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Ok, I am now using the following: <SCRIPT> function reloadRadio(form){ var val=form.cat.value; self.location='index.php?cat=' + val ; } </SCRIPT> and <!-- BEGIN: loop --> <input type="radio" name="cat" id="cat" value="{TXT_TOP_LEVEL_CATEGORY_ID}" onClick="reloadRadio(this.form)" {RADIO_CHECKED} > {TXT_TOP_LEVEL_CATEGORY_NAME} <!-- END: loop --> All works how I want, with one exception : its not picking up on the value. What am I doing wrong here?
Hi, Currently I use these two snippets: <SCRIPT language=JavaScript> function reload(form) { var val=form.cat.options[form.cat.options.selectedIndex].value; self.location='index.php?cat=' + val ; } </script> and <select name="cat" onchange="reload(this.form)" class="dropDown" > <!-- BEGIN: loop --> <option value="{TXT_TOP_LEVEL_CATEGORY_ID}" {TOP_LEVEL_SELECTED}>{TXT_TOP_LEVEL_CATEGORY_NAME}</option> <!-- END: loop --> </select> Now what I want to do is instead of using the drop downs, is replace them with radio buttons. What is the best way of going about this?
That is exactly what I needed! Thank you so very much! Now I do indeed have an id and the quantity to work with for each option. Again, thank you, very much appreciated
Hi, Got a bit of an interesting problem here regarding quantity fields on a dynamically generated form in a shopping cart. On the view product page, what I am trying to do is have it so there is a form a customer can fill out specifying a quantity for each option available. All options relate directly to the product being viewed. e.g. 1 x red colored widget 5 x black colored widgets 0 x white colored widgets 2 x blue colored widgets Here is the query I am currently running to retrieve the available options for a product: if($prodArray == TRUE && $prodArray[0]['subOptionsStatus']==1){ $subOptionsQuery = "SELECT * FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."inventory_sub_options WHERE subOptionStatus = 1 AND subOptionProductId = ".$db->mySQLSafe($_GET['productId'])." ORDER BY subOptionIdSortId "; $subOptionsResults = $db->select($subOptionsQuery); } if($subOptionsResults == TRUE){ for ($i=0; $i<count($subOptionsResults); $i++){ $view_prod->assign("VAL_SUB_OPTION_ID", $subOptionsResults[$i]['subOptionId']); $view_prod->assign("VAL_SUB_OPTION_GENDER", $subOptionsResults[$i]['subOptionGender']); $view_prod->assign("VAL_SUB_OPTION_COLOR", $subOptionsResults[$i]['subOptionColor']); $view_prod->assign("VAL_SUB_OPTION_STYLE", $subOptionsResults[$i]['subOptionStyle']); $view_prod->assign("VAL_SUB_OPTION_SIZE", $subOptionsResults[$i]['subOptionSize']); $view_prod->assign("VAL_SUB_OPTION_PRICE", priceFormat($subOptionsResults[$i]['subOptionPrice'])); $view_prod->parse("view_prod.prod_true.sub_options.sub_option_loop"); } $view_prod->parse("view_prod.prod_true.sub_options"); } That so far does exactly what I want. Then there is the html for the form itself. Here is what I currently have: <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" border="1"> <tr> <td align="center" colspan="6"><strong>Title Goes Here</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"><strong>Gender</strong></td> <td align="center"><strong>Color</strong></td> <td align="center"><strong>Style</strong></td> <td align="center"><strong>Size</strong></td> <td align="center"><strong>Price</strong></td> <td align="center"><strong>Qty</strong></td> </tr> <!-- BEGIN: sub_option_loop --> <tr> <td align="center">{VAL_SUB_OPTION_GENDER}</td> <td align="center">{VAL_SUB_OPTION_COLOR}</td> <td align="center">{VAL_SUB_OPTION_STYLE}</td> <td align="center">{VAL_SUB_OPTION_SIZE}</td> <td align="center">{VAL_SUB_OPTION_PRICE}</td> <td align="center"> <input name="subOptionQuantity[]" type="text" value="0" size="2" class="textbox" style="text-align:center;" /> <input type="hidden" name="multiadd" value="{VAL_SUB_OPTION_ID}" /> </td> </tr> <!-- END: sub_option_loop --> <input type="hidden" name="multiAddMaster" value="{PRODUCT_ID}" /> </table> Now I don't think that is quite correct when it comes to the fields themselves, but visually it achieves what I want to be displayed. Finally, there is the code to run when the form itself gets submitted. The standard code for just a single product is like this: if(isset($_POST['add']) && $_POST['add']>0) { // add product to the cart if($_POST['quan']>0){ $quantity = ceil($_POST['quan']); } else { $quantity = 1; } } As above, that is simply how it adds a single product based off quantity entered. Obviously it does more after all that, but i am just trying to get the initial stage working first. My 2 questions are: 1. What changes need to be made to the HTML code I am currently using? 2. How do I do the add quantity for each one specified in the form using the above as an example? If the quantity is at 0, I want it ignored. If the quantity is greater than 0, its to be added as its own entry. Once I get past this initial stage, I am hoping it ends up basically adding each as its own product to the cart. Any help provided getting started here would be greatly appreciated.
