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Posts posted by jmif96

  1. Yup that's correct, I hate it when I miss little things like that. However, now I have a differen't problem, when it prints the <item> tags to the xml file it dosen't print the whole string from the database. It prints this:

            <enclosure url="h" length="" type="audio/mp3" />
            <pubDate>Wed, Dec 31 1969 17:00:01 -0700</pubDate>
            <itunes:author>DVA CRJ Team</itunes:author>

    I cannot seem to find why it's only printing that. I've checked the databases and there is no problem there. Any ideas?
  2. I've created a small php script that writes info for a podcast to a database, then, when a differen't is pressed, it creates an XML file for that. I do this by opening an SML file with the w attribute. However, I always the error statement in my if/else test when I run it. I cant seem to figure out why. I've give the file 777 permissions also.

    Heres the part that writes the XML:

    function compilePodcastXML() {

    // open file
    $xmlfile = fopen ('podcasts/podcast.xml', "w");

    // select SQL records
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM podcasts";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);
    $num = mysql_num_rows($result);
    $podcast = mysql_fetch_array($result);

    // Write first, static part of XML File
    $date = date("D, M d Y H:i:s O");
    $xml = "<?xml version="1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
    <rss xmlns:itunes=\"http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd\" version=\"2.0\">




        <itunes:category text=\"Transportation\">
             <itunes:category text=\"Podcasting\" />
        </itunes:category> "; // END STATIC XML
    // write item statements
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {

    $xml .= "
            <enclosure url=\"".$podcast['mp3url'][$i]."\" length=\"".$podcasts['filesize'][$i]."\" type=\"audio/mp3\" />
            <pubDate>".date("D, M d Y H:i:s O", $podcast['pubdate'][$i])."</pubDate>
            <itunes:author>DVA CRJ Team</itunes:author>

    // finish up xml file
    $xml .= "  </channel>


    if (fwrite ($xmlfile, $sml)) {
    print ("Podcast XML file created successfully.");
    $doneBy = $_SESSION['f_name'].' '.$_SESSION['l_name'];
    $date = time();
    $query = "INSERT INTO adminLog VALUES ('','Podcast','Publish','$doneBy','$title','$date')";
    } else {
    print ("Error creating XML file.");


    Any ideas?

  3. Actually, I do have a question.

    When I submit the form I send it to xxx.php?ID=USER ID (taken from session).

    And when I do this and run it the update works but if you just logged in and ran it for the first time during that session, you get this error:

    Warning: Unknown(): Your script possibly relies on a session side-effect which existed until PHP 4.2.3. Please be advised that the session extension does not consider global variables as a source of data, unless register_globals is enabled. You can disable this functionality and this warning by setting session.bug_compat_42 or session.bug_compat_warn to off, respectively. in Unknown on line 0

    However, it still updates the record, and when you run the script again, it dosen't come up. Is there any way to prevent that message?
  4. Thanks for your help guys, turns out it didn't know here to place the data because I used the $_POST to get the vars. So that messed up the header, thus messing up some session variables which I was using to place the table.

    Thanks again!
  5. Hey guys,

    I can't seem to get this script to update a record in my MySQL database for me. It takes input from a form (POST) and assigns them variables. It then connects to the database, assigns the query to $query, and runs the query inside of an if statement to test if it worked. But I keep getting an error and when I check the database it hasn't updated.

    Here's part of the code:

    $query = "UPDATE Users SET AIM = '$AIM', YIM = '$YIM', MSN = '$MSN', website = '$website', Location = '$location', RW_Expirence = '$RW_Expirence', VATSIM ID = '$VATSIM', Auto = '$auto' WHERE `First` = '$First' AND Last = '$Last'";

    if (mysql_query($query)) {
    print "Your profile has been updated.";
    <form> <input type="button" value="Run Again" onClick="window.location = 'profile.php'"></form>
    else {
    print ("Uh Oh! There was an error, please try again.");
    <form><input type="button" value="Run Again" onClick="window.location = 'profile.php'"></form>


    Any help is appreciated, thanks!
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