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Posts posted by winger

  1. Hi all-

    I have a site (I'll call it newsite.com) all ready to go on a new server, but - for reasons I won't go into - the DNS records for the domain still haven't been changed. So when people type in newsite.com they are still being taken to the old server, which is a major problem for me right now. I would just duplicate the site on the old server until the switch is made, but the old server doesn't have mySQL on it, which the new version of the site uses on virtually every page.

    I do still have FTP access to the old server, so I've tried simply setting up a PHP redirect to the IP address of the new site. Unfortunately, the new site doesn't have a dedicated IP address on the new server, so it needs the host name as well as the IP address.

    So in essence, my question is this: is it possible to send an IP address AND a hostname using a PHP header() redirect?

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