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  1. Absolutely! It takes about 11s to write 9839 rows to my browser from a little over 1M records. Much appreciated.
  2. Understood and it is working great now. Thanks for the education. The contradictory statements you referred to: The goal was to list the work order numbers, the employee, and date. This list would be available on a dashboard for quick reference. The work order number would be hyperlinked to the work order page for more details. This works perfectly and now I understand more about JOIN and the alias subquery. Thank you so much. __________
  3. Barand, I'm really trying to understand your reply but I am lost on the SELECT w.wo_number , wo_desc , latest.sequence , wct.response as that field is not part of the wo table. Frankly, I wasn't necessarily concerned with linking the wo table. I appreciate your effort but you are way over my head. Is there a way to drop the wo table reference and still come up with a 'latest' for comparison? What exactly is 'latest ' doing with the relation at the end? __________
  4. I need to report wo_numbers where the last 'response' entry was PMU. The entries may not have been made in done_datetime order so I need the last entry by sequence. The majority of work orders will not have a PMU entry at all. My thought was to find all wo_numbers with a PMU entry. Get the highest number in sequence column for PMU entry (maxseq). If a count of the entries for that wo_number (maxcnt) equaled the (maxseq), report that wo_number. Otherwise, advance to the next wo_number. Maybe I'm overthinking this. There are a little over 1M entries and some of my test queries have exceeded 60S. Query: SELECT wo_number, response, MAX(sequence) AS maxseq, COUNT (wo_number) AS maxcnt FROM wct WHERE wo_number > 550000 AND response='PMU' GROUP BY wo_number, response ORDER BY wo_number Produces 550085 : PMU : 22 for the data below. There are 18 entries for PMU. The last entry is sequence 22. This is not a wo_number that I would report. If sequence 26 had a PMU code, I would want that reported. I think I need the WHERE clause to compare maxseq = maxcnt. Hope this makes sense and thanks for helping. _________ wct structure wo_number: LongInt, KeyField sequence: LongInt, KeyField employee: ShortText response: ShortText done_datetime: Date/Time wct_id: AutoNumber
  5. Hello, I'm working on a report from a service documentation database application with SQL backend. There is a table for work orders and a separate table for the work done related by wo_number. I need to report the last entry in the work done table only if it is a certain code. work done table=wct.*. Fields: wo_number, sequence, response, wct_id, plus more fields I've tried many variations of my sql statement but run into > 60 second execution time. There are just over 1 million entries. Goal: List only work orders where the last entry(MAX sequence) has a response="PMU". (Note: PMU entry can be made multiple times on different dates. I'm looking for only work orders where the last entry was PMU. Other codes used after a PMU entry should exclude the work order from the report.) My best attempt is: SELECT wo_number, response, MAX(sequence) AS maxseq, COUNT (wo_number) AS maxcnt FROM wct WHERE wo_number > 550000 AND response='PMU' GROUP BY wo_number, response ORDER BY wo_number. On one particular work order, this gives me maxseq = 22 and maxcnt = 18. I was expecting maxseq = 18 (as max number of PMU entries) and maxcnt = 26 (as total entries) based on the data in the actual table. I see that is because of the 'response='PMU' in the WHERE clause, but don't know how to fix it. I am not a programmer. Any help is appreciated. __________
  6. New to all this - please be gentle. Need help with securing before testing it here. Sample code follows: ////////////////////// // CODE <?php // CONNECT TO DATABASE include "config/connect.php"; // IF A SEARCH WAS REQUESTED if (isset($_GET['search'])) { $search = $_GET['search']; $search = strip_tags($search); $search = stripslashes($search); echo "<title>Searching for $search</title>"; } echo "<img src=\"images/logo_480.jpg\"><p>"; echo "Search Listings:"; echo "<form method=\"GET\" action=\"searchpage.php\" name=\"listingssearch\">"; echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"search\">"; echo "<input type=\"Submit\" name=\"Search\" value=\"Search\">"; echo "</form>"; echo "<p>"; if (isset($_GET['search'])) { $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM links WHERE approved = '1' AND sitename LIKE '%$search%'"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $id = $row["id"]; $company = $row["sitename"]; echo "$id : $company<br />"; // MORE STUFF HERE echo "- - - - - - - - - - - -<br />"; } } ?> // CODE //////////////////// It apparently passese the XSS Me tests but not the Access Me tests: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Attack Details: * HTTP Method: SECCOMP The attacked page is dangerously similar to the original page. It is 100% similar. Got access to a resource that should be protected. Server response code: 200 OK. searchpage.php :: Http Method Attack Details: * HTTP Method: HEAD Got access to a resource that should be protected. Server response code: 200 OK. The attacked page is not very similar to the original page. It is 8.333% similar. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = I want to learn so don't tell me the answers, but please point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance. _______________
  7. [cAps] Site FOund, Starting image capture and upload The HOME, ADD, BROWSE nav at top are too dark. I missed them until mouseover them. Added FoxNews.com. ~~~ long time, nothing. Then see very, very, very sorry.
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