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Worked it out $findImg = preg_match_all('/<a(.*)<\/a>/i',$cleanMeg, $result); $stripFirstImg = str_replace($result[0][0], "", $cleanMeg); Thanks anyway.
Hi I'm pulling my data from a database. I'm trying to grab the first <a> and place it in a String. Any ideas? <a> Tag: <a href="http://lwww.mysite,com"><img alt="" src="/media/lci_strip.png" style="width: 701px; height: 92px; " /></a> What I have so far - but not working: $findImg = preg_match_all('/<a[^</a>]+</a>/i',$cleanMeg, $result); $stripFirstImg = str_replace($result[0][0], "", $cleanMeg); Thanks
Hi I have a string that is pulled from a database. I want to remove the title, but not sure how I do it. I was trying something like this: $string = '<strong>Dynamic Title, so will be different on every loop</strong> Rest of text etc'; $newString = preg_replace('<strong>[^A-Za-z0-9_-]+</strong><br />', '', $string); Any ideas? Thanks
Hi Thanks for your reply. This is the header for every page. So what happens here happens all over. I'm guessing that the SESSION is getting populated with the GET. But as the next page has not GET, the SESSION end up blank. Which is why I have the IF. But that dose not seem to work. Global. How do I pass a variable from my main file to the header file, without global ? Thanks
Hi I'm trying to save a $_GET[] in to a session. It's working on the page that is GETTING the variables from the url, but soon as I click to the next page the SESSION seems to empty out. Any Ideas? Header Script <?PHP session_start(); require_once('../../../includes/initialize.php'); global $page; global $metTitle; global $metDesc; global $metKey; $getFM = $_GET['fm']; $getKW = $_GET['kw']; $getGR = $_GET['gr']; if(!empty($getFM)){ $from = $_SESSION['FM'] = $getFM; }else{ } if(!empty($getGR)){ $interest = $_SESSION['GR'] = $getGR; }else{ } if(!empty($getKW)){ $ref = $_SESSION['KW'] = $getKW; }else{ } echo $getFM.' - '.$interest.' - '.$from.' - '.$ref; ?> Thanks
Plue: $send = Form_signup::send_notification('email', 'BM', 'BM', 'email', $body_content, $subject); echo $send; Returns 1 So it should be working
Hi All the Variable are getting pushed in to the function: send_notification($sendTo, $name, $from_name, $from_email, $body_content, $subject) As I can echo them out. So I'm guessing it would be in this section: public function send_notification($sendTo, $name, $from_name, $from_email, $body_content, $subject){ $mailMessage =<<<EMAILBODY {$body_content} EMAILBODY; $mailMessage = wordwrap($mailMessage, 70); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->Host = "localhost"; $mail->Port = 25; $mail->SMTPAuth = false; $mail->isHTML(TRUE); $mail->FromName = $from_name; $mail->From = $from_email; $mail->AddAddress($sendTo, $name); $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $mailMessage; $result = $mail->Send(); return $result; } I ideas would be a great help thanks
Hi. I'm using PHP mailer. But I can't get it to send the Email: Class: public function send_notification($sendTo, $name, $from_name, $from_email, $body_content, $subject){ $message =<<<EMAILBODY {$body_content} EMAILBODY; $message = wordwrap($message, 70); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->Host = "localhost"; $mail->Port = 25; $mail->SMTPAuth = false; $mail->isHTML(TRUE); $mail->FromName = $from_name; $mail->From = $from_email; $mail->AddAddress($sendTo, $name); $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $message; $result = $mail->Send(); return $result; } PHP $body_content = ' Dear BusinessMobile.com <br /><br /> A website user has filled in the form on the website. See the details below. <br /><br /> Company: '.$company.'<br /> Name: '.$name.'<br /> Email: '.$email.'<br /> Tele: '.$telephone.'<br /> Message: '.$message.'<br /><br /> Interest: '.$Fpage.'<br /> Reference: '.$ref.'<br /><br />'; $subject = 'BusinessMobile.com - Contact Request'; Form_signup::send_notification('[email protected]', 'BM', 'BM', '[email protected]', $body_content, $subject); Any ideas where i'm going wrong ? Thanks
Hi Simple question, how do I reFormat a date. $dateCreated (2012-01-14) to become: 14th jan 2012 So far I have this, but it's not working: $expDate = explode('-',$dateCreated); $date1 = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', $expDate[1]), date('d', $expDate[2]), date('Y', $expDate[0])); $date = date('d m Y', $date1); Thanks
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `admin_emails_desc` ( `id` BIGINT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `admin_emails_id` BIGINT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `lang_id` BIGINT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `name` VARCHAR( 150 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `subject` VARCHAR( 150 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `body_content` TEXT NOT NULL , `from_name` VARCHAR( 150 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `from_email` VARCHAR( 250 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) , FOREIGN KEY ( `admin_emails_id` ) , FOREIGN KEY ( `lang_id` ) ) ENGINE = MYISAM AUTO_INCREMENT =1 MySQL said: #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' FOREIGN KEY (`lang_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1' at line 11
IOS List of Countries - But How Do I Find The Counties?
spires replied to spires's topic in PHP Coding Help
Hi, Thanks thats a big help Much appreciated. I'll look into how Google works. Thanks -
IOS List of Countries - But How Do I Find The Counties?
