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Posts posted by Doug.Gentry

  1. I've been bemoaning the fact that our company REALLY can use some PHP enabled websites for our multitude of forms that we can click on... then print.. and sign and then scan or fax to the receipant. It just floors me that we can't have a form show up as a webpage and you can then fill in the data and hit submit and it does what it's supposed too.


    As an example: Our scheduling dept using an online webpage to do the scheduling. They then export the data from that site to turn it into a excel sheet which is barely human readable and drop it on the desktop.


    They then run a excel tool that was created by an employee that then turn that hodgepod of text into a really nice excel workbook which drops onto our file server in a particular directory. The dispatchers can then open that days workbook and fill in the times when a crew arrives or goes off shift, if they've missed lunch and or got held over.


    My idea wold be to do essenatly the same thing except to have this page display as a website and not an excel workbook.


    I would like to have the names populate as from the schechudling website but be able to edit crew names in case someone calls in sick and the remaining crew person needs to move to another ambulance.


    I'd also need to have the check in times and check out field populate when I put in the times.


    Then at midnight it would save that webpage on the server and I guess create a new one for the next day?


    Is this something that can be accomplished with PHP and SQL and Apache?



  2. [!--quoteo(post=379988:date=Jun 4 2006, 11:36 AM:name=wildteen88)--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE(wildteen88 @ Jun 4 2006, 11:36 AM) [snapback]379988[/snapback][/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]
    You cannot execute PHP files the way you do with HTML files, ie double click it and it'll open up in the browser. As PHP is a server-side lanaguage it requires a server that is configured to execute any .php files with the PHP intepreter. Now in order to do this you need to open up a browser and type in [a href=\"http://localhost/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://localhost/[/a] you should see list of files and folders now click the file you want to execute, or typeing the actuall name of the script like so: [a href=\"http://localhost/todaysdate.php\" target=\"_blank\"]http://localhost/todaysdate.php[/a]

    NOTE: the url [a href=\"http://localhost/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://localhost/[/a] will only work if you have a server setup on your computer. Now with the Dummies book you have there should be chapter or an apendix section that tells you how to setup a server on your computer.

    Ah, that makes sense. I do have Apache set up on here and Mysql.
    Now I remember a section where your php files need to in a certain location. DOH!

  3. I following along in this book named Apache,Mysql and PHP Web Development for Dummies.

    I followed and wrote out the code for viewing todays date .
    I saved it as todaysdate.php in a directory named phpfiles.

    when I go to that directoy and double click on the todaysdate.php it wants to open it with gedit.
    if I change the name to todaysdate.html it will open in firefox but not show the date or do what it's suppoed to do.
    I'm used to being able to open an html file in the editor and change it, save and refreash the webpage and see the changes.

    how does one do this with a .php file?
    Here's the php file in case that helps.
    More than likly I just need to go back a few chapters and re-read something hu?

    <title>Today's Date</Title>
    Greetings! Today is
    $today = getdate();
    $month = $today['month'];
    $mday = $today['mday'];
    $year = $today['year'];
    print=" $month $mday, $myear\n";

    I saved it as todaysdate.php
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