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Posts posted by Rigo

  1. Hi everyone. I'm pretty new to php, and I figured i would start by learning simple and useful scripts.

    I found this upload script in a tutorial online, but it doesn't seem to work. What's wrong?


    //set where you want to store files
    //in this example we keep file in folder upload
    //$HTTP_POST_FILES['ufile']['name']; = upload file name
    //for example upload file name cartoon.gif . $path will be upload/cartoon.gif
    $path= "upload/".$HTTP_POST_FILES['ufile']['name'];
    if($ufile != null) //this line was at first if($ufile != none), but i got the error: undefined variable 'none'
    if(copy($HTTP_POST_FILES['ufile']['tmp_name'], $path))
    echo "Successful<BR/>";
    //$HTTP_POST_FILES['ufile']['name'] = file name
    //$HTTP_POST_FILES['ufile']['size'] = file size
    //$HTTP_POST_FILES['ufile']['type'] = type of file
    echo "File Name :".$HTTP_POST_FILES['ufile']['name']."<BR/>";
    echo "File Size :".$HTTP_POST_FILES['ufile']['size']."<BR/>";
    echo "File Type :".$HTTP_POST_FILES['ufile']['type']."<BR/>";
    echo "<img src=\"$path\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\">";
    echo "Error";



    Now when I run the code, i simply get "Error".



    This is the code that retrieves and send the variables to the upload script.

    <table width="500" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
    <form action="upload_ac.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1" id="form1">
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    <td><strong>Single File Upload </strong></td>
    <td>Select file
    <input name="ufile" type="file" id="ufile" size="50" /></td>
    <td align="center"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Upload" /></td>


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