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Everything posted by richwininc

  1. No i dont know php at all only html.....  oh ok so do i need to create a new database aside from the one i have and put the codes in there?  Thanks for the form... Do i just input that in the page i'm building and load the codes in the database and send the codes to the affiliates i want to have it? Thanks for the help thus far
  2. ok I have a affiliate program that i have started with some celebrity speakers and I want to make it to where when they do a e-mail promotion the affiliate has a invitation code in their, and when the customer clicks comes to the site they have to enter that invitation code to get in. Like when google analytics came out you have to enter a certain code to get in and its a different code for everyone.  I want to make like to where each affiliate has a invite code they can use. I dont know if that makes since or not...
  3. exactly or like google's www.orkut.com
  4. I want to make it to where you can get into the site or register without a invitation from another member. When you type the url in i want to go to a page where it just explains the site(which i already made) a place for invitation code input, and a place to log in (which i got this part)
  5. I have a membership website and I want to make it invitation only....  How can I accomplish this?
  6. Hello all... I'm trying to figure out how to make blogs rotate on my site such as newest blogs, most popular ect.  I've found a couple of examples of what I want. http://www.blogger.com/start ( its doesn't have to be as extravagant as this) or http://www.marqi.com/index.php?mode=blogs (you may not be able to access that.) or http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.home  Basically I want to show a snippet of the blog and a link to it.  Because right now mine looks horrific http://www.dreamingtodoing.com/index.php?mode=blogs (as you can tell i need assistance) I don't know php but I do know a little of html and I can follow directions.  Any advice??? Thanks in advance, Rich
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