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Posts posted by Deserteye

  1. not sure what the problem is but every time I record in my database (in a VARCHAR field or a DATE field) ends in :01. For example, if the time is currently 10:34, the time will log as 10:01. anyone know whats wrong?
  2. [quote author=devnerds link=topic=122301.msg504277#msg504277 date=1168745571]
    Thats the point. It doesnt work.
    I dont think you can get what you are trying to do to work in a forum.
    the thing is, I have seen it done, just not sure how to make it work.
  3. I'm really stuck.

    I have a script that rotates every image in a users directory, when you navigate to it (example: http://www.mysite.com/users/deserteye/index.php). The problem is that I cannot post that link as an image on a phpBB forum. So if I post it as [img]http://www.mysite.com/users/deserteye/index.php[/img] it will post the whole thing as a link and not post the image. Anyone know what to do?
  4. [quote author=Destruction link=topic=113159.msg459912#msg459912 date=1162209581]
    Okay so what you actually mean is to download an image to your server from another site?  Often called transloading (site->site).  You may want to look at the File Handling section of the manual particularly file_get_contents, or the fsockopen etc.  I'm on a bit of a flyby visit but if I get chance in a bit I'll post an example up to get you started if needed.

    yeah thats wut I mean. an example would be great if you could. I'm not to sure how I would do it.
  5. [quote author=Destruction link=topic=113159.msg459697#msg459697 date=1162158988]
    File uploads require POST method to be used and links use GET.  It cannot be done unless I'm misunderstanding what you're asking.

    you know how you can type in a link to an image on photobucket or imageshack and it will upload it to your gallery.. how would I do that?
  6. [quote author=thorpe link=topic=111354.msg451201#msg451201 date=1160706552]
    Take a look at [url=http://au.php.net/manual/en/class.dir.php]dir[/url].
    so are you suggessting I use this instead of logging them in a database?
  7. I have an upload script and I want to have a File Manager for uploaded files. How would I show the files? Would I store the uploaded file names in a database or could I list all the files in a directory some how..?
  8. [quote author=printf link=topic=110998.msg449513#msg449513 date=1160429035]
    You can't manage bandwidth through PHP, unless you are serving the files through PHP, meaning the files will have no direct access. All the other stuff, like storage limits, file types can be handled via PHP scripting!

    thanks but that doesn't help. what language can I manage bandwidth with? how can I manage storage limits with PHP?
  9. I am trying to create a file upload script and I was wondering how I could create a meter of how much space a user has taken up/has left and how much bandwidth a user has used/has left. I would appriciate it if someone could provide sample code or a link. Thanks ;)
  10. [quote author=Hi I Am Timbo link=topic=110551.msg447055#msg447055 date=1160016549]
    Do you get an error with the new function?  What is it?
    The image “http://www.thesite.com/project.php” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
  11. [quote author=brendandonhue link=topic=110551.msg447036#msg447036 date=1160014862]
    imageloadfont() is expecting a .gdf file. You're probably looking for imagettftext().
    I tried that as well and I got an error too.

    Yes the verdana.ttf does exist.
  12. I need help on this script:


    header ("Content-type: image/png");

    $image = imagecreatefrompng("project.png");

    $color = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
    $font = imageloadfont("verdana.ttf");
    $string = "Text here";

    imagestring($image, $font, 9, 10, $string, $color);



    It gives me an error saying there is something wrong with it. The problem is that when I try to load the font (imageloadfont()), thats when it gives me an error. But when I take the imageloadfont() function out, its ok but the font looks bad. So how do I load the verdana font?
  13. I am wondering how to show how many users active in the past 15 min. I assume I would enter the current time in a database every page a user visits and subtract 15 from that. I don't know the best way to do this but any help would be appriciated. Could someone please tell me the best way to check for and show the users active in the past 15 min and provide sample code? Thanks

    (or a link to a tut will be good lol)
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