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Posts posted by Jen

  1. I have more questions.  How do  I manage to encrypt my password files?  Can this be done with a php command while writing to a file?  I encryption still necessary if the password file is stored outsid the www file?  The file heirarchy looks like this:
    (where --- is the web url for the site)
    Should I put the password in the apdwbux04 file then?  I'm having trouble getting to that file with my ftp client.  When I click to view it, I cannot see the contents, even though I know there should be at least a www folder in there.  Should I be able to view the contents of this folder with my ftp client?  Should I just use a php script to create the files rather than trying to ftp them to that folder?  Is this something I should be contacting the web host about?  Sorry for asking so many questions.
  2. Ok, Sharkbait, that explains a lot, thanks!  I'm very new to this stuff; never done anything outside of simple html and css before, so I'm just getting my feet wet right now.  Will I have better luck accessing my files if they were stored "lower in the heirarchy," as you say?  Or would I still have my problem with denied access?
  3. Your reply confuses me.  I'm not using Unix, and the server I speak of is a web server, and I don't think they use Unix either.  I've been trying to set up a little news box on a website, with the ability for the site's owner to use a form to change the news contents.  I have two problems:  firstly, anyone could find the password file on the server and view (and probably change) its contents; secondly, my script doesn't have the access permissions to write to the file containing news data.  Here is my original post concerning this project:  http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,103311.0.html
  4. What is man chown?  I'm actually trying to change some file access permissions on a server.  I have a file containing password data that needs to be inaccessible to the general public (and currently is accessible), and I have a file containing other data that needs to be written to periodically by my php script (which I currently can't do because of denied access).
  5. Is there a way to find out who the owner is, or what the current file permission settings are for a particular file?  If I use chown, what exactly becomes the owner?  Is it the file that runs the script with chown("filename", "root")?  And what is the value of "root"?  I'm looking at Tayfun's post:  http://ca.php.net/manual/en/function.chown.php
  6. OK, well I just stuck a short script on the server and ran it to try and change the permission of the news file I'm writing to, and I got an error saying i'm not the owner, so the chmod failed.  What can I do now?  Here's the script:
    chmod("news.txt", 722);
  7. Thanks, the link explained a lot.  However, I have more questions.  Could anyone explain in more detail who falls into the "group" category as explained in the linked page?  Also, I want certain pages on my site to be password protected by a simple method which checks the user-entered password against the one on file.  Currently, anyone can view the contents of this file to find out the password.  Should I use 722 for the permission setting for that file?  If I chmod this file once, will it stay that way forever, or will I have to include a chmod somewhere in all my scripts to make sure that the file's permission settings stay like that?
  8. I wrote a very simple script that was supposed to update the contents of a news.txt file on the server's system, but I got "permission denied" errors when the script was run on the server.  I searched this forum for answers and found a lot about chmod, which I now understand has to do with file access permissions.  What I need is a clear explanation to a php noob about what chmod does, what's the significance of the number parameters (i.e. 755), and which number I should chmod to in my case.  Thanks!
  9. Hi all,
    I am trying to teach myself a little PHP so I can put a news box on a website I'm designing.  The news will be just a simple paragraph, not a blog, and it needs to be updated periodically by the site's owner.  I plan to store the news content in a separate news.txt file on the server, and just use an include() to put the content onto the web page.  What I need to know is how to use a form to input the news content and then write it to news.txt.
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