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Posts posted by foevah

  1. OK so I installed apache on my XP 64bit OS and when I want to restart apache I have to phsycically stop and start it the refresh button just does nothing..


    Another issue is when I am working on a site locally it doesn't load the web page every time? It is really strange I have to refresh the page a few times before everything loads.... Like half the page will load and then it stops..


    How can I fix these issues please help?

  2. i like the idea of actually getting a CMS and configuring it for my needs.


    if I was to find a CMS that suits my needs then I would feel safe using it where as if I follow runnerjp's suggestion I would have to worry about security and those issues are fixed in open source CMS'.


    theres alot of open source CMS' in that link you provided runnerjp i need help narrowing it down to a simple configurable one. Has anyone seen this ? http://www.webdesignerwall.com/trends/30-untypical-wordpress-sites/

    I like the idea of using word press but I have never customised it...

  3. runnerjp -

    your idea of adding forms to the pages has struck me before but when I tried to get the data to display in the form from the db nothing worked... do you know any tutorials that could help me get this working?


    if i was to follow that method would the left column in the menu.php page be in a form aswel? How could he add a new include content page that relates to the new category he added to the left column?


    flyhoney - "Configuring/Themeing a CMS to look exactly like the old site" this makes me think its going to be really hard how to do this. Do you know any similar sites to mine that use a CMS that they have configured to suit their needs?

  4. please view the website by removing the dollar signs (I have done this so search engines don't follow it):



    Basically I have made a site for a friends restaurant and I want him to be able to edit the content. Right now there is no CMS in place and I am not sure what one is best to add to this site?


    I want my friend/client to be able to add to the main content area, updated the side columns with deals, add pictures to the cool flash gallery, add to the customer comments and most importantly edit the menu.php page so he can add new dishes and manage the content related to that page.


    Right now the menu.php page has includes for all the content. For example if you click on korma dishes on the left hand menu the content for this is stored in /menu/korma.php


    I have no idea on the best approach for this. I don't want to do site maintenance for him - I want to give him the site and he will be able to run with it. He has zero computer knowledge he is a beginner so I will be here to help but eventually I want him to be confident in the CMS and he won't need me.


    Does anyone think wordpress would be suitable for this?

  5. I have added the following jQuery after the google analytics code:

    $(document).ready(function() {
    $("#pre-book").attr("onSubmit", "pageTracker._trackEvent('Signup Forms','AMF Signup','Newsletter',2.0);");


    this picks up the form with id pre-book and it adds the onSubmit code to it:

    onsubmit="pageTracker._trackEvent('Signup Forms','AMF Signup','Newsletter',2.0);"


    i did this yesterday and submitted my details into the form but when I look in google analytics event tracking overview this hasn't been detected?


    does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

  6. still nothing?


    does the live-site.com have to be on a live server because i am still testing it locally.. This is how mine looks:


    if ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'http://dev.local/') {

      echo "no google analytics";


    else if ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'http://testsite.local/') {

      echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='js/ga.js'></script>";




    echo $__SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];


  7. Hi I am not sure how to explain this but let me type it in steps to help you understand what I want to achieve:


    if website = test area domain http://dev-site.com then echo { no google analytics }

    or else {

    if website = live domain echo http://live-site.com then echo { google analytics }


    if only code what that easy! hehe..


    If anyone understands the above then please can someone show me how to do this? I think this will be useful and I want to know if it is possible?



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