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Everything posted by DennisV

  1. I fixed the margins and fixed the logo to appear more consistant with the rest of the blue background. I emailed the website that has the script I am looking for. Hopefully they can help me out with that. I am very intersted in what people think about the concept, the security concerns and funtionallity of the website. My thoughts from the start have been, Keep it simple at the start, if it's pretty and doesn't work it isn't much good. Kinda like a new corvette with out an engine. I can work on giving it a makeover once I ensure it runs and is functional. I know some people may not agree with me on this part, but thats why we are all different. I have learned alot about doing the SSL stuff and I am learning something everyday. It can be frustrating at times, but it has it's rewards when something works and you found the solution. Thanks for the feedback. I am looking forward to reading more. DennisV
  2. Please review and give me feedback on my website. One of the things I need to get done is on the reminders, (Birthday, Anniversary, etc.)  is create a way to have the users select if they want an email reminder also. I have searched and searched for a script I could use or purchase to accomplish this. Does anyone know where I can find such a script? I would like the user to enter in what interval they would like the email sent before the specific event. example: 1 month, 10 days, 2 days, 1 day, everyday. http://www.iforgotagain.com Thanks in advance, DennisV
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