked and unchecked ckeckboxes in one table somehow?

    i think that $_POST keeps a table only with the checked ones.

    i got this kind of form with multiple checkboxes: <input type="checkbox" name="check[]" value="{CLASS_ID}" {CHECKED}>

    all i want to do is to:

        a. if is ckecked then insert somehing in db
        d. is it was checked and user unchecked it then delete something from db

    hope someone got it!
  7. <?php


    include '../config.php';

    $con = mysql_connect($dbServer,$dbUser,$dbPass) or exit("Error Connecting to Database");

    $sqlSTUDENT = "SELECT id FROM students WHERE user_id = '".$_SESSION["user_id"]."' ";
    $resSTUDENT = mysql_db_query ("elearning",$sqlSTUDENT);
    $resultSTUDENT = mysql_fetch_array ($resSTUDENT);

    for ($cnt=0; $cnt<count($_POST["check"]); $cnt++)

    if ( isset($_POST["check"]["$cnt"]) )

    $sqlREGISTERED = "SELECT id FROM student_attends_class WHERE student_id = '".$resultSTUDENT["id"]."' AND class_id = '".$_POST["check"]["$cnt"]."' AND active = 1 ";
    $resREGISTERED = mysql_db_query ("elearning", $sqlREGISTERED);
    //$resultREGISTERED = mysql_fetch_array ($resREGISTERED);

    if ( mysql_num_rows ($resREGISTERED) == 0 )

    $sqlSEMESTER = "SELECT semester FROM classes WHERE id = '".$_POST["check"]["$cnt"]."' ";
    $resSEMESTER = mysql_db_query ("elearning",$sqlSEMESTER);
    $resultSEMESTER = mysql_fetch_array ($resSEMESTER);

    $sqlREQUEST = "INSERT INTO student_attends_class VALUES ( '',

    $resREQUEST = mysql_db_query ("elearning", $sqlREQUEST);



    $sqlREGISTERED = "SELECT id FROM student_attends_class WHERE student_id = '".$resultSTUDENT["id"]."' AND class_id = '".$_POST["check"]["$cnt"]."' AND active = 1 ";
    $resREGISTERED = mysql_db_query ("elearning", $sqlREGISTERED);
    $resultREGISTERED = mysql_fetch_array ($resREGISTERED);

    if ( mysql_num_rows ($resREGISTERED) == 1)

    $sqlUNREGISTER = "DELETE FROM student_attends_class WHERE id = '".$resultREGISTERED["id"]."' ";
    $resUNREGISTER = mysql_db_query ("elearning", $sqlUNREGISTER);


    header ('Location: main.php?message=updated_lessons');


    this is my code! it seems fine to me but when i submit i get a white screen... after some tries i found that it doesn't like the outer  if...else
  8. i want to check if a checkbox was checked or not.

    if (isset($_POST["check"]["$cnt"] works fine but it seems that

    elseif (!isset($_POST["check"]["$cnt"])) is being skipped.

    i use this in the form <input type="checkbox" name="check[]" value="id">

    does anyone knows if the check[] table POSTs only the checked checkboxes?
    any ideas to check the unchecked checkboxes? ;)

  9. in different windows of ie/ff  i don't have the problem.

    if i got it right you are saying that one instance of the browser keeps one session, so when i open the second tab and login it overwrites the sessions. even if i don't got it right that is what happening... lol!

    is there any " new session_start()" function ? could this solve the problem? i've tried myself the unique name, unique id etc but still got the problem
  10. Let's get it from the start!

    I login as USER_A in my system. Everything is ok.

    Then in the same window of ie7/ff2 i open a new tab and login as USER_B. Everything is ok for USER_B but when i go back to USER_A's tab i'm browshing like i'm USER_B!
    And at the end when i logout one of them the other ones session is destroyed too.

    hope you got the problem!

    I'm using only session_start() and for logout session_destroy().
    Can you tell how to do this right and working?
  11. I've this kind of code:

    if ( (mysql_num_rows ($resCNT0) > 0) && (mysql_num_rows ($resCNT1) > 0) )

    elseif ( (mysql_num_rows ($resCNT0) == 0) && (mysql_num_rows ($resCNT1) > 0) )

    elseif ( (mysql_num_rows ($resCNT0) > 0) && (mysql_num_rows ($resCNT1) == 0) )

    but it's not working! the problem seems to be with the comparison operators...

    any help???
  12. so here is my problem:

    i got a register form (personal info, username, password etc..). when i submit tha data i check in database if the username entered is used by an other user.

    if it's used i want to return the form filled with the submited data. i've tried to do it like this

    <input type="text" name="username" value="<?php echo $_POST["username"]; ?>">

    but no result.

    any ideas? thanx in advance!
  13. I got a form to select the level of user to login in the system. Part of this code is:

    <td height=10><select name="user">
    <option value=0 selected> Student</option>
    <option value=1> Tutor </option>

    In php file i use if-else to check the type of user trying to login in order to do the right mysql_db_query in students or tutors table.

    Part of code is:

    if ( '".$_POST["user"]."' == 1 ) --> for tutors
    else if ( '".$_POST["user"]."' == 0 ) -->for students

    The problem is that php checks only if user is student, whether i select in the form tutor or student.
    If the user and password are correct it returns the student pages, whether i selected tutor or student.
    It's just looking in the student table.

    I've tried some things and when in the IF-ELSE i changed 0 and 1 for student and tutor
    i noticed that php then looks only in tutors table.

    I think i'm doing something wrong with the <SELECT name=...>, <OPTION value=...> and IF-ELSE...

    Got any ideas???

    Thank you all in advance!
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