spires replied to spires's topic in PHP Coding Help
lol, Sorry it is a PHP question. Basically, yes I don't know where to get the info, which I'll be able to find. But also don't know who to structure the DB. What I'm after doing to just like on the dating sites. Where you can select an area, e.g London, then view profiles with a selected mile radious. e.g 10 miles. I'm assuming it is to do with the IOS. Before I had: Country - id - name Country - id - countryID - name Area - id - countryID - countyID Areacode - id - code But this is not going to allow me to do what I need. Any idea, ho I should be structuring it? Thanks -
IOS List of Countries - But How Do I Find The Counties?
spires replied to spires's topic in PHP Coding Help
yeah, Where I can find the information. I've got the countries, but thats it so far. Thanks for your help -
Hi I'm trying to build a register page for an international website. I currently have the IOS Code E.G: AFGHANISTAN AF AFG But how do I go about getting all of the sub Derivatives ? E.G UK - Essex, Harlow, London, Manchester etc Thanks
Do you mean like this? $newChild = call_user_func_array(array($className, 'find_by_id'), array($LPlistID));
Hi. Thanks again. But what If I want to pass the class an ID, or multiple variables? E.G: find_by_id(10);
$newParent = call_user_func(array($wrapperName, 'find_all')); Works perfect Thanks for that. Do you know when 5.3 will be stable on all hosting? I'm only on 5.2.17 currently. Thanks Again
Hi I'm doing some OOP But can not find a way to make the class name dynamic. I'm sure there must be a way of doing it, as I use this a lot, i'm sure other must also. This is what I have: $wrapperLCID = $newListWrappers->list_category_id; $wrapperName = $newListWrappers->name; if($wrapperLCID==1){ $newParent = Business_solutions_cat::find_all(); }elseif($wrapperLCID==2){ $newParent = Blackberry_cat::find_all(); }elseif($wrapperLCID==3){ $Pcategory = Case_studies_cat::find_all(); }elseif($wrapperLCID==4){ $Pcategory = Stand_alone_cat::find_all(); }elseif($wrapperLCID==5){ $newParent = Reasons_cat::find_all(); }elseif($wrapperLCID==6){ $newParent = Charity_cat::find_all(); } This Is What I want: $wrapperLCID = $newListWrappers->list_category_id; $wrapperName = $newListWrappers->name; $newParent = $wrapperName::find_all(); Thanks for your help
ok thanks. But can't get that to work. I'm now trying: $adgroup = $_POST['adgroup']; // This is an array, 100's of keywords $arrValues = array(); for($v=0;$v<$value;$v++){ $arrValues[] = $v; foreach($adgroup as $adgroups){ $cleanGroup = trim($adgroups); $arrValues[$v] = $cleanGroup; } } print_r($arrValues); This works great. But, I can't keep adding to the array. E.G: $v = 1 $arrValues[$v] = $cleanGroup; So, what I want is: $arrValues[1]['key1']; $arrValues[1]['key2']; $arrValues[1]['key3'];
Any other ides?
Hi, Thanks. That all look good, but how does the value also get in there? E.G $array[1]['key1']; $array[1]['key2']; $array[2]['key1']; $array[2]['key2']; Thanks
Hi. I'm guessing this should be easy, but having never used them i'm stuck. I have an array and count that i'm trying to place inside of a Multidimensional array. $value = count from 1-infinite $keywords = an Array contain X amount of stings. What I want to do, (on submit) is join the two together in to one array. So the lists of "$keywords" can be referenced by a $value. E.G: value1 => keyword1 value1 => keyword2 value1 => keyword3 value2 => keyword1 value2 => keyword2 value2 => keyword3 etc So, I'm thinking something like this, but i'm purely guessing here: $value = 1; $keywords = array("key1", "key2", "key3"); $arr = array($value => array($keywords)); //then loop through foreach($arr as $val){ foreach($val as $keywords){ echo $val. " - " .$keywords."\n"; } } //output 1 - key1 1 - key2 1 - key3 Any ideas where I'm going wrong, or how this should look? Thanks
ok solved it. Here is the answer for anyone how wants to know: Basically, had to separate all the words and look one by one. $key = $_POST['key']; $ad = $_POST['ad']; $expKey = explode("<br />", nl2br($key)); $expAd = explode("<br />", nl2br($ad)); $a=0; foreach($expAd as $expAds){ $expAd2 = explode(" ", $expAds); $b=0; foreach($expKey as $expKeys){ $expKey2 = explode(" ", $expKeys); for($c=0;$c<count($expKey2);$c++){ if(strpos($expKey2[$c], $expAd2[$a])){ $keyList .= $expKeys; } } $b++; } $keyList .= "\n"; $a++; }
Hi I'm trying to build a system that will allow me to too for a sting with in a string. But, in any order. E.G: hire bartender Will bring back - hire bartender - hire a bartender - bartender hire - bartender for hire - hire bartenders - hire a bartenders - bartenders hire - bartenders for hire Currently, it only returns: - hire bartender - hire bartenders Any ideas? $key = $_POST['key']; $ad = $_POST['ad']; $expKey = explode("<br />", nl2br($key)); $expAd = explode("<br />", nl2br($ad)); foreach($expAd as $expAds){ foreach($expKey as $expKeys){ if(strstr($expKeys, $expAds)){ $keyList .= $expKeys; } } $keyList .= "\n"; }