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Posts posted by fccid

  1. first of all, why dont you just define the page as being in phpbb, to remove the hassle and the security problems you might encounter doing it that way..

    usually this code on the very top:

    define('IN_PHPBB', true);
    $phpbb_root_path = 'forum/';
    include($phpbb_root_path . 'extension.inc');
    include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.'.$phpEx);
    include($phpbb_root_path . 'fetchposts.'.$phpEx);

    // Start session management
    $userdata = session_pagestart($user_ip, PAGE_INDEX);
    // End session management

    that way, you dont have to manually do another query... here's the code to fetch the announcements, again you can define and customize it as you wish.. you can also output it in its own custom template, which declutters your code:

    // Fetch Posts from Announcements Forum
    $template->assign_block_vars('welcome_text', array());

    $fetchposts = phpbb_fetch_posts($CFG['news_forum'], $CFG['number_of_news'], $CFG['news_length']);

    for ($i = 0; $i < count($fetchposts); $i++)
    if( $fetchposts[$i]['striped'] == 1 )
    $open_bracket = '[ ';
    $close_bracket = ' ]';
    $read_full = $lang['Read_Full'];
    $open_bracket = '';
    $close_bracket = '';
    $read_full = '';

    $template->assign_block_vars('fetchpost_row', array(
    'TITLE' => $fetchposts[$i]['topic_title'],
    'POSTER' => $fetchposts[$i]['username'],
    'TIME' => $fetchposts[$i]['topic_time'],
    'TEXT' => $fetchposts[$i]['post_text'],
    'REPLIES' => $fetchposts[$i]['topic_replies'],
    'U_VIEW_COMMENTS' => append_sid('viewtopic.' . $phpEx . '?t=' . $fetchposts[$i]['topic_id']),
    'U_POST_COMMENT' => append_sid('posting.' . $phpEx . '?mode=reply&amp;t=' . $fetchposts[$i]['topic_id']),
    'U_READ_FULL' => append_sid('portal.' . $phpEx . '?article=' . $i),
    'L_READ_FULL' => $read_full,
    'OPEN' => $open_bracket,
    'CLOSE' => $close_bracket)
    $fetchposts = phpbb_fetch_posts($CFG['news_forum'], $CFG['number_of_news'], 0);

    $i = intval($HTTP_GET_VARS['article']);

    $template->assign_block_vars('fetchpost_row', array(
    'TITLE' => $fetchposts[$i]['topic_title'],
    'POSTER' => $fetchposts[$i]['username'],
    'TIME' => $fetchposts[$i]['topic_time'],
    'TEXT' => $fetchposts[$i]['post_text'],
    'REPLIES' => $fetchposts[$i]['topic_replies'],
    'U_VIEW_COMMENTS' => append_sid('viewtopic.' . $phpEx . '?t=' . $fetchposts[$i]['topic_id']),
    'U_POST_COMMENT' => append_sid('posting.' . $phpEx . '?mode=reply&amp;t=' . $fetchposts[$i]['topic_id'])
    // END: Fetch Announcements

    original code by (c) smartor_xp@hotmail.com
  2. Im using a script that takes a certain amount of ".gif" files (32bit) and layers it on top of each other and outputs a ".png" file. Since the originating images are "indexed" the output turns out to be indexed as well, however doing this in any other way results in higher quality YET mono-color.. This process is better because theres a lot more colours, but its limited.. thats why discoloration happens when a lot of different colors are used in the individual ".gif" files.

    I tried looking for help everywhere, and still no answers.. Is there a way to keep 100% of the original colours in each image so no colour loss happens? Using '".png" files instead of ".gif" doesnt work.. and i want to use an image with support for transparency.

    Thanks ^__^; Any help is appriciated.
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