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m august

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Posts posted by m august

  1. Exactly. That's what I'm referring to. I created my own button.php file in my htdocs directory. It is inside button.php that I call the ImageCreateFromPHP() function with argument 'button.png'. No, I do not have a button.png in my htdocs file, and the <image src= "button.php"> tag is in a separate, initial page in htdocs that does successfully invoke button.php which is also in htdocs. Naturally, my php error.log file says:

    PHP Warning:  imagecreatefrompng(button.png)
    [<a href='function.imagecreatefrompng'>function.imagecreatefrompng</a>]:
    failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\button.php on line 3

    I'm not surprised I got this message because I simply inserted the
    ImageCreateFromPNG('button.png') call using an example from Lerdorf's 'Programming PHP' O'Reilly book, hoping that such a file might be in the GD libraries. I have T1Lib and FreeType and PNG support all enabled for GD. Surely there are dummy button images already sitting in the GD libraries - or somewhere. What path do I use to get to them?
  2. If one wants to use canned PNG images in ImageCreateFromPNG() functions, where does one find them? Are they already in the GD library somewhere? If I simply type in ImageCreateFromPNG('button.png'), for example, no such file is found. Do I have to copy such a dummy from somewhere into my own htdocs file? Where do I look for things like canned, unadorned button images?
  3. It finally dawned on me. OBVIOUSLY, it must need the password to convey over to the MySQL area. I simply entered 'root' for my user id - which is what I use over on MySQL- and I used the same password I use to sign on to the MySQL command line console. It actually says, for the first time:

    Connected successfully

    which reflects the debug insertion in my php page:

    echo 'Connected successfully';

    Hallelujah.  (It only took 6 days. Some guys have been at this since April)
  4. In my php page, I use the following call to mysql_connect:

    mysql_connect('localhost', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password');

    Since I don't have a clue as to what my user id is, it did not come as any surprise that I got the following error:

    Access denied for user 'mysql_user'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

    How do I figure out what my user id is, and my password for that matter. Is it listed in the output for phpinfo()? Or is that just the password and userid (root) that I'm already using when I use MySQL
  5. Yes, I assumed that was the case, but I wondered if it considered the php.ini directive as some kind of error.  Interestingly enough, when I comment out the doc_root directive in php.ini, the dump of source code disappears and, just as you would expect, it still works fine because the Apache document_root is indeed pointing to the Apache2.2\htdocs file.

    It just seems odd that it would issue a dump when one has the unnecessary doc_root file in the php.ini, or is it still needed for some other use internal to PHP?
  6. You said Apache dumps a listing of source file when an error occurs. Well, in the long table output under the 'PHP Core' heading, at the 'doc_root' directive, I get a lengthy printout of a section of the php.ini file that includes everything in php.ini from the 'Paths and Directories' section at the doc_root directive through 'File Uploads', 'Fopen wrappers', 'Dynamic Extensions',  and 'Module Settings'  all the way down to a few lines past the [Session] subsection.

    Yet it obviously found the specified doc_root or it couldn't have found my php page in htdocs to load in the first place. Why does it list that lengthy portion of the php.ini file after the doc_root directive?
  7. When using phpinfo(), is there a link or some documentation that explains the information output in the table entitled 'apache2handler'?  Specifically, when I look in the list under 'LOADED MODULES', I see an entry for mod_php5, not the specific file designated in the  LoadModule php5_module "c:/php5/php5apache2_2.dll"  directive I inserted into my httpd.conf.  How do I check to be sure that the file literally specified is the one that was used?

    Also, the table entitled 'Additional Modules' at the bottom of the output contains absolutely nothing. Is that normal?
  8. I downloaded Apache 2.2 and it seems to come up nicely and automatically on startup. I kept the Listen 80 directive as is in the conf.httpd file and there is only one such directive. For some reason, when I do a control-alt-delete and examine the processes, the expected Apache Monitor process is present, but 2 different httpd.exe entries are present. Why is this so?
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