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Posts posted by spike_132000

  1. Hey there, I am making a PSP Security Website, I have this Code, but I get an unexpected T_VARIABLE ERROR on line 43. here is the full code

    include '../connect.php';

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../style.css" type="text/css">

        $userstats="SELECT * from users where username='$username'";
        $userstats2=mysql_query($userstats) or die("Could not get user stats");
    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

    $date1=date("d F Y")

          $SQL = "UPDATE users set ip1='$ip1',date1='$date1',ip2='$ip2',date2='$date2',ip3='$ip3',date3='$date3',ip4='$ip4',date4='$sate4',ip5='$ip5',date5='$date5' where username='$username'";
    mysql_query($SQL) or die ("Sorry, but the service in unnavailable at the moment!")

    I don't understand what is wrong![code][/code]
  2. Hey There, I have this code. it is for my internet game - [a href=\"http://undergroundwarz.samwillis.net\" target=\"_blank\"]http://undergroundwarz.samwillis.net[/a]. I am having problems when i try to use it, what it is supposed to do is, take money from one persons's bank and put it into another, like transfering money between two accounts! Here is the code for "bank4.php"

    include 'connect.php';
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    if (isset($_SESSION['player']))


    $userstats="SELECT * from km_users where playername='$player'";
    $userstats2=mysql_query($userstats) or die("Could not get user stats");
    $tuserstats="SELECT * from km_users where ID='ide'";
    $tuserstats2=mysql_query($tuserstats) or die("Could not get other players stats");
    if ($userstats3[bank]>$gold)
    $updatebanks="update km_users set gold=gold-'$gold1' where playername='$player'";
    $updateother="update km_users set gold=gold+'$gold1' where ID='$ide'";
    mysql_query($updatebanks) or die("Could not Update You");
    mysql_query($updateother) or die("Could not Update Player");
    print "<center>Successfully Transfered $gold gold to $ide.<br>Click <a href='index.php'>here</a> to return";
    else if ($userstats3[bank]<$gold)
    print "<center>You do not have that amount of gold to Transfer";
    else if ($gold=='-')
    print "<center>You cannot transfer negative amounts";
    print "<center>You are not logged in"; die();

    Would Someone be able to tell me where I am going wrong... Here is the code from "bank.php" that sends the data to "bank4.php"

    print "<form action='bank4.php' method='post'>ID to Send To: <input type='text' name='id'> Amount to Send: <input type='text' name='id'><input type='submit' value='Transfer Cash'></form>";

    Thank You in Advance!
  3. Hey there, can you have a look at the code below PLEASE!, and tell me what's wrong with it... What I want it to do is add [b]100 times the opponents level[/b] to [b]curexp[/b], then when [b]curexp[/b] is the same or higher than [b]nexexp[/b], it adds one to [b]level[/b] and makes [b]curexp[/b] equal [b]zero[/b] and make [b]nexexp=nexexp+1000[/b]...

    The Code is below...
    [code]print "<b>Congratulations, You have slain $oppstats3[playername] and have gained $ptsgained Skill Points.</b><br>";
            $updateyourstats="update km_users set skillpts='$skillpts+$ptsgained',honor='$honor+1',curexp='$curexp+100' where playername='$player'";
    mysql_query($updateyourstats) or die("Could not update your stats");
    $updateopp="update km_users set skillpts='$skillpts-$ptslost',dead='Yes',killer=$player,numberattck='0', honor='$honor-1' where ID='$playerID'";
            mysql_query($updateopp) or die(mysql_error());
            print "Back to <A href='index.php'>Main game page</a>.";

    Cheers. Spike_132000
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