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Posts posted by cesarhtown

  1. Hello all. I need some help with some javascript using php.

    *I have a list in a <select></select> with 5 different <option>'s.
    **Now, I wish to select 1, 2, or more of those 5 options and have a button next to the box that says "CREATE ARRAY".
    ***When I click on CREATE ARRAY, I want to create a PHP array onclick, in other words storing those selections into an array. Any ideas?

    Please help.

  2. Actually, I think I figured it out. I applied this code to my script:

    foreach ($GLOBALS as $k => $v)
    echo "\$GLOBALS[$k] => $v <br>";

    That seems to do the trick, except for the variables that are arrays, but I guess I can loop into it, I just don't need them. Thanks for the advice.
  3. Hey guys!

    This is the situation. I have a script that somebody else wrote. This guy has a main.php page that includes different .php pages. Those .php pages include other .php pages, and those include OTHER .PHP PAGES! in my opinion, the code is a mess! I've been trying my best to come up with the logic of all these pages put together, but it's riduclous... oh well... can anybody help with some kind of function that reads all variables that are passed on/included to the main.php page? it would be nice to enter a function that gives you a list of all the variables that are in play from those pages on main.php somewhere. Please help.

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