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Posts posted by thatguy

  1. I have restarted the web server. This is what the grep command gave me

    DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.shtml index.cgi index.php
    # For example, the PHP 3.x module (not part of the Apache
    # distribution - see [a href=\"http://www.php.net)\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.php.net)[/a] will typically use:
    #AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
    #AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source .phps
    # And for PHP 4.x, use:
    #AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
    #AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
  2. I just installed PHP on my Debian system, but for some strange reason when I open a .php file in Firefox it downloads the source instead of running the php script. The crazy thing is that when I open the same page in Internet Explorer it runs it the way it should! I have an indentical installation on another system and it works properly. Any idea what could be causing it?
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