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Posts posted by Birdman203

  1. well the script below shows me the mysql_query result is not correct or somethin error and points to line 52


    $_mode = isset($_REQUEST['mode']) ? $_REQUEST['mode'] : 'view';


    case 'newtopic':

    $page = "Forums :: New Topic";

    $tpl->assign('title', "$board_config[site_name] " . ":: $page");


    $f_id = $_GET['f'];

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . FORUMS_TABLE . " WHERE forum_id = '$f_id'";

    $query = mysql_query($sql);

    $num = mysql_num_rows($query);

    $row = mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_ASSOC);

    if ( $num == "0" || empty($row['parent_id']) )
    $tpl->assign('message', 'There is no forum with that ID.');
    if ( $members->check_cat_per( $members->get_member_id(), 'forum_new_topic', $f_id ) == "1" )
    if ($_POST['submit'])
    if ( empty($_POST['title']) || empty($_POST['message']) )
    $tpl->assign('message', 'You left the title and/or message blank.');
    $tpl->assign('redirect', 'index.php?s=forums&mode=newtopic&f=' . $f_id);
    $forum_id = $f_id;
    $poster = $members->get_profile( $members->get_member_id() );
    $poster_id = $poster['member_id'];
    $time = strtotime("now");
    $title = submit_textbox($_POST['title']);
    $message = submit_textbox($_POST['message']);

    $sql_auto = "SHOW TABLE STATUS " . POSTS_TABLE . "";
    $query_auto = mysql_query($sql_auto);
    $auto_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_auto);
    $post_id = $auto_row['Auto_increment'];

    $sql_insert_topic = "INSERT INTO " . TOPICS_TABLE . " (forum_id, poster_id, title, first_poster_id, first_post_id, last_poster_id, last_post_id, last_post_time) VALUES ('$f_id', '$poster_id', '$title', '$poster_id', '$post_id', '$poster_id', '$post_id', '$time')";
    $query_insert_topic = mysql_query($sql_insert_topic);
    $topic_id = mysql_insert_id();

    $sql_insert_post = "INSERT INTO " . POSTS_TABLE . " (topic_id, forum_id, poster_id, message, post_time, number_in_topic) VALUES ('$topic_id', '$f_id', '$poster_id', '$message', '$time', '1')";
    $query_insert_post = mysql_query($sql_insert_post);

    $num_topics = $row['num_topics'] + 1;
    $sql_update_forums = "UPDATE " . FORUMS_TABLE . " SET num_topics = '$num_topics' WHERE forum_id = '$f_id'";
    $sql_update_query = mysql_query($sql_update_forums);

    $tpl->assign('message', 'You have succesfully made a new topic.');
    $tpl->assign('redirect', 'index.php?s=forums&mode=view_topic&id=' . $topic_id);
    $tpl->assign('form', '1');

    $sql_parent = "SELECT * FROM " . FORUMS_TABLE . " WHERE forum_id = '$row[parent_id]'";

    $query_parent = mysql_query($sql_parent);

    $row_parent = mysql_fetch_array($query_parent);

    $forum_data = $row_parent;
    $forum_data['child'] = $row;

    $tpl->assign('forum_data', $forum_data);
    $tpl->assign('message', 'You do not have permission to post a topic in this forum.');
    $tpl->assign('redirect', 'index.php?s=forums&mode=view_forum&id=' . $f_id);





    line 52 is
    $auto_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_auto);
  2. [code]
    $count_session = count($_SESSION['topics']);
    $id = $_GET['id'];
    $array_session = array(
    'id' => $id
    $array_session2[$count_session] = $array_session;
    $set_session = $_SESSION['topics'][$array_session2];

    how come this doesnt work? or am i doin somethin wrong?
  3. I have something like this:

    <option value="1" style="padding-left: 20px; background: url(../img/flags/1.gif) no-repeat;" selected>United States</option><option value="2" style="padding-left: 20px; background: url(../img/flags/2.gif) no-repeat;" >Norway</option>

