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Posts posted by fahiemoto

  1. I downloaded an online webshop and and adjusted it to my needs. It al works fine. But know i want to mail te selected items from the cart to mysef and the person who have selected the items. I know have a mail form but doe not know exactly how to put the selected information in de content of the mail. (both codes can be found beneath) I want the following in my email message:

    [!--coloro:#FF0000--][span style=\"color:#FF0000\"][!--/coloro--]<?

    $cur_symbol."".number_format($item["artikel_prijs"], 2, '.', '');
    $cur_symbol."".number_format($subtotal, 2, '.', '');

    the items from the cart are displayed with the following (fragment) code:

    include "functies_winkelwagen.php";

    $totalvalue = 0;

    // If no sessions has been started $_SESSION["cart"] equals null, thus showing the message no items.
    if (!isset($_SESSION["cart"])) {
    $_SESSION["cart"] = NULL;

    if (validate() == TRUE && $_SESSION["cart"] != NULL) {

    foreach ($_SESSION["cart"] as $key => $session_data) {

    list($ses_id, $ses_quan) = $session_data;

    // call database connect function
    $sel_products = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $mysql_tablename WHERE artikel_code=".$ses_id."");
    $item = mysql_fetch_array($sel_products);

    $totalvalue = $totalvalue + ($item["artikel_prijs"]*$ses_quan);
    $subtotal = ($item["artikel_prijs"]*$ses_quan);

    [!--coloro:#33CC00--][span style=\"color:#33CC00\"][!--/coloro--]<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="style32" >

    <td class="style32"><? echo $ses_quan; ?>
    <input name="eid[]" type="hidden" id="eid[]" value="<? echo $ses_id; ?>"></td>
    <td class="style32"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell-->&nbsp;</td>
    <td class="style32"><span class="style15"><? echo $item["artikel_naam"]; ?></span></td>
    <td colspan="2" class="style32"><span class="style15"><? echo $cur_symbol. "".number_format($item["artikel_prijs"], 2, '.', ''); ?></span></td>
    <td width="91" class="style32"><div align="right"><span class="style15"><? echo $cur_symbol. "".number_format($subtotal, 2, '.', ''); ?></span></div></td>
    <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="dividingborder"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell-->&nbsp;</td>[!--colorc--][/span][!--/colorc--]

    } // end foreach loop

    } elseif ($_SESSION["cart"] == NULL) {

    echo "woo";

    } else {

    echo "woohoohoo";


    the email (fragment) code is as followed:


    $content_webmaster = "

    Bedrijfsnaam: ".$_SESSION['bedrijfsnaam']."
    Naam: ".$_SESSION['naam']." ".$_SESSION['naam']."
    Adres: ".$_SESSION['straat']." ".$_SESSION['straat_nr']." ".$_SESSION['straat_tv']."
    ".$_SESSION['postcode']." ".$_SESSION['plaats']."

    [!--coloro:#FF0000--][span style=\"color:#FF0000\"][!--/coloro--]IN HERE I WANT THE CONTENT OF THE CART[!--colorc--][/span][!--/colorc--]


    Note: ".$_SESSION['naam']." stuurde deze email op ".date("d-m-Y")." om ".date("H:i").".

    Het IP adres van ".$_SESSION['naam']." is: ".$ipadres."
    Het hostadres van ".$_SESSION['naam']." is: ".$hostmask."

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