This originally started here: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,204898.0.html and has progressed now into purely a javascript problem I need help with. I am having one last issue with getting a field update working correctly. i.e. When I selection an option from a drop down list, I need it to fill out details in a form from a php array. In firefox, this works perfectly. In IE however, it doesn't appear to do anything. Here is a small snippet of the javascript I am using: <script type="text/javascript"> function data_copy_address_{VAL_AA_SID}() { document.getElementById('title').value = "{VAL_AA_TITLE}"; document.getElementById('firstName').value = "{VAL_AA_FIRST_NAME}"; document.getElementById('lastName').value = "{VAL_AA_LAST_NAME}"; document.getElementById('add_1').value = "{VAL_AA_ADDRESS_1}"; document.getElementById('add_2').value = "{VAL_AA_ADDRESS_2}"; document.getElementById('town').value = "{VAL_AA_CITY}"; document.getElementById('county').value = "{VAL_AA_STATE}"; document.getElementById('postcode').value = "{VAL_AA_ZIP}"; document.getElementById('country').value = "{VAL_AA_COUNTRY_NAME}"; } </script> Here is an example of a form field to be filled: <td><input name="delInf[title]" type="text" class="textbox" id="title" value="{VAL_DEL_TITLE}" size="7" maxlength="30" /> And here is the select itself: <select name="addresses" id="addresses" class="textbox"> <option value="0">Please select...</option> <!-- BEGIN: addresses_loop --> <option onclick="data_copy_address_{VAL_AA_SID}()" value="{VAL_AA_SID}">{VAL_AA_TITLE} {VAL_AA_FIRST_NAME} {VAL_AA_LAST_NAME},{VAL_AA_ADDRESS_1} {VAL_AA_ADDRESS_2} {VAL_AA_CITY}, {VAL_AA_STATE}, {VAL_AA_ZIP}, {VAL_AA_COUNTRY_NAME}</option> <!-- END: addresses_loop --> <option onclick="data_copy_address_clear()" value="clear">Clear above and manually enter address</option> <option onclick="data_copy_address_default()" value="default">Deliver to invoice address</option> </select> I have since learned that IE wont process the onclicks assigned to an option and therefore populate the fields. If I use something like: <select name="addresses" id="addresses" class="textbox" onchange="data_copy_address_{VAL_AA_SID}()"> that then inserts the data from the last entry in the array only. Would it be possible to have either a dummy kind of call there that then forces IE to use the onclicks? Or would it be possible to have something like: onchange="data_copy_address_()" on the select and then have the ID of the option clicked passed to the JS itself? i.e. If option id '2' (via {VAL_AA_SID}) is selected it then runs: function data_copy_address_({VAL_AA_SID}) { document.getElementById('title').value = "{VAL_AA_TITLE}"; document.getElementById('firstName').value = "{VAL_AA_FIRST_NAME}"; document.getElementById('lastName').value = "{VAL_AA_LAST_NAME}"; document.getElementById('add_1').value = "{VAL_AA_ADDRESS_1}"; document.getElementById('add_2').value = "{VAL_AA_ADDRESS_2}"; document.getElementById('town').value = "{VAL_AA_CITY}"; document.getElementById('county').value = "{VAL_AA_STATE}"; document.getElementById('postcode').value = "{VAL_AA_ZIP}"; document.getElementById('country').value = "{VAL_AA_COUNTRY_NAME}"; } Or something along those lines?
