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Posts posted by endorphine44

  1. ok guys, not sure where or how to ask this so let me start with my config. FC5, apache 2.2, PHP 5.1.4 and Citadel Email server 6.82.
    I have a php contact form on my website that worked fine with PHP 5.1.2 (i think),apache 2.0 and the same email server on FC4. Now that I have reinstalled and setup everything again, my php form acts like its working, but the email doesn't come through.
    Citadels website says I can make a symbolic link from /usr/sbin/sendmail to /usr/local/citadel/citmail which i did. I can watch the activity in a terminal and ctiadel recieves the message and shows the following:
    SMTP: LHLO x
    SMTP: MAIL From: xxxxxxxx PageReply-To: xxxx@abc.net
    purging session x
    RemovingContext() session x
    Performing SMTP Cleanup hook
    Calling logout
    Session ended.

    Any ideas what's going wrong here, or what I'm missing? Any way to work around this? Thanks.

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