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Posts posted by timothee

  1. Hi all,

    I need to control a device connected to the serial port of my server but I'm not sure how to proceed. Would anyone have a simple sample of talking to the serial port from linux in php?

    I've searched around a little bit and apparently I need the dio extension. However the php.net site states that the extension is only available on windows from 5.1.0 (I'm on linux/Apache2/PHP5.1.4).

    Is there anyway to install it on linux anyway or is there an alternative solution to talk to the serial port? Maybe via fopen/fread/fwrite on /dev/ttyS0? I tried that without success, but I'm really not sure I did it the right way.

    Thanks in advance for any help!
  2. Hi there,

    Sorry this must be a dumb question but how do I install the dio extension from pecl?

    a straight:
    [code]#pecl install dio[/code]
    [code]No releases available for package "pecl.php.net/dio"
    Cannot initialize 'dio', invalid or missing package file
    Package "dio" is not valid
    install failed

    And it seems there is no release at all to download at [a href=\"http://pecl.php.net/package/dio\" target=\"_blank\"]http://pecl.php.net/package/dio[/a].

    I'm on gentoo 2006.0 with php 5.1.4

  3. Hi all,

    Using PHP5.1.4, is there any way to enable automatic validatation of values passed to match the datatype defined in the wsdl?

    I hit the case below: based on a wsdl, I must send a couple of date parameters (type is xsd:date). When I format my parameters according to specs (YYYY-MM-DD), the request goes correctly. However if I mistakenly send non-conformant data (e.g. a string as "fooYYYY-MM-DDbar"). Neither the soapclient nor the soapserver complain that the data format is invalid and of course my request doesn't return meanigful results.

    What I was expecting to see was the soapserver, at least, taking care of the data format validation and throw a soap fault should the format not match.

    What gives?

  4. Never mind, David Kingma, the author of [a href=\"http://jool.nl/new/1,webservice_helper.html\" target=\"_blank\"]WSHelper[/a] pointed out my very dumb mistake: in PHP classes, I must refer to the current instance explicitely when calling methods: this->connect() instead of just connect().

    Sorry for the noise.

  5. Hi all,

    I'm trying to create a webservice by using a class but I have some problems with sharing redundant code. I thought I could create private methods in my class to share the common code without exposing the function in the webservice but that is not working :(.

    Is there a way to achieve this? Here is my sample webservice class. The method, I'd like to share is "connect".



      * retrieve hit count for pages, or IDs, over specified period of time
    class PageTrackerWS {

            private $connected = false;
            private $db;

             * Initializes connection to the DB
             * @return void
            private function connect()
                    if ($connected) return;

                    global $config;

                    $db = DB::Connect($config['dsn']);
                    if (DB::isError($db)) {
                            throw new Exception($db->getUserInfo());
                    $connected = true;

             * Returns a list of all page that are marked for tracking
             * @return string[]
            public function getTrackedPages()
                            $req = $db->query("SELECT URI from URIS");
                            if (DB::isError($req)) throw new Exception($req->getUserInfo());

                            while ($row = $req->fetchRow())
                                    $ret[] = $row[0];

                            return  $ret;
                    catch(Exception $e)
                            // !! TODO
                            // return Fault here

             * Returns the internal ID of a tracked page
             * @param string $uri The uri
             * @return string
            public function getPageID($uri)
                            $ID = $db->getOne("SELECT ID from URIS WHERE URI=?", array($uri));
                            if (DB::isError($ID)) throw new Exception($ID->getUserInfo());
                            return $ID;
                    catch(Exception $e)
                            // !! TODO
                            // return Fault here

    Here is the code I use to test my service
    $client = new SoapClient("http://localhost/wshelper/service.php?class=PageTrackerWS&wsdl");
    $pages = $client->getTrackedPages();

    foreach ($pages as $page)
            echo $page."<br/>";

    And the error I get:
    Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [SOAP-ENV:Server] Call to undefined function connect() in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/page_tracker/WSTest.php:14 Stack trace:
    #0 [internal function]: SoapClient->__call('getTrackedPages', Array)
    #1 /var/www/localhost/htdocs/page_tracker/WSTest.php(14):
    SoapClient->getTrackedPages() #2 {main} thrown in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/page_tracker/WSTest.php on line 14

    To assist me in managing my Web Service, I am using the [a href=\"http://jool.nl/new/1,webservice_helper.html\" target=\"_blank\"]WSHelper[/a] tool from jool.nl. Could that be causing problems?

    Thanks in advance,
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