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Posts posted by andyjimmy

  1. Hey Guys,


    Man IE has to stop being so crap.


    document.getElementById('done').setAttribute("onClick","transport_query('" + data_id + "');");


    The done element is a button that needs to have the value that is sent to the function transport_query. FF works great... IE doesn't


    Does someone have a simple workaround that either works for both, or just works for IE (and i can make a switch depending on the browser)


    Thanks in Advance.

  2. I don't know if this is even possible, but I knew that this would be the best place to ask.

    What i'm looking to do it to have users upload their AVIs (divx or xvid etc) and have my script convert them into FLV, obviously behind the scenes as it would take quite some time to do.

    Does anyone know of any resources, perhaps ready made scripts, additional librarys that would make it possible, anything to shed some light on this area would be most appreciated as i didn't turn anything up googling.

    Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi All,

    The title of my question does seems rather ambiguous, but please allow me to explain. What i'm looking to impliment is this, I want http://mydomain.com/artist/artist_name.html to load in two different ways depending on how they are loaded.

    For example if you put http://mydomain.com/artist/artist_name.html into your browser address thingo it loads up the page complete with page headers, the information about the artist and the page footer, just like a normal website.


    If its loaded in an iframe it only displays the artist info.

    I hope that makes sense. So what i'm after is something in the artist_name.html that recognises the iframe that it has been loaded in. Does anyone know if this is even possible, can anyone point me/ provide me with some code etc that would give the desired result.

    Kind Regards and thanks in advance!!

  4. Hi,

    I have been scratching me head alot with attempting to detect the presence of the Java Plugin.

    I have tried

    if (navigator.javaEnabled) alert('Java Installed')

    I have also tried a number of scripts that claim to detect java etc on a wide variety of browers, with no sucess.

    I have tried all of these on internet explorer and firefox on my windows xp machine. but with no success and from what i've read most people seem to have problems with detecting java in winxp.

    Does anyone know how to detect Java in winxp?


  5. Hi everyone,

    My host has recently upgraded to PHP 5.0.4, which i love the new image manuipulation features, but sadly one of my sorting scripts no longer works. the script terminates... no error messages... no nothing

    function DESC($a, $b)
          return strcasecmp($b[1],$a[1]);

    function ASC($a, $b)
        return strcasecmp($a[1],$b[1]);

    if ($dir=="DESC") usort($transport_info, 'DESC');
    else usort($transport_info, 'ASC');

    How can i make this compatible with PHP5, i have heard that there is something about it that won't return values from functions or something like that.

    Perhaps there is a work about way to get this going that works with both PHP4 and PHP5

    Thanks in advance for your help and advise
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