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Posts posted by CallmasterIV

  1. Hi gutspiller

    what kind of content are we looking at? eg Text, DB query etc. and how is it displayed?
    (Table, text field, html,..)?

    I have no clue about javascripting at all, but
    if we'd have a db query or text data to be displayed, a flash movie could do the job?
    I am goint to get something up, that parses through a text file and displays the content in a
    part of the webpage. Basically telling me what my perl-scripts are doing right now.
    Havent found alternate techniques yet, so id probably go for a flash based thing.

  2. Appologies all, as I am not familar with java techniques at all.
    At least i can do a popup etc. :-)

    Is there a way, to have a javascript loop through a text file.. somewhere on the same machine as the webserver is..which is expected to be empty.

    as long as thats the case, the script does not need to action.
    as soon as there is a line..
    the script reloads the page with different content (possibly the contents of the text file), allows to remove the lines (via a form button as maybe confirmation) and go back to a looping state?

    basically i expect on my server in a folter that other scripts add snmp messages from host who have problems. a browser will display a permanent site. (actually so far that works...)
    now a box has a problem, writes an "event", my site -located script picks the messgae, and lets the screen maybe fade red blink and sound until the event has been confirmed (the input submit button thing)
    onclick, get rid of the content in the text file (or the confirmed line ideally), and keep on ..maybe not looping...rather monitor the write access?

    .....any help from anybody? a search on filehandling dindt bring back much, so...

    it doesnt actually have to be in javascript..but it think thats the easiest way..

    I should take a less stressful jop. probably on an oil-rig or as stuntman..

  3. Thats exactly what I am looking for as well.
    Getting a Braindeath now:-) so I am a bit lost.

    My thoughts are more related to monitoring.
    So I got a health monitor status page up, which gets fed by snmp and mysql.
    As soon as i got a flagx or receive a message from a box, i need to get that on the screen immediuately.

    y way of (about) to accomplish that, keep somethin (A script) parsing through a text file, somehow gets that transformed into ..probably xml ... targeted to my active browser session.?

    ....need a coffee....

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