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Posts posted by sim0ng

  1. I'm in the process of recoding my cms and want to make catagories for content to be put under and would like a bit of help on how to create a linkup table.

    I have got this so far for the main content

    [code] mysql_query($strsql);
    $strsql = "CREATE TABLE sim0ngportal_manuals_pages (id MEDIUMINT  UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,title VARCHAR(255), description MEDIUMTEXT , startpage CHAR(1), PRIMARY KEY (id));";[/code]

    I will create a new table called "sim0ngportal_manuals_catagories" with just a field to insert catagory names, will probably be called "catagory_name" to keep things nice and simple.

    Now, how do I then link the 2 together? do i need to create a forin key yo go to the other table? and how do I join it?  Have heard that I can use something like "INNER JOIN" but I'm not sure if thats correct or how exactly to use it.

    Any help would be great
    cheers :)
  2. i did indeed but i cannot remember exactly what I wrote as I deleted it after ages of playing about trying to make it work with no luck.

    Will have another shot tomorrow, will try just doing changeable templates through the admin first, if that works then I'll see if I can get it to work with users too using the if/else command. Right now, I'm heading off to bed so will let you know how I get on tomorrow.
  3. okay, I'll bear that in mind for next time and I dont really know what to show, I deleted the templates code I had because it wasn't working and I was getting far to stressed with it so thought I'dleave it and see if anybody could shine a light on how to do it.

    I have have added a templates field into both my config and my users tables and at the top and bottom of the page where it calls in the header and footer I put an "if/else" command in so it would be like

    <?php require('/templates/$template/header.php.inc'); ?>

    but it didn't like that as I only had the directory name stored in the database which it would pull up and slot in the place of the "$template" tag but it didn't seem to work
  4. mainly... i just need to know what bit of code in php-nuke decodes users passwords and how to make a start page for the user and admin sides of the portal... the changeable templates can be added in at a later date but thought i may aswell ask it and everything else I asked in one go rather then making multiple questions over and over.
  5. I'm trying to create a new portal system to run a site of mine off, currently its running on an extremly modified version of php-nuke... well... I built a new system but based on nuke and ripped loads of code rather then writing my own which I completeley regret now as I have a lot of problems.

    I have in the past built a very basic content management system and a small and light forum and am now trying to intergrate them together to make a start with the new system but I have no idea how to go abouts doing it, i dont know how I can make things into "modules" I haven't got a clue how I can import all the old users passwords across from the current site as I dont know how to make the system decode the encrypted passwords generated by php-nuke or are they generated by mysql?  Currently, the forum and cms I made the passowrds arent encrypted at all and want to give a bitmore security to it.

    Another problem I've been having is trying to figure out how to do changeable templates.  I've been starting to mod this into the forum on my site which is the same as the one I'm putting into the portal and keep having a few difficulties.  I put a theme thing in the database under both config for a default and under the user so they can choose but have been getting stressed out as my 'if' and 'else' commands aren't working right as i've got it like if its a user then show the template from them but if its not get it from the config but it ether chucks up a load of code saying nope, i dont wanna do that all your codings wrong or it it wont change at all and stays on the default skin.

    If somebody could help me I'm be most greatfull, and if somebody is willing to talk me through it on msn my login is simon@sim0ng.com  can get me on yahoo too through blink182maniack but I dont go on there very often.

    thanks in advance,
    simon :)
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