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  1. Thanks manichean, works perfectly! Thanks alot for the help :)
  2. [b]Full Code[/b] [code]<?php include('header.php') ?> <? include("dbinfo.inc.php"); mysql_connect(localhost,$user,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); $query="SELECT * FROM roster ORDER BY name"; $result=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_numrows($result); mysql_close(); ?> <center> <table align="center" max-width="480" width="480" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="1" bordercolor="#000000">       <tr>       <td width=480 background="images/backgrounds/menubg.jpg" align="center"><font face="verdana" color="#FF0000" size="2"><b> Viewing All Wrestlers (<?php echo "$num" ?>)       </td>       </tr>       <tr>       <td bgcolor="333333" valign="top" width="480" align="left">       <font face="verdana" size="2" color=black> <table width='480'> <? $i=0; $first_letter_old=""; while ($i < $num) {     $name=mysql_result($result,$i,"name");     $image=mysql_result($result,$i,"image");     ++$i; echo "<td bgcolor=000000 valign='top' width='100' align='left'><center><a href='wrestler.php?name=$name'><img border=0 width=100 src='http://www.reef-break.com/scw/images/superstars/$image.jpg'></a><br><font face=verdana size=1 color=red><a href='wrestler.php?name=$name'>$name</a></font></center></td>"; } ?> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <?php include('footer.php') ?>[/code] [b]Main Bit of Code that needs editing[/b] [code]<? $i=0; $first_letter_old=""; while ($i < $num) {     $name=mysql_result($result,$i,"name");     $image=mysql_result($result,$i,"image");     ++$i; echo "<td bgcolor=000000 valign='top' width='100' align='left'><center><a href='wrestler.php?name=$name'><img border=0 width=100 src='http://www.reef-break.com/scw/images/superstars/$image.jpg'></a><br><font face=verdana size=1 color=red><a href='wrestler.php?name=$name'>$name</a></font></center></td>"; } ?>[/code] I need to somehow make the code make a < br> after 5 <td> rows are printed so the maximum amount of rows is 5. I currently have no idea how to do this, so help would be appreciated.  :)
  3. RJT

    Organisation Help

    Bump for post update
  4. In my add data form, there is a category option. Im trying to make a series of pages that will list the appropriate data for each category ($category). For Example if the category was "TNA" then it would only list the data that was given that category in the add data form. For some reason i get an error message when i use this code. Could anyone point out where the problem is? [code] <?php include('http://www.reef-break.com/cawcenter/header.php') ?> <? include("dbinfo.inc.php"); mysql_connect(localhost,$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); $query="SELECT * FROM caws ORDER BY name WHERE category='TNA'"; $result=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_fetch_array( $result ); mysql_close(); echo "<b><center>Viewing All CAWs ($num)</center></b><br>"; ?> <? $i=0; $first_letter_old=""; while ($i < $num) {     $name=mysql_result($result,$i,"name");     $category=mysql_result($result,$i,"category");     $first_letter=substr($name,0,1);     if (($first_letter!=$first_letter_old)&&($first_letter_old!="")){         echo "<br />";     }     $first_letter_old=$first_letter;     ++$i;     echo "<a href='http://www.reef-break.com/cawcenter/svr2006/caw.php?name=$name'>$name</a><br>"; } ?> <?php include('http://www.reef-break.com/cawcenter/footer.php') ?> [/code] Thanks.
  5. RJT

    Two problems

    It works! Thanks alot AndyB & jwo :)
  6. RJT

    Two problems

  7. RJT

    Two problems

    Thanks alot for that jwo :). For some reason though the first record of the next letter still ends up with the previous letter. Like this: [!--quoteo--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]Abyss AJ Styles (Green Attire) AJ Styles (Red Attire) Alex Shelley Animal Austin Aries Billy Gunn Bobby Lashley Boogeyman Brian Kendrick Brock Lesnar (WWE Attire) Brother Devon Brother Ray Chris Harris Chris Sabin (Old Attire) Christopher Daniels Christy Hemme Eddie Guerrero Goldberg (Black and White Attire) Gregory Helms Homicide James Mitchell James Storm Jeff Hardy (TNA Attire) Joey Mercury Kevin Nash (TNA Attire) Monty Brown (Black Attire) Monty Brown (Red Attire) Petey Williams Raven (Late 2005 Attire) Rhino Sabu Samoa Joe Shannon Moore Shark Boy (Classic Attire) Sonjay Dutt[/quote] Any suggestions? (Im new with PHP and MySQL ;) lol)
  8. RJT

    Two problems

    My database and site are nearlly complete, but i need advice and help with two things. [b]1. Ordering the List[/b] Currently my list orders alphabetically like this: (example) [!--quoteo--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--] Al Andy Bean Bill Blake Can Christian [/quote] I somehow need to code it so the database puts a space between each beginning letter like this: [!--quoteo--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--] Al Andy Bean Bill Blake Can Christian [/quote] My Code is: [code] <?php include('http://www.reef-break.com/cawcenter/header.php') ?> <? include("dbinfo.inc.php"); mysql_connect(localhost,$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); $query="SELECT * FROM caws ORDER BY name"; $result=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_numrows($result); mysql_close(); echo "<b><center>Viewing All CAWs ($num)</center></b><br>"; ?> <? $i=0; while ($i < $num) { $name=mysql_result($result,$i,"name"); $category=mysql_result($result,$i,"category"); ?> <?php echo "<a href='http://www.reef-break.com/cawcenter/svr2006/caw.php?name=$name'>$name</a><br>" ?> <? ++$i; } ?> <?php include('http://www.reef-break.com/cawcenter/footer.php') ?>[/code] [b]2. Seperating Data[/b] In my add data form, there is a category option. I need to make a series of pages that will list the appropriate data for each category ($category). For Example if the category was "A" then it would only list the names that were given that category in the add data form. Sorry if that sounds confusing, the code is the same as the one in my other problem. Ive been wondering how to do these for ages, and currently have no clue. So if someone could help me out here it would be [b]greatly[/b] appreciated :)
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