Alrighty, I will try that. Thank you for all your help getting this far
Alrighty.... I have now got this working exactly how I want in Firefox, but of course it fails in IE. Java Snippet: <script type="text/javascript"> function data_copy_address_{VAL_AA_SID}() { document.getElementById('title').value = "{VAL_AA_TITLE}"; document.getElementById('firstName').value = "{VAL_AA_FIRST_NAME}"; document.getElementById('lastName').value = "{VAL_AA_LAST_NAME}"; document.getElementById('add_1').value = "{VAL_AA_ADDRESS_1}"; document.getElementById('add_2').value = "{VAL_AA_ADDRESS_2}"; document.getElementById('town').value = "{VAL_AA_CITY}"; document.getElementById('county').value = "{VAL_AA_STATE}"; document.getElementById('postcode').value = "{VAL_AA_ZIP}"; document.getElementById('country').value = "{VAL_AA_COUNTRY_NAME}"; } </script> Form Field Example: <td><input name="delInf[title]" type="text" class="textbox" id="title" value="{VAL_DEL_TITLE}" size="7" maxlength="30" /> Drop Down Code: <select name="addresses" id="addresses" class="textbox"> <option value="0">Please select...</option> <!-- BEGIN: addresses_loop --> <option onclick="data_copy_address_{VAL_AA_SID}()" value="{VAL_AA_SID}">{VAL_AA_TITLE} {VAL_AA_FIRST_NAME} {VAL_AA_LAST_NAME},{VAL_AA_ADDRESS_1} {VAL_AA_ADDRESS_2} {VAL_AA_CITY}, {VAL_AA_STATE}, {VAL_AA_ZIP}, {VAL_AA_COUNTRY_NAME}</option> <!-- END: addresses_loop --> <option onclick="data_copy_address_clear()" value="clear">Clear above and manually enter address</option> </select> So as above it works perfectly in Firefox. I just need to get it to work in IE. Any pointers?
Thanks for that, very much appreciated. Then the last thing I need to get this all working so I can retain the current field names, which are required as part of the form processing, is there a way to use these type of labels: delInf[postcode] i.e. $value = formname.fieldname.value="empty"; becomes $value = formname.delInf[postcode].value="empty"; Is there a way of doing that?
Thanks for the suggestion I just took a quick look at innerHTML, and have a couple questions. On the surface I can use that to create the dynamic ids, and then do the change, so thats good as I can retain the names for each field. I see I can use it change things like the ahref values (url, target, text etc) but how would I get it change the value of value="" which isn't a link but is the form value?
Once last attempt for the night...any advice would be great Now using a drop down instead of radio buttons. Very basic javascript: <script type="text/javascript"> function data_copy_address() { document.cart.title.value="YES"; } </script> New html: <td colspan="2">Ship to this address:<br> <select name="addresses" id="addresses" onchange="data_copy_address()" class="textbox"> <option value="0">Please select...</option> <!-- BEGIN: addresses_loop --> <option value="{VAL_AA_SID}">{VAL_AA_TITLE} {VAL_AA_FIRST_NAME} {VAL_AA_LAST_NAME},{VAL_AA_ADDRESS_1} {VAL_AA_ADDRESS_2} {VAL_AA_CITY}, {VAL_AA_STATE}, {VAL_AA_ZIP}, {VAL_AA_COUNTRY_NAME}</option> <!-- END: addresses_loop --> </select> </td> So now all I need to know is: - the best way to have the correct fields retrieved based off what option was selected in the drop down - if I can either use "delInf[title]" for field names or use just "title" but it auto copies the value to a hidden field called "delInf[title]".
Another method I attempted is.... Javascript: <!-- BEGIN: js --> <!-- BEGIN: addresses_loop_js --> <script type="text/javascript"> function data_copy{VAL_AA_SID}() { if(document.cart.copy[0].checked){ document.cart.title.value="{VAL_AA_TITLE}"; document.cart.firstname.value="{VAL_AA_FIRST_NAME}"; document.cart.lastname.value="{VAL_AA_LAST_NAME}"; document.cart.add_1.value="{VAL_AA_ADDRESS_1}"; document.cart.add_2.value="{VAL_AA_ADDRESS_2}"; document.cart.town.value="{VAL_AA_CITY}"; document.cart.county.value="{VAL_AA_STATE}"; document.cart.postcode.value="{VAL_AA_ZIP}"; document.cart.country.value="{VAL_AA_COUNTRY_NAME}"; } </script> <!-- END: addresses_loop_js --> <!-- END: js --> Inputs: <!-- BEGIN: addresses_loop --> <input type=radio name=copy value='yes' onclick="data_copy{VAL_AA_SID}()";><i>Ship to :</i><br> <!-- END: addresses_loop --> Now using that method, I can look at the source and see that: - both the js loop and the input loops are created - both get the correct name assigned - the data is there in the js loop But when I goto use the radio button itself, the data doesn't get populated. If I am going about this completely the wrong way, please feel free to point me in the correct direction.
