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I downloaded a script from http://www.phphomepage.net/ and am trying to install it. I created the database like it says to, but the script isn't creating the tables like it is supposed to. There is a file called homepage.sql that is to run, but it isn't I guess. I don't know much about sql and the install instructions are weak. Can anyone help me out with this?
I use a header and a footer page that are generic and then a content page that differes for each page.. In the header page I have this: [code]<?php echo<<<FACE_BEGIN <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>$title</title>[/code] and it continues on with the rest of the header... In the content page it is like this: [code]<?php /* Page Title */ $title="Paige's Movies";[/code] and that continues... If you want to see the pages go to www.paigejohnston.com... The front page doesn't use this format, but every other page on the site does.
Can someone help me validate [url=http://www.paigejohnston.com]this page[/url]. [url=http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.paigejohnston.com%2F&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&ss=1]here[/url] is the results.. Having alot of problems with the meta tags. [edit]Ok.. I figured out the meta tags.. Now just need some help with a script im runnin.[/edit]
ok... i have the design now. I need to get the border around the navigation area just like it is on the old site.. I went through a CSS tutorial and didn't see anything on it. Old Site: http://www.PaigeJohnston.com New Site http://www.PaigeJohnston.com/css Any ideas?
I am looking to integrate more CSS into my website design, however I know nothing about CSS. I want to use the same design that I have now. Does anyone have any suggestions? I don't want to learn all of CSS. Just enough to change the site to CSS and do what I want to with it. http://www.paigejohnston.com
I need a couple of images created for a website for my daugther. If someone is willing to donate their time, that would be great.
I was actually able to get it to work... I had to edit some in the main body of the script though.
Trying to fix another validation problem... The slideshow requires the following: [code]<META http-equiv="refresh" content="<?php print $interval; ?>; URL=<?php print $the_url . "&phid=" . $phid_next; ?>">[/code] Which runs in the main body of the site. There is the top and bottom templates which have the design, and the middle has the code for the scripts.. If I put the meta tag in the head portion, it doesn't work.. Any suggestions?
Very nice work, thank you sir.
This is a photo gallery script. It generates 2 different pages. "Case 0" shows all images in a directory and "Case 1" shows only the selected image. It has a face_begin.php and a face_end.php template. I want to add a face_begin_view.php and a face_end_view.php to the case 1 part and leave the case 0 at the default. I have figured out how to change the face_begin.php to face_begin_view.php because it specifically asks the question in case 1 what to use as the template. I also figured out how to add the face_end_view.php to the end of case 1. My problem comes in, that at the very end of the script is where it defines the end template for the entire script. I have tried moving that around, but I can't find out where to put it to make it work only for case 0 and not for case 1. Right now, as the script is below, the single image page shows the correct top template, the correct bottom template, AND below that it shows the incorrect bottom template. I was wondering if anyone could figure out where to put the face_end.php command to make it work properly, or if there is a way to make an if code work, something like (if case=1 face_end_view.php else face_end.php) Any help would be much apprecieated. Thanks! [code]<?php /** * Here we have de code that shows a gallery index or an image with its * comments * * On query string receives: $gid [ $phid || $page ] * * Actions: * * if only is set gid => print gallery index. * if is set gid and phid => show image, image info and comments * if gid and page are set => show that page * * if gallery has password then check if user filled gallery password form * variable, $form_pw, is the same as the stored in the $GID_INFO_FILE * of the gallery. * * @package user */ session_start(); require_once('functions.php'); require_once('locale.php'); require_once('config.php'); require_once('view_func.php'); //_GET[varname] => varname $gid=$_GET['gid']; $phid=$_GET['phid']; $page=$_GET['page']; $hit=$_GET['hit']; $form_pw=$_POST['form_pw']; $case=0; // 0 -> View gallery if (!isset($gid)) { header("Location: ./gallery.php"); die; }; // 1 -> View photo; if (isset($phid)) { $case=1; } if (!is_int((int)$phid)) { error(_y("Incorrect Arguments")); } //Default page 0; if ( !isset($page) ) $page='0'; //Obtain gallery directory and information about this gallery. if (!