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Posts posted by CyDrive

  1. Sorry i cannot find the edit post button so....


    I have implemented the code as you said but it dosent work. Though let me explain what im trying to do. I have a tutorial page on my site. The tutorials are read from a database as we'll as the content of the tutorial.  I have evrything done but the actual displaying of the tutorials contents where i will also be able to store code. Here is the page that displays the tutorial.


    function code($content)
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">	
    <td bgcolor="#666666"><?echo $content; ?></td>
    $tut = $_GET['tutorial'];
    $database = "usersystem";
    $connection = mysql_connect($host, $user,$passwor) or die ("Could not connect to server."); 
    $db = mysql_select_db($database, $connection) or die ("Could not select database.");
    $ret = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tutorial");
    $disp = mysql_result($ret,$tut,'content');
    echo $disp;


    Now say it pulls this from the database.


    <? code("<html>"); ?>


    it would display it like this.


    "); ?>

  2. Md5 cannot be decrypted. Yes a brute force attack would work or even a dictionary attack but those attacks convert the words or combinations of letters and numbers into md5 and compare them to the original hash. According to cryptography a decryption is an actual reverse algorithm that can turn the hash back into its original form. If you post the encryption type you are using i might be able to help you decrypt it or something along the lines as long as its your property. Also those sites where you can compare the hash to others to find the original text are called rainbow tables. They are usually over 20gigs and can take over a year to generate.
  3. Hello, I am trying to make a code box function like the one in phpbb forums. Something like this.


    And my code goes here.


    Though I'm not sure how to do this if someone could explain or show me where i could get the source. Thank you in advanced.

  4. Ok im making a user managment system. Now this is only a test one to see if i can make it work before i make one for my real website. Though i keep getting an error on line 18 in my register2.php file. Here is the code.

    $username = $_POST['username'];
    $password = $_POST['password'];
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    $picture = $_POST["picture"];
    $ip = $REMOTE_ADDR;
    $username = strip_tags($username);
    $email = strip_tags($email);
    $picture = strip_tags($picture);
    $password = md5($password);
    if ( !$username || !$password || !$email || !$picture) {
    die( "All fields are required!" );
    $connect = mysql_connect( "x", "x", "x" );
    if ( ! $connect ) {
    die( "Could not connect to SQL server" );
    $insertstatement = "INSERT INTO Users VALUES ('$username', '$password', '$email')";
    mysql_select_db( "cydrive_test", $connect )
    or die ("Could not open database:" .mysql_error() );
    $selectresult = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username=’$username’", $connect );
    $numrows = mysql_num_rows( $result );
    if ( $numrows > 0 ) {
    print "The username you have chosen is in use. Please choose another one.";
    } else {
    mysql_query($insertstatment, $connect )or die( "Couldn't add data to table" );
    print "Registration successful! Login <a href="login.php">

    Heres the code for register.php is it helps any.

    <TITLE>Index Page</title>
    <BODY bgcolor="#ffffff">
    <body bgcolor = "black">
    if($_SESSION["username"] = null) {
    <form action="register2.php" method="post">
    Username: <input type="text" name="username" size="15"><br>
    Password: <input type="password" name="password" size="32"><br>
    Email: <input type="text" name="email" size="50";><br>
    Picture: <input type="text" name="pictures" size="1000";><br>
    <center><input type="submit"><input type="reset"></center>
    print"You are already logged in";

    Heres a link to register.php

    [b]edit(shoz): removed login details[/b]
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