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Posts posted by thatniqqasean

  1. Hey
    I've been looking around for a real basic CMS that doesnt have any features.
    I just want something where the admin can log in and edit just the wording of each page, like say he logs in and types 'welcome to my site' in a rich text editor for the home page.

    theres too many CMSs where theres too many features argh
    any help would be aprecciated.
  2. thanks for the help
    yeah what you said silentwf is proably what id do as those content management scripts are too big with too many features.

    i've worked with php a little but i've never started a db and wrote out from scratch is there any tutorials on that?
  3. Hey

    I'm looking around everywhere for a really simple kind of php script where an admin can sign in, and edit parts of the website via text only.
    eg. he signs in and wants to change the home text in a text box he types "welcome to blah blah" and it'll show up on the home page.

    I've been editing othe scripts, searched for a script like this.. and gave up
    help would be very apreciated.
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