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Everything posted by Razzeal

  1. I've been assigned to improve a piece of code but i've stumbled into a problem. The code uses a variable called $$id, in the database this number should equal 640, 641, 642 etc The variable is like this: $id = "i" + $index (index is a number from 1 to 15) and then in the query it says: Where id =". $$id I need to get the id and I need it to be something like 640 etc, but i don't know what i should do... can anybody help me??? thx, Razz
  2. That means before every variable? anyway I think I got it now :D thx
  3. Thx for your reply! I tried your code and it kept returning the same error this is my function: [code]function login($username, $password) {         //controleren of ingevulde username bestaat:          $this -> $v_user = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $u_table WHERE $u_row = '$username'") or die("Error: " .mysql_error());          $exist = mysql_num_rows($v_user);     if($exist < 1)        {                $error = "Username not found!";                return $error;        } else {               //wachtwoord controleren:                $this->$get_pass = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $u_table WHERE $u_row = '$username'") or die("Error: " .mysql_error());                $p_array = mysql_fetch_array($get_pass);                $e_pass = $p_array["password"];                if($e_pass != md5($password))                   {                          //errors weergeven:                           $error = "Wrong Password!";                           return $error;                   } else {                          //login gelukt!                           return true;                           }        } }[/code] I would like to keep it als variable is possible so that i can use this function wherever I want :D Thx
  4. Hey, I was trying to make a function (within a class) for logging in, this to make it easier on my websites to log in and not have to create al the code over and over again. Now my problem is here: [code]$v_user = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $u_table WHERE $u_row = $username") or die("Error: " .mysql_error());[/code] The error I get is a mysql error, saying I should check my code considering the "[b]'WHERE = '[/b]" on line 1.... Is it possible to have variables in my sql like this or do I have to change the constants every time I use the function for another website? How else should I put the variables so that ik might still work. Thx in advance, Razzeal...
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