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Everything posted by appeland

  1. Hello, I do not believe you can do that with php but with ajax, this is a one file script that'll do it for you : [a href=\"http://encodable.com/filechucker\" target=\"_blank\"]http://encodable.com/filechucker[/a] Cheers, Andi
  2. Have to agree to samshell. However, this is way cool and only a tiny script: [a href=\"http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/[/a] Rgds, Andi
  3. Hi Mike, you can use explode() for that -- no reason to explain it in detail here because the lads at php.net have done so quite nicely I think: [a href=\"http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.explode.php\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.explode.php[/a] Regards, Andi
  4. Hello, make one form for the combobox alone(you can still leave the rest of the form there, we just change the target and move the </form> tag later), assign a javascript onchange event to it to submit the form once the customer has been choosen (I guess the value of the combobox options will be some kind of customer unique id = uid). That form will point to itself basically, except that it now knows the uid of the previously choosen customer. In the form you have to do an if/else statement checking if the uid is there. if it is it will change the forms target and not set the </form> for the previous "little" form that only choose the customer. It also does not display the combobox anymore, but rather does a quick query to your Db to get the full customer details and displays them nicely formatted. Good luck. Andi
  5. Hello, this problem is described in a lot of forums and other articels on the net already but I still cant make it work: I am trying to put a class into a session so that I dont have to include it again and again (it's a DB Access Class). [b]Here is what I do on page one:[/b] [code] <? include('database.php'); session_start(); header("Cache-control: private"); //IE 6 Fix $_SESSION ['database'] = new database; $database = &New database; $query="SELECT name FROM users where id = 63"; $database->setQuery($query); $row=$database->loadObjectList(); $row=$row[0]; ?> <a href ="http://testserver/test/test2.php">Show <? echo $row->name;?>'s username</a> [/code] -> this works fine and the result is delivered from the DB. [b] The link in there brings me to the next page which looks like this:[/b] [code] <? session_start(); header("Cache-control: private"); //IE 6 Fix echo "Session: <pre>"; print_r($_SESSION); echo "</pre><br><br>"; $query="SELECT username FROM users where id = 63"; $database->setQuery($query); $row=$database->loadObjectList(); $row=$row[0]; echo $row->username; ?> [/code] As you can see I am looking into the session to see what's in it but I keep getting: [b][database] => __PHP_Incomplete_Class Object.[/b] All the topics I found somewhere else just say that I need to include the class file before I start the session, but I do that already [img src=\"style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/huh.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":huh:\" border=\"0\" alt=\"huh.gif\" /] I know this is trivial but I just cant get the hang of it. Your help is highly appreciated. Thanks & Regards, Andi
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