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Posts posted by crazy_jayne

  1. Thanks guys but I am still drowning


    The first two seem to work independently but not when I try put them in my code.

    The third, I think I understand the idea, but I can't integrate it so it doesn't much everything else up.

    The fourth one looks like the sort of thing I was looking for but the qty part of the equation is missing


    Is my code fundamentally flawed?





  2. Hello


    I hope someone can help me


    I am really struggling with PHP and don't quite understand what I am doing, so please bear with me


    I am trying to display a message if the result is greater than 12


    Please see my attempts below


    //$BoxTotal =  "{qty{$row[$heading_column]}}"; // doens't seem to let me write it without the "" and is now text

    $BoxTotal +=  "{qty{$row[$heading_column]}}"; // += trying to convert it to number - still string

    $BoxTotal += $BoxTotal; // += trying to convert it to number - still string

    if ($BoxTotal >= 12) { // picks up 15 if it is a string - not the number

    $warning = "warning only 12 bottles per box please " . $BoxTotal ;



    I only seem to be able to get $BoxTotal if I enclose it in quotation marks, which, I think is turning it into text

    I scoured the Internet and found that perhaps += might convert it back into a number but this doesn't seem to work


    I expect its really simple when you know how


    If if helps to see the whole thing I have attached a pdf file, the bit I am looking at is at line 415 (commented out at the moment)


    Any help really appreciated



    Jayne  :confused:





    [attachment deleted by admin]

  3. Hi mreish


    Thanks for the list.


    I have been trying out TinyMCE and am struggling a bit, but I think I am getting there, I think this is what I needed.


    Is is okay to ask some questions about it here or should I use another forum.


    I just wanted to query some of the options I have been playing with, such inserting an image just redirect to my error page, do you know if I need to change something somewhere in the scripts, or download something else.  I assume it doesn't actually allow you to upload a file (although this would be nice) just insert a link to an existing image on the Internet.




  4. I am using Dreamweaver to create forms to input data into a database, I would like several of the text area fields to be rich text and include fromatting options like those used in this forum.


    I have just bought RichForm from www.hotdreamweaver.com but it doesn't not allow me enough control over the input. I would like to be able to add css options and disable the option to insert images etc.


    Has anyone got any other recommendations for a beginner to install.


    Ta Crazy

  5. Hi teamatomic


    htaccess  session.use_trans_sid 1  resulted in the page not being found at all - just goes to the error page


    in the script ini_set("session.use_trans_sid", "true");  seems to have no effect.


    Am I missing something (like some brain cells)?





  6. Hi F00Baron


    Thanks for your reply.

    I tried putting ini_set("session.use_trans_sid", "true"); in an .htaccess file but it resulted in the page not being found at all and going to an error page.  I don't think I have access to the php.ini file.


    I had a look around and found some examples of where that code had been put in the file itself but when I tried it nothing happened.

    I have checked my php settings PHP Version 4.4.9 and session.use_trans_sid and it is set to off not true or false.  Is it anything to do with the version of PHP?


    Any help appreciated


  7. Hi


    When I run the example script below it only works if my cookies are enabled.  What do I need to change to allow it to work if cookies are disabled, is there a server setting somewhere I need to change?









    echo "Views=". $_SESSION['views'];





  8. Hi

    I am not a PHP programmer but am tring to use PHP through the Dreamweaver interface. WHich I why I may seem rather stupid.

    I would like to display images and this little bit of code works fine when the images are in the same directory as the php file.

    [color=blue]<img src="<?php echo $row_Recordset6['Name']; ?>">[/color]

    However, I don't seem to be able to get my head around the code required to be able view the images if they are in another diectory.

    Can someone please help.

    Crazy Jayne
  9. Hi

    I am trying to email the details of an inserted record.

    I have managed to get it all working okay apart from the the fact that I can only get it to pass one variable.
    I just can't seem to get the syntax right to pass more than one and it keeps falling over.

      $insertGoTo = "../../utilities/otter/thankyou.php?Sighting_date=".$HTTP_POST_VARS['Sighting_date']."";

    Any help would be appreciated.

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