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  1. thanks guys, twas a great help. Its up and working now
  2. whats a function/way that i can check if a file exists? eg: $number="1"; $filename="test"; untill (A FILE NAMED $filename$number.txt DOES NOT EXIST) { $number++ } Thats main idea of what i want to use it for, i just dont know what function to use.
  3. I remember seeing a a script a while back that i REALY liked and was amazingly simple. You put a file into a folder with images. The file/script gets all the images, resizes them to thumbnail size, lines all the thumbnails up and links the thumbnails to the fullsized images. The fullzised images open up in a popup window. Does anybody have something similar to that? Its all in one file.
  4. i tried to Pm you put it says im not allowed to send personal messages. could you post a link to the script here?
  5. how can i make a upload field? Like on a page, a imput box, with a browse button, when you push submit it uploads whats in the imput box onto your server. ???? please help.
  6. thanks, i figured it out through the links.
  7. how do you use those functions? care to give a quick example? thanks
  8. how would i write something to another file? eg. i want to write whats in my $_REQUEST['note'] to a notes.txt file to have a log of what everybody put into the imputbox?
  9. many thanks, it worked.
  10. my code: (im leaving out things that dont matter, like the body and head tage, to save space) <form name="form" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="test.php">   <p>Your name:     <input type="text" name="name">     <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"> </form> and the code for test.php (the form action=test.php). im not including the html, only the php. <?php print("$name"); ?> now, for some reason, test.php will NOT print $name. I get no error message. just a blank page. here is is uploaded. http://wolfstudios-online.com/email PLEASE HELP!
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