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Posts posted by ngubie

  1. hi guys,


    im trying to implement a full outer join in MS Access. since access is stupid and doesn't support a full outer join, i made my script as follows


    select ....

    from A inner join B

    on A.field1 = B.field1 and A.field2 = B.field2

    union all

    select ....

    from A left join B

    on A.field1 = B.field1 and A.field2 = B.field2

    union all

    select ....

    from A right join B

    on A.field1 = B.field1 and A.field2 = B.field2


    but my problem is when one of the tables doesn't have an entry for field1 or field2, the rest of the data is still displayed but those fields are null. is there a way i can make it so that

    if field1 and field2 are present in any table, display that row WITH the field1 and 2 filled in?

  2. Hi guys,

    I got mysql 4.0.15 running on my computer, but 4.1.16 running on the network in the office. I used to design the site on my computer, then transfer it over to the office server, and everything was working fine.

    Then my personal comp got wiped, I reinstalled the local server, and now the mysql queries arent working anymore.

    I've narrowed the problem down to the date() function. if I do
    I get a query syntax error. but if I just do
    everything works, but I get the whole timestamp instead of just the date.

    Everything on the office server still works just as it should, but I would really like to get it up and running properly on my personal comp too, so...

    Does mysql 4.0.15 support the date() function?
    Why did it work before the wipe, but not after, even though everything should be the same still?
    Is there anything I can do to get it running on the personal comp? I really don't want to change the coding if it should be working properly but isnt due to a server problem.

  3. Hi,

    I'm trying to implement a popup warning similar to when a file exists in windows. When you copy a file into the a folder with another file of the same name, a popup appears asking if you are sure you want to overwrite the file.
    is there anyway to do that in php? or is there a similar alternative out there?

  4. Hi, I have a similar, but more simple problem.
    I have a search form that's supposed to pass two variables, 'srch' being the search string and 'Search' being the page that's supposed to load.

    <form method="get" action="index.php" style="width:190px">
    <input type=text name='srch' maxlength=255 style="width:150px">
    <input type=submit name='section' value="Search" style="font-size:10px ">

    in firefox it works fine, the url is "index.php?section=Search&srch=blah"
    but my office server only uses ie, and there's the problem.
    the url for that is "index.php?srch=blah", and it simply redirects me to the newspage which defaults if 'section' is null.

    ive tried to get around this with if statements instead

    } else if(isset($_GET['section'])){
    } else {

    everything flows as it should, except the include('Search.php?srch='.$srch); which doesn't seem to run at all

    can someone please help? either by getting around IE or telling me what's wrong w/ that include() statement. thanks
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