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Posts posted by JustinMs66@hotmail.com

  1. right now i am using http://ip.goes.here/~admin/ to view my website until i switch dns over this new server. http://ip.goes.here/~admin/ points to /home/admin/public_html/.


    I have an .htaccess in /home/admin/public_html/ saying:

    RewriteEngine On
    allow from all
    RewriteRule ^contact$ contact.php


    when i go to http://ip.goes.here/~admin/contact.php, it works, but when i go to http://ip.goes.here/~admin/contact, it says:

    404: The requested URL /home/admin/public_html/contact.php was not found on this server.
    however, i checked it with SSH, and that file does exist.


    so .htaccess is looking in the wrong place. is this because of the extra directory /~admin/ in the url i have to use until i switch, is it screwing things up?

  2. when i try to use:


    i get this error:

    gd-jpeg: JPEG library reports unrecoverable error: in filename.


    I have GD 2.0.34 installed with PHP 5.2.10, and when i print gd_info(), it says [JPG Support] => 1 just as PNG and GIF support, but only JPG won't work!


    I have been through every possible article that google gives me about this error with no success.


    i tried setting this in php.ini, with no effect:

    gd.jpeg_ignore_warning = 1


    I tried installing GD 2.0.36 manually to overwrite the other GD = no change


    I tried installing GD 2.0.36 manually to another location and specifying that location when i configure php, which resulted in a different error:

    filename is not a valid JPEG file


    I tried manually installing libjpeg and specifying that manually when i configured php = no change


    Does anyone know how to fix this?

  3. in my .htaccess:

    RewriteRule ^edit/layout$ edit_layout.php

    but it returns a 404, but not because the regex isn't working, its because its looking in the wrong directory and i don't know why:

    The requested URL /home/admin/public_html/edit_layout.php was not found on this server.

    but my correct directory is:



    where can i change this?

  4. before i switched servers (to an unmanaged linux vps), a php script would load progressively. if i had a copy command, the text printed above the copy command would load and then the page would be slow for a while while it copies. now, after switching servers, the page won't load at all until everything is completed.


    Is there some way i can change the configuration to have the old way back?

  5. I am trying to get curl to work with a proxy. But it never works! Is my code correct? I have tried many different proxy ip's, all having the same result!

    For example, some came from here:



    $url = "http://google.com";
    $proxy = "";
    $ch = curl_init($url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 0);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPproxyTUNNEL, 1);
    curl_exec ($ch);
    print print_r(curl_getinfo($ch));


    When it prints the info array, most of it has a value of "0"


  6. I want to do a select query with like:

    SELECT * FROM this,that WHERE this.a = '1' AND that.b = '0'

    but when i do, this and that are mixed together in the array, overwriting eachothers row names if they are the same.

    How can i fix this?

  7. I am trying to have this query work:


    UPDATE actions, users SET actions.days = actions.days - TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, '2008-07-21 13:26:56', NOW()) WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, '2008-07-21 13:26:56', NOW()) >= 1 AND ((actions.fromid = '1269323825' OR actions.toid = '1269323825') AND users.user = '1269323825' AND actions.days >0 AND actions.days < 90 AND actions.type='P')


    And when i try that, i get:

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(DAY, '2008-07-21 13:26:56', NOW()) WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, '2008-07-21 13:26:5' at line 1


    But i don't see a place when its wrong. Can anyone help please?

  8. Tables:

    table: video

    important rows:

    id int(30)

    randname int(8)

    gameid int(10)

    groups text


    table: games

    id int(30)

    name text

    consoles text




    id: 8

    name: Half Life 2

    consoles: 4,8,9



    id: 6

    randname: 57954341

    gameid: 8

    groups: 78239



    Now i want to get all videos which it's game has the console number 4, and that are in the group 78239. I can get the group, but getting the console of the game is different, i'm not sure how to do it.

  9. What i am trying to do is get all videos where the game has a console of #123, and has a group of #12345.

    Now i have to do it differently because the consoles are not in the video table, they are in the game table.








    video.groups LIKE "%12345%"


    games.consoles LIKE "%123%"

    LIMIT 3


    That query is, when i do while($row=mysql_fetch_array...etc, outputting 3 of the same video randnames. It outputs 3 of the same video id's.


    Help please?


  10. ffmpeg -y -i "test.wmv" -s 320x240 -ss 8.5 -t 76.5 -f flv -ar 44100 -ab 56k -qscale 6 "test.flv"


    what i essentially want to do is cut out a section of video.

    so i set the starting point 8.5 seconds into it with:

    -ss 8.5

    and i set the ending point by setting the duration minus my new

    starting point minus my desired end time:

    -t 76.5


    now this does successfully work, however at the very end of the movie, the sound is 1 second short. it dosn't go out of sync either. the

    video is the currect duration, but the sound stops 1 second before it is supposed to.


    Can anyone help me?

  11. wow thanks for that guys! a lot of loopholes! im working on fixing them now, thanks again!


    also, you cant do '">code in posts. you can however do html code, which i allow, except i filter out <script> tags. maybe you could test that for an exploit?

  12. I am creating a web page, and it includes a dropdown menu as well as a flash object that scrolls through pictures. now the flash object is directly under the menu and when i use the menu, the items that drop down appear behind the flash object, which cannot work for this.


    so i did a bit of research and found that adding wmode="transparent" made it work. and i added it, and yes, the menu items now go over the flash object.


    However, when the wmode is set to transparent, the flash object lags ALOT. and it is difficult to explain, but what i mean by that is that is the actionscript (AS3) runs atleast twice as slow, and screws up the scrolling process a large ammount.


    Now this bug is only for Internet Explorer. when i use this for firefox, it works perfectly. i have tried styles with z-index, i have tried dynamically writing the flash object with javascript as well as embedding it with html in a variety of ways with no success.


    Can someone please help me in figuring out how to get a div html element to go over an embedded flash object in internet explorer without the flash object lagging?

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