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About Thantos

  • Birthday 07/23/1980

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  1. Ok testing complete.  Its highlight_string()'s fault :P For testing: [code]<?php $string = ' <?php Blah blah blah <?php echo \'meh\'; ?> blah blah blah diggy diggy if (blah) ?>'; echo 'String:<pre> ', htmlspecialchars($string), '</pre><br />Highlighted: <br />', highlight_string($string); ?>[/code]
  2. I'll take a look at it.  We rely on the highlight_string() so its always fun trying to figure out which side the bug is occuring :P
  3. Ok got an answer for you effigy. When marking all topics read it looks to see if your last url has action=unread in it.  If it does it returns you to that page.  If it doesn't it returns you to the board index. So if you do the unread search, open a bunch in tabs, and then mark read your last URL doesn't have action=unread in it and thus it doesn't return you to the unread page.
  4. Yeah the mod site doesn't let you download until it's approved.  Safety measure and all.
  5. When I get home tonight I'll look at the source to try and figure out when it sends you where.
  6. [quote]The power of voodoo (Who do?) You do (Do what?) Remind me of the babe[/quote] :p
  7. Hmm that's weird, it takes me back to the unread page.
  8. Profile -> Look and Layout Preferences -> Return to topics after posting by default.
  9. Yeah there was an error in the RC2 theme in which it was missing a </span>.  Its been fixed for the future versions. The only use of <font> I'm fimilar with is with the PHP highlighting which is controlled by the highlight_string() function which uses font in PHP 4 and span in PHP 5.
  10. You should see a [img]http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/Themes/default/images/icons/modify_inline.gif[/img] icon to the right of any message you can edit.  Its by itself and doesn't have any text next to it.  Try giving that a click and you might be surprised /wink
  11. [quote author=moberemk link=topic=98975.msg391709#msg391709 date=1152064843] PHP tags at last! Now if only it weren't for the fact that it used the <font> tag, things would be even better! [/quote] The php highlighting is controled by PHP's highlight function which uses font in PHP 4 and span in PHP 5.
  12. We are excited whenever anyone uses our software :P But yeah it did cause a bit of a stir around the team fire :P
  13. Since it was mentioned above about the code tag and php tag... The code tag will also do php highlight if it has an opening php tag.  For example [code]<?php echo 'Hello from colorized php'; ?>[/code] [code]I'm happy htmls <?php echo 'But I\'m even happier php.'; ?> Ohhh back to the sad html :([/code] [code]<?php echo 'php with opening tag but no closing tag'; [/code] Also the text size and other stylistic attributes for the code block can be editted in style.css.
  14. [quote author=ober link=topic=99052.msg391142#msg391142 date=1151955087] Damn... you SMF guys are everywhere. [/quote] And we multiply :p
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