    And I need the value of it to be inserted as the ID in a table and the name of it thing which is United Stats and Norway in name.
    I need this, because I have about 180 countries and I need all of them to be in a SQL database.
  4. Can you tell me whats wrong with this?

    function quote($message) {
        $quoteCount = preg_match_all("#\#(.*?)#si", $message, $quote2);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $quoteCount; $i++) {
        if (is_numeric($quote2[1][$i])) {
        $quote = $quote2[1][$i];
        $result = mysql_db_query("typekill_$config[short]", "select * from cp_fposts where topic_id = '$_GET[id]' order by id asc");
        $n = 1;
        $b = 0;
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $array[$b] = array(
    'id' => $qry[id],
    'post_num' => $n,
    'author' => $row[author],
    'message' => $row[message]
        for ($d = 0; $d < count($array); $d++) {
        if ($array[$d]['post_num'] == $quote) {
        $author = mysql_db_query("typekill_global", "select * from cp_members where member_id = '$array[$d][author]'");
        $qry = mysql_fetch_array($author);
        $message = preg_replace("/\#{$quote}/si", '<table cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" bgcolor=\"#A9A8AE\" width=\"85%\" style=\"margin: 4px auto 8px auto;\"><tr style=\"background-image: url(images/oddrowbg.gif);\"><th style=\"padding-left: 5px; text-align: left;\"><b>#{$quote} by <a href=members.php?mode=profile&id={$qry[member_id]}>{$qry[alias]}</a></b></th></tr><tr bgcolor=\"{$config.color}\"><td style=\"padding-left: 6px;\" valign=\"top\">{$array[$d][message]}</td></tr></table>', $message);
  5. OK, now I have another question. Didn't know if I should make a new topic or not.

    Lets say I have this array:

    Array (2)
    0 => Array (11)
      id => "18",
      post_num => "1",
      message => "news post #7<br />\r\n<img src=http://g..."
    1 => Array (11)
      id => "19",
      post_num => "2",
      message => "gagaga"

    And now I need to get the "message" from it where the post_num is 1.
  6. Ok so this is what I did to test it:



    $message = "[[member:Birdman]]<br>sada<br>[[member:ZOiD]]";
    echo member($message);

    function member($message) {
    $prepareCount = preg_match_all("#\[\[member:(.*?)\]\]#si", $message, $prepare);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $prepareCount; $i++)
    $alias = $prepare[1][$i];
    $result = mysql_db_query("typekill_global", "select * from cp_members where alias = '$alias'");
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $message = preg_replace("/\[\[\member:(.*?)\]\]/si", "<img src=http://global.typekill.net/flags/{$row[country]}.gif> <a href=members.php?mode=profile&id={$row[member_id]}>{$row[alias]}</a>", $message);

    And this is what I got:
    <img src=http://global.typekill.net/flags/55.gif> <a href=members.php?mode=profile&id=1>Birdman</a><br>
    <img src=http://global.typekill.net/flags/55.gif> <a href=members.php?mode=profile&id=1>Birdman</a>

    But when you do print_r($prepare); everything is in the array the right way and stuff so I don't know whats wrong.
  7. $prepareCount returns the number just like if you would do it with count. I did print_r($prepareCount); and it returned 2 not an array. $prepare is an array not $prepareCount. The problem is that $i++ isn't executing or somethin, because it always stays at 0. I inserted $i before <img and both were 0, but the 2nd 1 was supposed to be 1. That is why this is not workin and I do not know how to fix it that's what I'm asking for. If any of you know how to fix this.
  8. I did this here look through it and learn!

    require 'required.inc.php';