Hi, What I am basically trying to do here is when a user selects a radio button, it changes the values of other fields. More specifically, when they select the radio button to use X address, the details for X get auto filled into the relevant fields. Here is the PHP snippet that fetches the available address: $additionalAddressesQuery = "SELECT * FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."Cube_Addship WHERE customerid = '".$ccUserData[0]['customer_id']."'"; $additionalAddresses = $db->select($additionalAddressesQuery); if($additionalAddresses==TRUE){ for($i=0; $i<count($additionalAddresses); $i++){ $view_cart->assign("VAL_AA_SID",$additionalAddresses[$i]['sid']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_AA_CUSTOMERID",$additionalAddresses[$i]['customerid']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_AA_TITLE",$additionalAddresses[$i]['stitle']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_AA_FIRST_NAME",$additionalAddresses[$i]['sfirstname']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_AA_LAST_NAME",$additionalAddresses[$i]['slastname']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_AA_ADDRESS_1",$additionalAddresses[$i]['sadd']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_AA_ADDRESS_2",$additionalAddresses[$i]['sadd2']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_AA_CITY",$additionalAddresses[$i]['scity']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_AA_STATE",$additionalAddresses[$i]['sstate']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_AA_ZIP",$additionalAddresses[$i]['szip']); $view_cart->assign("VAL_AA_COUNTRY_NAME",countryName($additionalAddresses[$i]['scountry'])); $view_cart->assign("VAL_AA_COUNTRY_ID",$additionalAddresses[$i]['scountry']); $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_true.step_3.additional_adresses.js.addresses_loop_js"); $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_true.step_3.additional_adresses.addresses_loop"); } $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_true.step_3.additional_adresses.js"); $view_cart->parse("view_cart.cart_true.step_3.additional_adresses"); } Here is a couple of the fields I am looking at populating upon selection: <tr> <td><strong>{TXT_FIRST_NAME}</strong></td> <td><input name="delInf[firstname]" type="text" class="textbox" id="firstname" value="{VAL_DEL_FIRST_NAME}" maxlength="100" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>{TXT_LAST_NAME}</strong></td> <td><input name="delInf[lastname]" type="text" class="textbox" id="lastname" value="{VAL_DEL_LAST_NAME}" maxlength="100" /></td> </tr> Here is the inputs I am currently using to make the selection: <input type=radio name=copy value='yes' onclick="data_copy()";><i>Ship to :</i><br> <input type=radio name=copy value='no' onclick="data_copy()";><i>Clear above, enter shipping address.</i> And lastly, here is the javascript currently used to perform the population: <!-- BEGIN: js --> <script type="text/javascript"> function data_copy() { <!-- BEGIN: addresses_loop_js --> if(document.cart.copy[{VAL_AA_SID}].checked){ document.cart.delInf[title].value="{VAL_AA_TITLE}"; document.cart.delInf[firstname].value="{VAL_AA_FIRST_NAME}"; document.cart.delInf[lastname].value="{VAL_AA_LAST_NAME}"; document.cart.delInf[add_1].value="{VAL_AA_ADDRESS_1}"; document.cart.delInf[add_2].value="{VAL_AA_ADDRESS_2}"; document.cart.delInf[town].value="{VAL_AA_CITY}"; document.cart.delInf[county].value="{VAL_AA_STATE}"; document.cart.delInf[postcode].value="{VAL_AA_ZIP}"; document.cart.delInf[country].value="{VAL_AA_COUNTRY_NAME}"; } <!-- END: addresses_loop_js --> </script> <!-- END: js --> Now obviously, this is not working as I need it to. Actually, it doesn't work at all! One problem I think I have is using "delInf[country]" in the javascript. This bit I should be able to counter by renaming those to simply "country" for example. The main problem I am having is getting the loop itself to match up with the inputs and getting all inputs to work. Any assistance that could be provided here would be highly appreciated.
Hi, What I am trying to do is update one field on one table based upon a match of anoother field on another table. Here is my initial query (at this stage entered via phpmyadmin): UPDATE `table1` SET `test_id` = 'table2.test_id' WHERE `group` = 'table2.group' ; Whilst the query itself runs, it affects 0 rows which is unexpected as there are 2000+ matches. Firstly I need to know what part of the query am I doing incorrectly? Afterwards, I want to have a go at making it a query run as part of a php file that does alot of data inserts first. Any help that can be given would be much appreciated :)
Thats Fehnris :) Can you please explain how to put it into a loop that will also update the table?
Hi everyone, What I am looking at doing is combining two database fields into one. To explain that better.... I currently have two fields: - date ( int(16) ) e.g. 20050425 - time ( varchar(10) ) e.g. 20:57 What I want is one field: - newtime ( int(10) ) e.g. 1114376220 (unix time stamp) I have around 200+ of these to do and would like to automate the process. Is there a way of reading the two existing fields and converting them into the one field? Thankyou in advance :)