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Everything posted by miob

  1. so there is no way to combine FULLTEXT with LIKE '' ?? i use in LIKE '%%' and i don't think this is good for server resources...
  2. i have these varchar items: brand, model, type, accessories, note if someone puts to search string "Alfa Romeo 156 1.9 JTD" i want to search in item brand for "Alfa romeo", in model for "156" in type for "1.9 JTD" this is okay, i can do that with LIKE, but problem occurs when i want also try to search in type for this "Alfa Romeo 156 1.9 JTD" and also try in note for same like in accessories.. as i figured i can't mix LIKE with fulltext index. tried LIKE '%Alfa Romeo%' but this avoids indexes how i could adjuct this one WHERE MATCH (brand,model,title) AGAINST ('Alfa Romeo 156 1.9 JPD'); i wanna list only (brand LIKE "Alfa")AND(model LIKE '156')AND(type like '1.9 JTD') if i combine this abowe with fulltext query it avoids Indexes and make huge load on server i have no clue how to make it working, and what columns to index. thanx for help
  3. tried it, but also screwed it again i have in text this: <img src=http://www.autobazar.eu/images/smiles/6.gif border=0> i think that's due to char " and from full URL path in text got hyperlink only http://
  4. hello ! here is what i have $threadx = preg_replace("/((ht|f)tp:\/\/[^\s&]+)/", "<a href=\"$1\">$1</a>", $threadx); $threadx = preg_replace("/(\\S+@\\S+\\.\\w+)/", "<a href=\"mailto:$1\">$1</a>", $threadx); can someone tell me how to make it better, this one completly screws up existing hyperlinks and <img src=""> tags... need to fix it somehow... thanx
  5. i managed to code it by myself, took me more hours but i'm glad i did it. Anyway thank you guys i appreciate your help. here is it if someone could need it ever: function recurseFunc($all_forum_replies,$parent) { foreach ($all_forum_replies as $key => $replies) { if (($replies[4])&&($replies[4] == $parent)) { listing($replies,'true'); recurseFunc($all_forum_replies,$replies[0]); ?></div><? } } } foreach ($forum_replies as $key => $replies){ if (!$replies[4]) { listing($replies,'false'); recurseFunc($forum_replies,$replies[0]); ?></div><? } }
  6. i don't wanna put URL's here... forum_replies is array with posts in the forum function listing will show up post from user. something like this : <div class="riadok1" style="height:50px; width:100%; repeat-x top; "> <div class="autor" style="float:left; margin:3px; ">title: <b>Re: title of post</b><br>Author: miob, 28.08.07 - 02:46</div> <div class="prisp" style="float:right; margin:3px;"><a href='?thread=5&reply=4#p4' name='p4'>Quote this post</a> </div> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> <p style ="margin:3px;">text of the post</p> and if there is no quote in the this post, i show "</div>" i hope it's clear now
  7. i wanna make a forum, each new quote must get padding-left: 15px, i must see the tree and i can't limit it
  8. first is $replies[0] then $replies2[0] then $replies3[0]... after function listing() i need to pass that current $replies..[0] to the next function
  9. yes that is what i need to do, but still can't get it work cuz there is small problem with parent id, that in each function is different, i need to pass parent id in that function
  10. hi ! i have a big problem i have no clue how to code it. need to make a tree in function i think i need to use same function in function, is that possible ? example: i have this working but only in 4 layers, i need to have it unlimited... i can add next and next same thing over and over but i don't think it's good solution: foreach ($forum_replies as $key => $replies){ if (!$replies[4]) { listing($replies,'false'); foreach ($forum_replies as $key => $replies2){ if ($replies2[4]==$replies[0]) { listing($replies2,'true'); foreach ($forum_replies as $key => $replies3){ if ($replies3[4]==$replies2[0]) { listing($replies3,'true'); foreach ($forum_replies as $key => $replies4){ if ($replies4[4]==$replies3[0]) {listing($replies4,'true'); ?></div><?} } ?></div><? } } ?></div><? } } ?></div><? } }
  11. Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mime_content_type() i have noticed that it happens when instead of jpeg they have 404 redirect to some html page, copy function copied it as binary file, and result is that it has nothing to do with jpeg format. is there any chance to get it fixed without changing of php.ini ? then i've found this if ( ! function_exists ( 'mime_content_type ' ) ) { function mime_content_type ( $f ) { return system ( trim( 'file -bi ' . escapeshellarg ( $f ) ) ) ; } } by adding this next function all sounds fine..
  12. i do resize on some external jpegs, but sometimes i get 404 error page instead of jpeg, but script copied it , saved it and if i do resize i get black square from it. i have no clue how to stop resizing , or do anything with no picture, how to detect if it's case where is no pic. getimagesize doesn't help for me... thanx
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