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Barand's post in Graph showing comparative analysis of students class performance. was marked as the answer
This query uses WINDOW function to get the class averages for each subject. (I am using MariaDB 11.1 but MySql 8 also has them). If you don't have then then us a subquery to get the class averages and join to that.
SELECT studentid , subjectname , student_score , ROUND(AVG(student_score) OVER (PARTITION BY subjectname)) as mean FROM ( SELECT sc.semesterid, sc.classid, sc.studentid, s.subjectname, SUM(r.score) AS student_score FROM result r JOIN student_class sc ON r.studentclassid = sc.id JOIN course c ON r.courseid = c.id JOIN subject s ON c.subjectid = s.id JOIN semester sm ON sc.semesterid = sm.id WHERE sm.id = 10 AND sc.classid = 1 GROUP BY subjectname, studentid ) totals ORDER BY studentid, subjectname;
Barand's post in PHP function woes.. stuck was marked as the answer
Stick with your first code block. Instead of returning "true" on success return $email['fk_UserTypes_Id'].
Then you just need to check the login return value to decide the next page.
Barand's post in Feedback on Data model for Cinema ticket booking system was marked as the answer
Screen.rows, screen.columns, screen.capacity look like derived values to me - you can get that info from the seats for each screen.
booking.ticket_date is no longer required - duplicates the screening.screen_on value.
However, you need to consider the payment process. What if a user books seats and their payment is subsequntly declined?
You would need to know who made the booking. Perhaps make the booking.ticket date an automatic timestamp and, on booking, set a status "payment pending". Set status to "paid" on successful payment. Periodically remove pending payments older than X minutes to release the seats for sale again.
Barand's post in hi there im getting 0000-00-00 date value in database and html table i need helpi have tried all means was marked as the answer
What format is $_POST['date']?
When binding the query params, $date is a string value - you specified "d" (double) and not "s" (string).
Please use the code button "<>" when posting code in future.
Barand's post in Styling the Success echo was marked as the answer
The above code is invalid php syntax. That's why there is no output.
<?php echo "<div style='color: green;'>my_message</div>"; echo "my error"; echo 'my error 2'; ?>
Barand's post in php find earliest date in the format dd/mm/yyyy in a text file was marked as the answer
usort($data, fn($a, $b) => isoDate($a) <=> isoDate($b)); echo $data[0]; //--> 03/11/2023 06 This is another text in the line function isoDate($text) { $d = substr($text, 0, 10); return DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $d)->format('Y-m-d'); }
Barand's post in SQL WHERE CLAUSE syntax issue was marked as the answer
INSERT queries do not have a WHERE clause. You need to to use an "INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ... "
INSERT INTO table (id, col_a, col_b) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ON DUPLCATE KEY UPDATE col_a = VALUES(col_a), col_b = VALUES(col_b) ;
Barand's post in Use showDiv() multiply times. was marked as the answer
Such as by passing the id of the div to be shown/hidden as a function argument?
function hideDiv(divid) { document.getElementById(divid).style.display = "none"; } . . . <button onclick="hideDiv('welcomeDiv')" class="loginBut" style="font-family: 'Handjet', cursive; font-size: 2EM;">Close</button>
Barand's post in Assistance thinking this through. was marked as the answer
I agree with Gizmola^.
Using a multidimensional array ...
$probs = [ 'QB' => [ 'RB' => [ 1 => 11.22, 2 => 3.91, 3 => 0.15 ], 'TE' => [ 1 => 5.17, 2 => 0.80, 3 => 0.00 ], 'QB' => [ 1 => 9.44, 2 => 0.00, 3 => 0.00 ], 'WR' => [ 1 => 10.46, 2 => 8.67, 3 => 4.53 ], 'K' => [ 1 => 3.81, 2 => 0.19, 3 => 0.00 ], 'D' => [ 1 => 2.85, 2 => 0.07, 3 => 0.00 ] ] // rinse and repeat with the other MVPs and FLEXs ]; $lineup = 'QB, WR, WR, RB, K'; $arr = array_map('trim', explode(',', $lineup)); $mvp = array_shift($arr); $counts = array_count_values($arr); $probability = 0; foreach ($counts as $p => $n) { $probability += $probs[$mvp][$p][$n]; } echo '<br>'.$probability; // 23.7
Barand's post in What could be wrong was marked as the answer
Whe you join a table with M records to a table with N matching records you get M*N records returned. Therefore you are now totalling Nx more records than before.
