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Intelly XAD

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Posts posted by Intelly XAD

  1. I don't actually get what you want to do... But maybe this helps a bit:


    $number = $_POST['num'];
    $item   = $_POST['item' . $number];


    But I don't see much sense in it all... If you don't want that there are equal names in your code, you can also use a foreach on $_POST...


    foreach($_POST as $key => $post) {


    Or if you want to check if there is anything posted at all you can use: if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {}


    Hope this is usefull



  2. In this case, I would mess a little with explode

    explode(splitter, haystack);


    When you explode, you chop a string in an array. so when you explode on > you can get the usefull things out with the keys...

    For example:


    $string = 'Here are more HTML tags ... <td>Example</td> ... Here are more HTML tags';
    $string = explode('<td>', $string); // key 1 contains 'Example</td>' (key 0 is empty)
    $string = $string[1];
    $string = explode('</td>', $string); // key 0 contains 'Example'
    $string = $string[0];


    Though you need to be carefull with the keys

    You can write simple functions for this to make it an easier job, hope this function is usefull





  3. Hmm, why don't you use: gethostbyname('www.example.com');

    It returns the ip of a website and when the website doesn't exists, it returns an IP that is the same for every other false website.


    Hope this is usefull




    // EDIT


    Sorry I realised I missunderstood... Probably you don't want to check for the existence of a domain...

  4. Hi, I was wondering if there is a possibility to stop or break an setTimeout
    For example, when you have:

    setTimeout('hello()', 5000);

    hello() wil be executed in 5 seconds, but I was wondering if ik could be stopped when an other command is executed

    Many thnx in Advance
  5. Hi, I have a script that changes an element according to the id that is putted into the function, I am doing this with 'eval', as an example:

    function changecolor(id) {
      id = eval("divitem_" + id);
      id.style.bgColor = '#000000';

    this works fine though, but I was wondering if it could be done on the W3C standart, I tried this but it doesn't work:

    document.getElementById('divitem_' + id).style.bgColor = '#000000';

    Many Thnx in advance  :D
  6. Hi there, i've created a function that generates variate sums, for example: 5 * 4 / 20 - 5 =
    This sum is saved under a string $sum="5 * 4 / 20 - 5 ="
    But now I want the PHP code to calculate this sum for met is there any function available in PHP that can do this?
    for example: calc($sum);

    Many thnx in advance for the answers
  7. I have a simple script to send HTML emails but when I use CSS it doesn't reads the CSS...
    When I put the style inside the tags, they work fine, but that's a bit hard when you have links, because here you also have the features hover, active etc. Here is my mail script:

    $to = "example@example.com";
    $from = "example@example.com;
    $subject = "EXAMPLE";
    $message = "

    <!-- Put here your HTML code -->


    $headers = "From: $from\r\n";
    $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n";

    $success = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);

    if ($success)
    echo "The email to $to from $from was successfully sent";
    echo "An error occurred when sending the email to $to from $from";

    I would like to know which solution is posible.
    1. Is there some way to use hover and active etc in the <a style="""></a> tag?
    2. Is there a possibility to set the content type also to CSS (for ezample: $headers .= "Content-type: text/html text/css\r\n"; which I've already tried but doesn't work)

    Well many thnx to those who replie ;-)
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