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  1. nevermind i read it too fast but thats weird maybe this will help you out http://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.date.php try: $time = strtotime("11/17/2011"); $final = date("m-d-Y", strtotime("+1 day", $time)); or: $time = strtotime(str_replace("-","/","11-17-2011")); $final = date("m-d-Y", strtotime("+1 day", $time));
  2. I'm not even working on that server anymore... it has some free hosting script at the bottom... And I'm building the site I don't have time to check the validation every change I make I'd rather do that at the end. That's the html validation anyways this is css board. But it validates now http://www.media76.com/hunter/Services/TowingAndHarbor
  3. I figured it out after leaving it and coming back to it in a couple days... and I'm glad to say that cssfreakie was completely wrong. Also just for you to know I didn't post it on more help forums to get my solution either. I actually have skills when it comes to building sites... I wanted not only to change the links when they are hovered to red but to change the current page link back to black. I wanted to change the .cur class to black when the other links are hovered. So instead of changing #navigation a:hover div I created a new style #insidenav:hover .cur { color: #686868; } Fixed it right up to what I wanted. AKA: when I hover any links in insidenav the .cur changes color. Thanks for doubting me though.
  4. Thanks for the help but you're the rude one assuming anyone that comes here has a simple problem and that they know nothing. If you don't have the answer don't reply it was obvious that you didn't have a clue of what you were talking about because your answer was completely off. I told you that the second post as clearly and politely as possible. Also I'm glad you know how little time I've spent trying to fix the problem. I came here to get an answer to a complex problem way over your head and you give me a simple, incorrect answer and then call me stupid.
  5. I have firebug... I'm glad you know what your talking about I'll change that line to the default color and you can go see what happens.... Thanks for trying but you can stop trying to act like you know everything. Check the page again now none of the links highlight. thats not what I'm trying for I'm trying to change the one div with the class name to color: #686868 when any of the other links in the nav are highlighted.
  6. That would change all of them to a different color when scrolled over. I want this: Home Services About etc. etc. then you scroll over About: Home Services About etc. etc. You see? right when you first view the page the Services is highlighted because your on one of the pages of that dropdown. but I only want one link red at a time so if you scroll over another link then the link with class name 'cur' needs to be changed to the default color.
  7. I have the css drop down already built. There is one button that has the class name cur, which gives it the red color. But I want to change the color back to #686868 when the user scrolls over any other link in the nav. The hyperlink is http://dreamshowstudios.net/HunterMarine/Services Thanks for your help in advance.
  8. Just php, mysql, and javascript.
  9. You had it with ajax but definitely not with iframes as they are deprecated, or just not used, I'm pretty sure. I could help code this but I am not really looking to get anything designed and as this is a help forum I can't do it all for you.
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't it work if you just opened the directories in a loop like: <?php function getRandomFromArray($ar) { mt_srand( (double)microtime() * 1000000 ); $num = array_rand($ar); return $ar[$num]; } function getImagesFromDir($path) { $images = array(); while ( $img_dir = @opendir($path) ) { while ( false !== ($img_file = readdir($img_dir)) ) { // checks for gif, jpg, png if ( preg_match("/(\.gif|\.jpg|\.png)$/", $img_file) ) { $images[] = $img_file; } } closedir($img_dir); } return $images; } $root = ''; // If images not in sub directory of current directory specify root //$root = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $path = 'gallery/topic1/'; // Obtain list of images from directory $imgList = getImagesFromDir($root . $path); $img = getRandomFromArray($imgList); ?> <center><a href="?GoTo=Photo Gallery"><img src="<?php echo $path . $img ?>" alt="" height="267" width="400"/></a></center>
  11. ok after looking it over try: echo "Select a name: <select name='$name'>"; $query="select * from PLAYERS"; $result=mysql_query($query); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $name=$row['PLAYER_NAME']; echo "<option value='$name'>$name</option>"; } echo "</select>";
  12. The second ad on the page overlaps the actual parts of the forum. Its a simple fix just change the margin-top of #google_ads_frame2 on index.css to 0px and it fixes it. I know its a small issue but its pretty noticeable. [attachment deleted by admin]
  13. Other than the name of the select isn't going to be established since $name is further down from line 1 the code is fine. In that small section of code I can't see if you're connecting to a db before it or what tables are listed in the db. I can't help you any further.
  14. lol is your syntax wrong? Just a lil try: $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . '<LeadImportDatagram>'. '<CompanyKey>' . $companyKey . '</CompanyKey>' . '<NotificationEmailTo>[email protected]</NotificationEmailTo>' . '<LeadInfo>'. '<City>Osweeego</City>'. '</LeadInfo>' . '</LeadImportDatagram>';
  15. Could you post more of your code? This doesn't help much.
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