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Posts posted by xr6vn9z

  1. I fixed it. THe problem was that the my.ini user name was the default \"root\". :oops: I had changed the root username to something else for security reasons. As soon as I changed the username to the current one and restarted the MySQL server, the extended information was displayed and the Stop Extended Info button was active.


    I hope this helps someone else in the future.

  2. BTW, I have read every tutorial on .htaccess on the web but it will not work as instructed. I think my problem may be related to the virtual path.


    The root folder for Apache is /htdocs. the folder I want to protect with .htaccess is at \"/htdocs/catalog/admin\". Therefore, I am assuming that the following is correct:


    In the httpd.conf file I am pointing a directory directive to:

    <Directory \"/catalog/admin\">

    blah blah

    blah blah blah

    blah blah



    In the .htaccess file I am pointing to the password file at:

    AuthUserFile /passwords/.htpasswd


    Is this correct? Anyone?


    I am aware of the Apache tutorial and what it says about having access to the root and not using .htaccess. That is not the point. I want to use .htaccess and there is no reason why I should not be able to. Other people are using it and I would like to nail it before trying an alternative method.

  3. .htpasswd conatins



    /htdocs/ is set as the root directory in httpd.conf


    .htpasswd is in the htdocs/passwords/ folder.



    <Directory /catalog/admin>
      Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
      AllowOverride AuthConfig
      order allow,deny
      allow from none



    AuthUserFile /passwords/.htpasswd
    AuthName "Restricted Area"
    AuthType Basic
    <Limit GET POST>
    require valid-user


    When I try to access /htdocs/catalog/admin I get the prompt to enter my name and password. I enter the info I specified in the .htpasswd file but the prompt just refreshes.


    What is wrong with the settings?

  4. When I right-click and select \"Show Me\" on the tasktray icon for MySQLAdmin the \"Stop Extended Server Status\" button is greyed out and the extended info is not showing. Every other time I have installed and ran MySQL this option was functioning and active. How do I re-enable this?

  5. Thank you for replying. What I wanted to know is how do I make the fields so that they are unique? What is the MySQL code to make the fields so they abide by the rule you mentioned. For instance how do I make the following table follow the rule that 2 fields can\'t have the same pair of values?


    CREATE TABLE Color (
    petName CHAR(25) NOT NULL,
    petColor CHAR(15) NOT NUL,
    pix CHAR(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT "na.gif",
    PRIMARY KEY(petName,petColor) );


    When I try to run it I get an error about not being able to have more than one primary key - as expected. What I want is the actual code that does what the author is trying to accomplish in theory.

  6. I have a create table script that ends with:



    $login=\"login code\"...



    blah blah(n) not blah,

    blah blah(n) not blah,

    blah blah(n) not blah blah \"blah.blah\",

    PRIMARY KEY(petName,petColor) );




    Then it goes on to describe the last line:

    The primary key must be unique. For this table, two columns together are the primary key - this column and the petName column. MySQL won\'t allow two or more rows to be entered with the same petName and petColor.


    You cannot have more than one primary key so I\'m totally confuseded. :shock:


    Can someone PLEASE translate that into n00bie english? And how do I do what she is trying to tell me to, with PHP code?

  7. change...


    \"insert into items values(0, \'Tony\', \'Tony blah\', 23.95)\";

    \"insert into items values(0, \'FI\', \'FI blah\',36.50)\";




    insert into items values(0, \'Tony\', \'Tony blah\', 23.95);

    insert into items values(0, \'FI\', \'FI blah\',36.50);


    I\'m kind of new with PHP but I think you just do what you suggested and upload the file to the server and open it in the browser.


    Also, I\'ve not dealt with remote servers yet, so I am not sure if $host=\"localhost\" would be correct.

  8. Actually, I prefer MySQL Manager for my GUI. Sometimes I just need to use the console because of some bizarre code like:


    CREATE table MyTable (field var1(x),var2(y),var3(z) PRIMARY KEY(var1, var2))


    $CrappyTutorialWriter="Janet Valade - PHP & MYSQL for DUMMIES"


    My GUI wouldn\'t allow this code so I needed to use the console, only to discover that the author of the code is $CrappyTutorialWriter.

  9. Is there a way to create a shortcut to the mysql console(DOS box) that will allow me to add the login switches so I can just start using a database instead of having to type in all the details everytime?

  10. You need to read some tutorials that are very basic! You cannot learn MySQL in a few days and no one is going to do it all for you. You just have to chip away at the tutorials and learn a bit at a time. I\'m lucky because I am not working right now so I get to spend all day immersed in MySQL and PHP, oh, the bliss of it all.


    A good link for a MySQL starter tutorial is at:




    Go over this and then search for more tutorials and examples. Even though a lot of the tutorials do not work, they do let you play with the code and sometiimes you can figure it out yourself.


    Good luck little fella! :wink:

  11. When I get a lot of data in a db I like to go to the data folder and backup the db/table by copying the content of the db folder and creating a folder called \"backup\" inside the db folder. If the db gets dropped by accident, does that delete the entire db folder, including my backup in the subfolder? :shock:

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