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Posts posted by draco2317

  1. Sorry for any confusion.  Basically, what i mean is, for example lets say i am starting a website like one model place, I want to know about planning the code, files, and folders.  I guess what I am trying to says so i am not just sitting at the computer typing random pieces of code, which might work, but would be difficult to maintain, repair, or upgrade.  Im looking at how to plan the code files and folders to its clean and effinecent. Also is there such a thing as commenting too much?
  2. Okay that is starting to make sense, if i am understanding it correctly.  Are you saying that the reasons to use arrays (but not all the reasons) is to have cleaner code as well as make it easier to make changes?
  3. Lets say someone declares an array in there php code for the days of the week, like  ["sunday","monday","tuesday"....]  Whats the point of that.  thats my question, because all the books i have been reading have been doing stuff like that, and i dont get the point.
  4. I have read about arrays, and see how they work, but my question is how does it fit into a real world script.  I dont see how arrays can be used, why not just declare a varible seperately.  I am sure there is a good reason, i just dont see it.  Please help.
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