You need to ensure you join 1 row from 1 tablw with 1 matching record in the other. You can do this with subqueries to get the individal tables' totals.
SELECT t1.customer_id , t2.total_sales , t3.amt_paid FROM customers t1 LEFT JOIN ( SELECT customer_id , SUM(total_price) as total_sales FROM tbl_sales GROUP BY customer_id ) t2 USING (customer_id) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT customer_id , SUM(amt_paid) as amt_paid FROM tbl_sales_total WHERE status = 0 GROUP BY customer_id ) t3 USING (customer_id) WHERE t1.customer_id = 489639 Also, you have a LEFT JOIN to tbl_sales_total t3. You therefore cannot use WHERE t3.status = 0. That condition needs to go into the join condition otherwise the query behaves as though it were an ordinary (INNER) JOIN
Barand's post in PHP Get Maximum Value From DB and Set Start Value for Loop was marked as the answer
Something like this, maybe....
TABLE: stockid; TABLE: product +----+ (empty) | id | +----+ | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | +----+ CSV DATA ------------------------ "A1","A2","A3","A4","A5" "B1","B2","B3","B4","B5" "C1","C2","C3","C4","C5" RUN CODE
$fp = fopen('products.csv', 'r'); // prepare product insert query $stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO product (stock_id, prod_name) VALUES (?, ?)"); while ($row = fgetcsv($fp)) { $pdo->exec("INSERT INTO stockid (id) VALUES (NULL)"); $stock_id = $pdo->lastInsertId(); // get next stock id foreach ($row as $prod) { $stmt->execute([ $stock_id, $prod ]); } } fclose($fp); AFTER
TABLE: stockid; TABLE: product +----+ +----+----------+-----------+ | id | | id | stock_id | prod_name | +----+ +----+----------+-----------+ | 1 | | 1 | 4 | A1 | | 2 | | 2 | 4 | A2 | | 3 | | 3 | 4 | A3 | | 4 | | 4 | 4 | A4 | | 5 | | 5 | 4 | A5 | | 6 | | 6 | 5 | B1 | +----+ | 7 | 5 | B2 | | 8 | 5 | B3 | | 9 | 5 | B4 | | 10 | 5 | B5 | | 11 | 6 | C1 | | 12 | 6 | C2 | | 13 | 6 | C3 | | 14 | 6 | C4 | | 15 | 6 | C5 | +----+----------+-----------+
Barand's post in Import data from excel to databse was marked as the answer
I'd do it like this...
################################################################################ # CREATE TEMPORARY STAGING TABLE # ################################################################################ $pdo->exec("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tempdata ( id int not null auto_increment primary key, sales_doc_type varchar(10), billing_date date, material varchar(10), gross_amount int, sales_office varchar(10), plant varchar(10) ) "); ################################################################################ # READ CSV, # # EXTRACT REQUIRED DATA, # # STORE IN ARRAY FOR INSERTION TO TEMP STAGING TABLE # ################################################################################ $fp = fopen('test1.csv', 'r'); $req_cols = [ 0 => 'sales_doc_type', 2 => 'billing_date', 11 => 'material', 25 => 'gross_amount', 45 => 'sales_office', 47 => 'plant' ]; $import_data = []; while ($allrow = fgetcsv($fp)) { $row = array_intersect_key($allrow, $req_cols); $randdays = rand(5,30); $row[2] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($row[2])); $row[25] = str_replace(',', '', $row[25]); $import_data[] = vsprintf("('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')", $row); } fclose($fp); ################################################################################ # ADD RECS FROM ARRAY TO TEMP TABLE - 2000 AT A TIME # ################################################################################ $chunks = array_chunk($import_data, 2000); foreach ($chunks as $ch) { $sql = "INSERT INTO