($dir=get_data($GID_DIRS,$gid))) error(_y('Retrieving gallery directory')); $gid_dir= $BASE_DIR . $dir; include($gid_dir . $GID_INFO_FILE); //echo "<br>form:$form_pw-{$gid_info['gallery_password']}-ses:". $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['y_gallery_pwd']; //Check if gallery has an access password and user inserted it. //form_pw: password introduced by user in a form. //gallery_password: password stored in $GID_INFO_FILE if (!check_admin_login()) { //If user is admin, allow. if (strlen($gid_info['gallery_password'])>0) { //if gallery_has password => check if (!check_gallery_password($gid_info['gallery_password'],$form_pw)){ //if password include($TEMPLATE_DIR . 'face_begin.php'); error(_y("Password incorrect.")); include($TEMPLATE_DIR . 'face_end.php'); } } } switch($case) { case 0: { //View Gallery //Only count a visit of the gallery when hit is set. if ($hit=="yes") { //Stats add_listed_visit($GID_STATS,$gid); header("Location: ./view.php?gid=$gid"); die; } include($TEMPLATE_DIR . 'face_begin.php'); heading($gid_info['title']); print_main_menubar(); print_gallery_navigation_bar($gid); print_page_navigation_bar($gid_dir,$gid,$page); //Now show Gallery thumbnails if (!gallery_thumbs($gid,$page)) error(_y("Gallery data not found. Please re-create this gallery")); print_page_navigation_bar($gid_dir,$gid,$page); print_gallery_navigation_bar($gid); break; } case 1: { //View Image $phid_filename= get_data($gid_dir . $PHID_FILENAMES, $phid); $phid_visits=get_data($gid_dir . $PHID_STATS, $phid); $phid_comments=get_data($gid_dir . $PHID_COMMENTS, $phid); $img_path=$gid_dir . $phid_filename; if (!is_file($img_path)) { include($TEMPLATE_DIR . 'face_begin_view.php'); error(_y('Image not found')); } $img_url=$gid_dir . rawurlencode($phid_filename); $I_TITLE= $gid_info['title'] . " - $phid_filename"; include($TEMPLATE_DIR . 'face_begin_view.php'); heading($gid_info['title'] . "- <small>$phid_filename</small>"); print_main_menubar(); print_navigation_bar($gid,$phid,$gid_dir); //Setting MAX_IMG_SIZE (view config.php for doc) if ($MAX_IMG_SIZE > 0) { $sz_orig = getimagesize($img_path); $ratio=$sz_orig[1]/$sz_orig[0]; if ($sz_orig[0]> $MAX_IMG_SIZE || $sz_orig[0]> $MAX_IMG_SIZE) { if ($ratio>1) { $height=$MAX_IMG_SIZE; $width=(int)($MAX_IMG_SIZE/$ratio); } else { $width=$MAX_IMG_SIZE; $height=(int) ($MAX_IMG_SIZE*$ratio); } //Now construct img_size html code $img_size= "style=\"width:$width;height=$height\" "; } } echo "<div class=\"viewimage\"><a name=\"img\"></a><img src=\"".$img_url. "\" ". $img_size . "alt=\"$phid_filename\" id=\"myimage\" class=\"image\" onload=\"preload('$img_url')\" /></div>"; print_zoom_bar($img_path); print_navigation_bar($gid,$phid,$gid_dir); print_exif_info($img_path,$phid); if ($gid_info['no_comments']!="on") { print_all_comments($gid_dir . $gid ."_" . $phid, $gid, $phid); print_navigation_bar($gid,$phid,$gid_dir); } //print_navigation_bar($gid,$phid, $gid_dir); //Stats add_listed_visit( $gid_dir . $PHID_STATS, $phid); include($TEMPLATE_DIR . 'face_end_view.php'); } } include($TEMPLATE_DIR . 'face_end.php'); ?> [/code]
I'm looking for a script that will run a video gallery. I am currently running YAPIG for a picture gallery, and like the way it works, I would like something similar to that. I would like for it to have a page with thumbnails and a breif description, and click a link to go to the video. Maybe have the ability to add comments, however not important. Would love it if I could just use an include and put it in my current pages. I don't have any money to spend as this is a website for my daughter. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks! Chris http://www.PaigeJohnston.com
I am having some trouble with dreamweaver. I am trying to validate all my code with W3C.. I need to change the [code]& to &[/code] in my urls.. There are 3 that have this. Each time I try to do this though, Dreamweaver screws up the last modified date at the bottom of the site and reverts the amp code back to the &. Any suggestions? The page I'm having problems with is: [a href=\"http://paigejohnston.com/news.php\" target=\"_blank\"]site[/a]