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Everything posted by CodeWiki.us

  1. But if these tutorials our coding on one of these sites was incorrect, you would want to fix it - wouldnt you...thats the main point of my site, and i was hoping because it was a wiki, it would be easier to find the information that you were looking for.
  2. Well, how could i make it more appealing to you, i thought of just the idea of it being a wiki site, where as the other PHP/programming sites dont allow posting of Code/Tutorials or other things that you may want to put up for the world to see, thats the main reason i created it, i wanted somewhere to put my programming ideas and code.
  3. Thats what i was more looking for critiquing - the idea, ill change the style and colors later on...
  4. Alot of people who visited this site so far have said its a great idea, and they like the site, i want to see what you think of it - if you dont know what a 'wiki' site is - its a site where all users of the site can contribute to the site, that means editing, critiquing, and creating any page, and every page. [hr] [url=http://www.codewiki.us]CodeWiki.us[/url] [hr]
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