tempdata (sales_doc_type, billing_date, material, gross_amount, sales_office, plant) VALUES " . join(',', $ch); $pdo->exec($sql); } ###################################################################################################################### # # # Now we have the data from the csv stored in a temporary staging table # # which makes it easy to manipulate the data with queries to update our # # database tables with efficient queries rather than running multiple # # queries inside loops. # # # # NOTE - as I never received a reply to my question about the origin of the # # data used toupdate the members table I have had to omit that part # # of the processing. The UPDATE query will be similar to the INSERT # # below except it will update where there is a matching record # # # ###################################################################################################################### ################################################################################ # INSERT TEMPDATA REC INTO billing WHERE NO MATCHING billing_date IN members # ################################################################################ $pdo->exec("INSERT INTO billing (sales_doc_type, billing_date, gross_amount, sales_office, plant, material) SELECT t.sales_doc_type , t.billing_date , t.gross_amount , t.sales_office , t.plant , t.material FROM tempdata t LEFT JOIN members m ON DATE(t.billing_date) = m.billing_date WHERE m.billing_date IS NULL ");
Barand's post in Union Select was marked as the answer
select i.name as itemName, qs.name as sectionName, i.id as itemId, i.GBP, i.USD, i.CAD, cb.charge_by, COUNT(cp.item_id) > 0 as icConsumable from items i inner join quote_sections qs on i.section_id=qs.id inner join charge_by cb on i.charge_by_id = cb.id left join consumable_price cp ON i.id = cp.item_id group by i.id union select ci.name as itemName, qs.name as sectionName, concat("CI", ci.id) as itemId, ci.price as GBP, ci.price as USD, ci.price as CAD, cb.charge_by, 0 as isConsumable from custom_item ci inner join quote_sections qs on ci.section_id=qs.id inner join charge_by cb on ci.charge_by = cb.id
Barand's post in (Advice) - Storing price break points in database was marked as the answer
Something like this...
+---------------+ | invoice_item | +---------------+ | id | | prod_id |------+ | quantity | | +----------+ |---------------+ | | price | | +----------+ +-----<| prod_id | | minqty | | maxqty | | usd | | cad | | eur | +----------+ SELECT i.prod_id , p.product_name , pr.usd , pr.cadd , pr.eur FROM invoice_item i JOIN product p ON i.prod_id = p.id JOIN price pr ON i.prod_id = pr.prod_id AND i.quantity BETWEEN pr.minqty AND pr.maxqty
Barand's post in How to calculate price of 1 or more hotel rooms in php using arrays was marked as the answer
$bookquery = array_filter($bookquery, fn($v)=>in_array($v['room_id'], $reservedrooms)); $totalprice = array_sum(array_column($bookquery, 'price'));
Barand's post in Select statement selecting wrong data was marked as the answer
Just using the single available table here...
SELECT dr.id , device_id , status_id , action_time FROM deployment_register dr JOIN ( SELECT device_id , MAX(action_time) as action_time FROM deployment_register WHERE status_id IN (2, 5) GROUP BY device_id ) latest USING (device_id, action_time); +----+-----------+-----------+---------------------+ | id | device_id | status_id | action_time | +----+-----------+-----------+---------------------+ | 7 | 3 | 5 | 2023-10-07 21:06:45 | +----+-----------+-----------+---------------------+ Subquery to find latest row for each device then join against that.
