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Posts posted by Arez

  1. If I wanted to reformat my computer, could I go to C:\Program Files\MySQL\Mysql Server 4.1\, back-up that folder, and then put it on my new computer and have everything work correctly? Or is there another way to back-up all the databases at once?

  2. I've been trying to rename a DB, but haven't found out how. The best I know of is to go into the directory the databases are stored, and rename the folder itself. They say that you should restart MySQL after that process though.


    So, is there another way to rename the DB, and how do I restart MySQL??

  3. ; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.

    extension_dir = "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/php/extensions/"


    I am still getting the php_curl.dll error, saying it isn't there when it is. I'm really confused since I think I am doing everything correctly. Something wrong with Apache HTTP Server 2.0.59?

  4. "Unknown(): Unable to load dynamic library 'C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/php/sapi/php_curl.dll' - The specified module could not be found."


    I am 100% sure it is there. I took the DLL from the extension folder which was included with the PHP I installed, and know other DLLs are loading up in the same location. Am I missing something?




    This is what it says in the error log:


    PHP Warning:  Unknown(): Unable to load dynamic library 'C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/php/sapi/php_curl.dll' - The specified module could not be found.\r\n in Unknown on line 0

  5. When I display my PHP Info, this is what it gives for error_reporting:


    error_reporting 2039 2039


    I need it to be 2037 2037 though!


    Here is what it says in php.ini:


    ; Examples:


    ;  - Show all errors, except for notices


    ;error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE


    ;  - Show only errors


    ;error_reporting = E_COMPILE_ERROR|E_ERROR|E_CORE_ERROR


    ;  - Show all errors except for notices


    error_reporting  =  E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE


    How do I get this to change to 2037?!

  6. Here is my current code

    [code]// this function views logs

    function viewLogs() {

    global $bordercolor1, $tablebg1;
    echo "
    <table align='center' border='1' bordercolor='$bordercolor1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' width='550'>
    <tr><td class='main' background='$tablebg1'><center><b>View Logs</b></center></td></tr>
    <td class='small'><br>

    $query = "SELECT * FROM log ORDER BY id DESC";
    $result = mysql_query($query)
         or die("error");
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    echo "
    <b>Date:</b> $date1<br>
    <b>Action:</b> $action<br>
    <b>Reason:</b> $reason<br>
    <hr size='1' width='500' color='$bordercolor1'>

    $limit          = 25;              
        $query_count    = "SELECT count(*) FROM table";  
        $result_count   = mysql_query($query_count);  
        $totalrows      = mysql_num_rows($result_count);

            $page = 1;

        $limitvalue = $page * $limit - ($limit);
        $query  = "SELECT * FROM table LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit";      
        $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Error: " . mysql_error());

        if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 0){
            echo("Nothing to Display!");

        $bgcolor = "#E0E0E0"; // light gray

        while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
            if ($bgcolor == "#E0E0E0"){
                $bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
                $bgcolor = "#E0E0E0";

        echo("<tr bgcolor=".$bgcolor.">n<td>");


        if($page != 1){
            $pageprev = $page--;
            echo("<a href=\"$PHP_SELF&page=$pageprev\">PREV".$limit."</a> ");
            echo("PREV".$limit." ");

        $numofpages = $totalrows / $limit;
        for($i = 1; $i <= $numofpages; $i++){
            if($i == $page){
                echo($i." ");
                echo("<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?page=$i\">$i</a> ");

        if(($totalrows % $limit) != 0){
            if($i == $page){
                echo($i." ");
                echo("<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?page=$i\">$i</a> ");

        if(($totalrows - ($limit * $page)) > 0){
            $pagenext = $page++;
            echo("<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?page=$pagenext\">NEXT".$limit."</a>");

    echo "</blockquote>

    } // end viewLogs function[/code]

    And it gives me -
    Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table LIMIT 0, 25' at line 1

    it says that near the bottom of the logs. What'd I do wrong?
  7. The code is

    [code]This writes actions into the logs page

    global $bordercolor1, $tablebg1;
    echo "
    <table align='center' border='1' bordercolor='$bordercolor1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' width='550'>
    <tr><td class='main' background='$tablebg1'><center><b>View Logs</b></center></td></tr>
    <td class='small'><br>

    $query = "SELECT * FROM log ORDER BY id DESC";
    $result = mysql_query($query)
    or die("error");
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    echo "
    <b>Date:</b> $date1<br>
    <b>Action:</b> $action<br>
    <b>Reason:</b> $reason<br>
    <hr size='1' width='500' color='$bordercolor1'>

    echo "</blockquote>

    How would I get that to make page 1, 2, 3, etc? it's putting it all on one page and it gets too big.
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