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Posts posted by delmardata

  1. sure there is.  I was looking at Agata but it requires php-gtk and doesnt seem to work on PHP version below 5.  I am looking for a report writer that keeps track of the page size, prints headings at the top of each page, level totals with report totals, ect... Just like Crystal Reports.
  2. I have a shopping cart application that creates an order from the cart.  When the user 'confirms', the order header record (one) and order detail records (many) are created. A 'printer friendly' page is generated for the user to print a copy of the order.  I would like the ability to email this page.  In my past programming world I could print the page to a text file.  Then I could use something like the php mail function mail($to, $subject, $message); where $message is the text file.  Is it possible to email a page under the circumstances I describe?  Is there a PHP command to print to a file instead of print to printer? Or is there some simple way to do this?

    del mar data systems
  3. In the following function I am turning a shopping cart into an order. The order has an order header record and many detail records. I use auto increment to assign the order id and populate the order detail records with order id using the LAST_INSERT_ID() function. Next,I want to store the order id in a session variable but $SESSION['MM_ORDER']=LAST_INSERT_ID(); does not work. what am I doing wrong. Everything else works fine in this function. How does one assign LAST INSERT_UPDATE() to a session variable?

    Dennis Brownlie
    del mar data systems

    function MakeOrder($ItemId,$today,$adminid,$oe_id)

    mysql_query("INSERT INTO inorder(order_id,admin_id,order_date) values (null,'1',NOW())");
    "SELECT last_insert_id() as id_number from INCART";
    // the next line does not work
    mysql_query("UPDATE incart SET incart.orderid = LAST_INSERT_ID()");

    mysql_query("INSERT INTO inorderdtl( order_id,part_id, price, qty) select orderid,part_id, price, qty from incart where cookieId = '" . GetCartId() . "'");

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