Barand's post in php count lines in a text file with a specific variable was marked as the answer
$data = file('data.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES|FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); usort($data, fn($a, $b)=>substr($a,11,2)<=>substr($b,11,2)); // sort by code number $codes = []; foreach ($data as $d) { $p = strpos($d, ')'); $k = substr($d, 11, $p-10); if (!isset($codes[$k])) { $codes[$k] = 1; } else { $codes[$k]++; } } echo (join("<br>", $data)); echo ("<h3>Total clicks</h3>"); foreach ($codes as $code => $total) { printf("%s Total clicks = %d<br>", $code, $total); } output
15/09/2023 03 Resist the Curse (Resiste la Maldición) 11-12-2022.mp3 Finland Helsinki Uusimaa 18/09/2023 03 Resist the Curse (Resiste la Maldición) 11-12-2022.mp3 Finland Helsinki Uusimaa 21/09/2023 03 Resist the Curse (Resiste la Maldición) 11-12-2022.mp3 Germany Gera Thuringia 14/09/2023 04 Feast of Trumpets 2023 (Fiesta de las Trompetas) 10-9-2023.mp3 United States Edmore Michigan 14/09/2023 04 Feast of Trumpets 2023 (Fiesta de las Trompetas) 10-9-2023.mp3 Spain Alhaurin de la Torre Malaga 14/09/2023 04 Feast of Trumpets 2023 (Fiesta de las Trompetas) 10-9-2023.mp3 Spain Alhaurin de la Torre Malaga 14/09/2023 04 Feast of Trumpets 2023 (Fiesta de las Trompetas) 10-9-2023.mp3 United States Cedar Springs Michigan 15/09/2023 04 Feast of Trumpets 2023 (Fiesta de las Trompetas) 10-9-2023.mp3 United States Cedar Springs Michigan 15/09/2023 04 Feast of Trumpets 2023 (Fiesta de las Trompetas) 10-9-2023.mp3 Spain Madrid Madrid 15/09/2023 04 Feast of Trumpets 2023 (Fiesta de las Trompetas) 10-9-2023.mp3 United States Cedar Springs Michigan 16/09/2023 04 Feast of Trumpets 2023 (Fiesta de las Trompetas) 10-9-2023.mp3 United Kingdom Sheffield Sheffield 16/09/2023 04 Feast of Trumpets 2023 (Fiesta de las Trompetas) 10-9-2023.mp3 United Kingdom Sheffield Sheffield 16/09/2023 04 Feast of Trumpets 2023 (Fiesta de las Trompetas) 10-9-2023.mp3 United Kingdom Sheffield Sheffield 16/09/2023 04 Feast of Trumpets 2023 (Fiesta de las Trompetas) 10-9-2023.mp3 United Kingdom Sheffield Sheffield 16/09/2023 04 Feast of Trumpets 2023 (Fiesta de las Trompetas) 10-9-2023.mp3 United Kingdom Sheffield Sheffield 16/09/2023 04 Feast of Trumpets 2023 (Fiesta de las Trompetas) 10-9-2023.mp3 United Kingdom Sheffield Sheffield 16/09/2023 04 Feast of Trumpets 2023 (Fiesta de las Trompetas) 10-9-2023.mp3 16/09/2023 04 Feast of Trumpets 2023 (Fiesta de las Trompetas) 10-9-2023.mp3 16/09/2023 04 Feast of Trumpets 2023 (Fiesta de las Trompetas) 10-9-2023.mp3 Spain Nerja Malaga 16/09/2023 04 Feast of Trumpets 2023 (Fiesta de las Trompetas) 10-9-2023.mp3 Spain Nerja Malaga 16/09/2023 04 Feast of Trumpets 2023 (Fiesta de las Trompetas) 10-9-2023.mp3 Spain Nerja Malaga 16/09/2023 04 Feast of Trumpets 2023 (Fiesta de las Trompetas) 10-9-2023.mp3 United Kingdom Sheffield Sheffield 22/09/2023 05 Day of Atonement 2023 (Día de la Expiación) 17-9-2023.mp3 Spain Nerja Malaga 22/09/2023 05 Day of Atonement 2023 (Día de la Expiación) 17-9-2023.mp3 Spain Cartagena Murcia 22/09/2023 05 Day of Atonement 2023 (Día de la Expiación) 17-9-2023.mp3 United States Chesaning Michigan 22/09/2023 05 Day of Atonement 2023 (Día de la Expiación) 17-9-2023.mp3 United States Chesaning Michigan 22/09/2023 05 Day of Atonement 2023 (Día de la Expiación) 17-9-2023.mp3 United States Chesaning Michigan 22/09/2023 05 Day of Atonement 2023 (Día de la Expiación) 17-9-2023.mp3 United States Chesaning Michigan 22/09/2023 05 Day of Atonement 2023 (Día de la Expiación) 17-9-2023.mp3 United States Edmore Michigan 22/09/2023 05 Day of Atonement 2023 (Día de la Expiación) 17-9-2023.mp3 United States Edmore Michigan 22/09/2023 05 Day of Atonement 2023 (Día de la Expiación) 17-9-2023.mp3 United States Edmore Michigan 22/09/2023 05 Day of Atonement 2023 (Día de la Expiación) 17-9-2023.mp3 United States Edmore