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Posts posted by MarkS

  1. Can somebody help me put into words exactly what Im looking for? Im looking for php Code help / tutorials on say...you enter a URL into a search box and it returns the number of backlinks in google


    How do i get things like the no. of links if i know the link: command or the no. of indexed pages with the site: command


    Thanks in advance

  2. while i could kiss you, one more question  :-* haha

    I want to make the text "search" font size 2 ie <font size="2"> but i know i cant do it like that

    How would i go about it? :)

    AndyB: that was a first time poster..you in disguise?  ;)

  3. [code]<?php

    $html = "<form name='search' method='post' action='search.php'>";
    $html .="<div style='vertical-align: middle;'>Search  \n";
    $html .="<input type='hidden' name='search' value='1'>\n";
    $html .="<select name='catagory'>\n";
    $html .="<option value='user'>DJ Name</option>\n";
    $html .="<option value='location'>Location</option>\n";
    $html .="<option value='religion'>Genre</option>\n";
    $html .="</select> \n";
    $html .="<input type='text' name='string' size='25' border-color='blue'> \n";
    $html .="<input type='image' src='http://www.cublox.com/images/go.jpg'></div></form> \n";

    echo $html;


    Thats the code im using for the search box in the header of www.cublox.com

    Why does the image not line up? Please can you tell me how to get the image to line up, and if its possible to make the input box border blue, and make the image not have a border?

    Thanks in advance

    my other question in another area never got answered so im hoping this one will  ;D
  4. Hi, im using phpfox and have added a table in the admin panel to contain text that users want to show as their offline message

    when the site is turned off a page is automatically displayed, but that page can only be edited by downloading it and uploading it back to the server

    if anyone knows phpfox and has ideas on what i can do it will be appreciated
  5. Hello there, I'm very new to php and have been reading some decent tutorials etc in my aim to become a good php programmer

    I'm trying to edit a file's text depending on the text entered on another page

    For example, the page to be edited is going to display an offline message when the site is turned off

    I want this to be able to be edited (the offline message) via the admin panel on the site

    I have created the text box and the code looks a bit like:
    $ITEMS4[] = build("<b>Site Title:</b>",input('site_title'));
    $ITEMS4[] = build("<b>Meta Keywords for search engines:</b>",phpfox_textarea('meta_keywords'));
    $ITEMS4[] = build("<b>Meta Description for search engines:</b>",phpfox_textarea('meta_description'));
    $ITEMS4[] = build("<b>Allow HTML on your site?</b>",select_option('allow_html'));
    $ITEMS4[] = build("<b>Turn off all ads on the site?</b>",select_option('turn_on_adds'));
    $ITEMS4[] = build("<b>Max time online before the session ends for a user:</b> <br /> (Minutes)",input('max_time_online'));
    $ITEMS4[] = build("<b>Shut down the site?</b>",select_option('turn_site_offline'));
    [b]$ITEMS4[] = build("<b>Site Offline Message</b> <br> (The Message your users will see when your site is Offline)",phpfox_textarea('NEED SOMETHING HERE'));[/b]

    the one in bold is the one i added to existing options

    i need something where it says "need something here" but not sure the best steps to go about what i want to do
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