    $news = $config[news];
    $page = $_REQUEST['page'];
    $mul2 = bcmul($page, $news);
    $mul = bcsub($mul2, $news);
    if (isset($page)) {
    $result = mysql_db_query("typekill_$config[short]", "select * from cp_ftopics where cat_id = '$config[news_cat]' order by id desc limit $mul, $config[news]");
    $smarty->assign("isset", "1");
    } else {
    $result = mysql_db_query("typekill_$config[short]", "select * from cp_ftopics where cat_id = '$config[news_cat]' order by id desc limit 0, $config[news]") or die(mysql_error());
    $smarty->assign("isset", "0");
    $count = mysql_num_rows($result);
    if ($count > $mul) {
    if (isset($page)) {
    $nextp = $page + 1;
    } else {
    $nextp = $page + 2;
    $smarty->assign("nextp", $nextp);
    if ($count < $mul) {
    $backp = $page - 1;
    $smarty->assign("backp", $backp);
  9. When I did that it like doesn't execute, because it doesn't even replace the [[member:Birdman]] or [[member:ZoID]]

    EDIT: It's fine how it was before, but the $i++ doesn't execute. Even if I put it at the end below $message.
  10. I don't know why, but this doesn't work. the $i always stays at 0.

    $prepareCount = preg_match_all("#\[\[member:(.*?)\]\]#si", $message, $prepare);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $prepareCount; $i++) {
    $alias = $prepare[1][$i];
    $result = mysql_db_query("typekill_global", "select * from cp_members where alias = '$alias'");
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $message = preg_replace("/\[\[member:(.*?)\]\]/si", "<img src=http://global.typekill.net/flags/$row[country].gif> <a href=members.php?mode=profile&id=$row[member_id]>$row[alias]</a>", $message);
  11. I can not figure what is wrong with this code. When it goes to index.php it shows the news the ammount of news specified by $config[news] which is 5, but when it goes to index.php?page=2 it doesn't show anything. And even the $count is set to 0, but really it's not.

    Here is the code:
    require 'required.inc.php';

    $news = $config[news];
    $page = $_REQUEST['page'];
    $mul2 = bcmul($page, $news);
    $mul = bcsub($mul2, $news);
    if (isset($page)) {
    $result = mysql_db_query("typekill_$config[short]", "select * from cp_ftopics where cat_id = '$congig[news_cat]' order by id desc limit $mul , $news") or die(mysql_error());
    } else {
    $result = mysql_db_query("typekill_$config[short]", "select * from cp_ftopics where cat_id = '$config[news_cat]' order by id desc limit 0, $news") or die(mysql_error());
    $count = mysql_num_rows($result);
    if ($count > $mul) {
    $smarty->assign("nextp", 1);
    if ($count < $mul) {
    $smarty->assign("backp", 1);
    $i = 0;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $result2 = mysql_db_query("typekill_global", "select * from cp_members where alias = '$row[author]'") or die(mysql_error());
    $qry = mysql_fetch_array($result2);
    $cresult = mysql_db_query("typekill_$config[short]", "select * from cp_fposts where topic_id = '$row[id]'") or die(mysql_error());
    $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($cresult);
    $comments2 = mysql_num_rows($cresult);
    $comments = bcsub($comments2, 1);
    $time = date("M d Y, h:i:s a", "$row[date]");
    $news = array(
    'id' => $row[id],
    'title' => $func->outp($row[title]),
    'date' => $time,
    'message' => $func->outp($row2[message]),
    'readmore' => $func->outp($row2[readmore]),
    'author' => array(
    'id' => $qry[member_id],
    'firstname' => $qry[firstname],
    'lastname' => $qry[lastname],
    'alias' => $qry[alias],
    'country' => $qry[country]),
    'comments' => $comments
    $news2[$i++] = $news;
    $smarty->assign("main_news", $news2);


  12. [code]
    $d = 0;
    foreach (glob("admin_*.php") as $filename) {
        $arr = array(
            'file' => $filename,
            'title' => "title"
        $array[$d++] = $arr;

    Tested it and it works. Now how do I do the title.
  13. I need a script and do not know how to make it, but it:
    1. Searches through a folder and looks for files starting with [b]admin.[/b]
    2. After that it reads the file and looks for $title and puts it in an array.

    The array should look like so:
    array (
      1 (
        file -> "name of file",
        title -> "$title from the file"
      2 (
        file -> "name of file",
        title -> "$title from the file"

    I hope you understand this
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