Michigan 21/09/2023 05 Day of Atonement 2023 (Día de la Expiación) 17-9-2023.mp3 Spain Nerja Malaga 22/09/2023 05 Day of Atonement 2023 (Día de la Expiación) 17-9-2023.mp3 United States Garden City New York 21/09/2023 19 The Bread of Life (El Pan de la Vida) 27-8-2023.mp3 Norway Sira Agder 08/09/2023 19 The Bread of Life (El Pan de la Vida) 27-8-2023.mp3 United Kingdom Sheffield Sheffield 08/09/2023 19 The Bread of Life (El Pan de la Vida) 27-8-2023.mp3 United Kingdom Sheffield Sheffield 08/09/2023 19 The Bread of Life (El Pan de la Vida) 27-8-2023.mp3 United Kingdom Sheffield Sheffield 08/09/2023 19 The Bread of Life (El Pan de la Vida) 27-8-2023.mp3 Spain Muro del Alcoy Alicante 08/09/2023 19 The Bread of Life (El Pan de la Vida) 27-8-2023.mp3 United States Cedar Springs Michigan 09/09/2023 19 The Bread of Life (El Pan de la Vida) 27-8-2023.mp3 United States Cedar Springs Michigan 09/09/2023 19 The Bread of Life (El Pan de la Vida) 27-8-2023.mp3 United States Cedar Springs Michigan 09/09/2023 19 The Bread of Life (El Pan de la Vida) 27-8-2023.mp3 United States Cedar Springs Michigan 09/09/2023 19 The Bread of Life (El Pan de la Vida) 27-8-2023.mp3 United States Edmore Michigan 10/09/2023 19 The Bread of Life (El Pan de la Vida) 27-8-2023.mp3 United States Cedar Springs Michigan 11/09/2023 20 The Legacy of Jesus (El Legado de Jesús)20-8-2023.mp3 United States Ashburn Virginia 15/09/2023 20 Be With Me Where I Am (Está Conmigo Donde Estoy)20-8-2017.mp3 Finland Helsinki Uusimaa 18/09/2023 20 Be With Me Where I Am (Está Conmigo Donde Estoy)20-8-2017.mp3 Finland Helsinki Uusimaa 21/09/2023 20 Be With Me Where I Am (Está Conmigo Donde Estoy)20-8-2017.mp3 Germany Gera Thuringia Total clicks 03 Resist the Curse (Resiste la Maldición) Total clicks = 3 04 Feast of Trumpets 2023 (Fiesta de las Trompetas) Total clicks = 19 05 Day of Atonement 2023 (Día de la Expiación) Total clicks = 12 19 The Bread of Life (El Pan de la Vida) Total clicks = 11 20 The Legacy of Jesus (El Legado de Jesús) Total clicks = 1 20 Be With Me Where I Am (Está Conmigo Donde Estoy) Total clicks = 3
Barand's post in Problem displaying database attribute inside a javascript popup was marked as the answer
You need to a way for your js function to specify which popup to show.
One way would be to pass the room id in the function call
onclick = "myFunction(xx)"
and to append the room id to your ids to make them unique
Barand's post in Using row_number on attribute to only return 5 rows was marked as the answer
Another way to it is to forget about row_number() OVER etc and, instead, use the simpler
SELECT ... , substring_index(GROUP_CONCAT(f.description separator ' • '), ' • ', 5) as rmfac to get the whole list of facilies then select the first 5
Barand's post in How can I generate Class Position? was marked as the answer
foreach ($res as $r) { if (!isset($data[$r['subjectname']])) { $data[$r['subjectname']]['students'] = []; } $position = ordinal($r['rank']); $data[$r['subjectname']]['students'][] = [ 'name' => $r['stname'], 'score' => $r['score'], 'rank' => $position ]; }
Barand's post in Not getting the needed values was marked as the answer
Sorry, I forgot to explain your probems
There are no values in the class_id column that matche a column value in subj_levels column ("58100" != "58100, 47270") For find_in_set() to work, the values should be comma-separated, not comma-space-separated. -
Barand's post in Any need of this SQLi filtering rules? was marked as the answer
If you use prepared queries correctly, with placeholders for user-supplied data, you don't need that code - the values will not be embedded in the SQL code.
Barand's post in Group Concat code not working as expected - and only showing 1 result was marked as the answer
When you use an agregation function (like SUM() or GROUP_CONCAT() ) without a GROUP BY clause, you get a single aggregation for the whole table.