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  1. We're using a templated ecommerce solution based on Dreamweaver and php. We use DWMX... even though I make changes to the editable region, it usually gives me the "making this change would require changing code that is locked by a template..." error. (Even when simply trying to insert a space or change a letter.) Of course that concerned me, but when I checked with the template's creator I was told to just ignore that, the changes would be retained... and that's exactly what happened. I don't understand why the error crops up when editing an editable region, but I've never had problems yet with the changes being discarded, so I just ignore the message. I never got the message in any of my websites before when I was not coding in php, so I don't know if it's related to using php or not... Regards, ksp
  2. Although this won't relate to coding using DW (I've tried and decided the best way to learn is to just hand code the php), I've just been working on a similar project and have found the "Creating a Membership System" by phpfreak (in the tutorials section of this website) and another membership tutorial there, "PHP Membership System 2.0" by Bradley Beard to be helpful in understanding. I set up my database similar to what was shown in the tutorial, and being totally new to pulling data from databases and sessions, etc., experienced some problems but have been working through them with help in the Newbie Forum (Help with login script by ksp: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?...ic=14856&st=0&) On our site, visitors come in and sign up for services (sign up info inserted into database from registration form), then with their user name and password they can log into a special members' only page (their info is checked against the database). Anyway, the tutorial helped me get started... I still have more to do, like lost password recovery, etc., so am heading back to the tutorial now in fact. Hope this helps, ksp
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